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Experts say Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter just as Wuhan once was

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posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

One of the mods here, best friend died from it..I'm sure he disagree's with you.
Haven't seen him lately..probably somewhat disgusted by assholes here.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: grey580
Experts say Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter just as Wuhan once was

In the Hold my Beer category it seems that Miami is the new Wuhan for coronavirus in the states. And I'll bet that Orlando will be coming in at #2 soon as well. Especially now that Disney World is reopening. All those tourist coming to Florida for vacation might just be taking home some coronavirus home as a souvenir.

“Miami is now the epicenter for the virus,” said Lilian M. Abbo, M.D., an infectious diseases specialist at the University of Miami Health System. “What we were seeing in Wuhan [China] five months ago, we’re now seeing here.”

The experts were speaking minutes after Florida announced 12,624 new cases of COVID-19 — a day after Florida set a record for any state with 15,300 new cases.

Until people take this seriously we will not be beating this disease.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't those ultra liberal cities? Why aren't the liberals wearing their masks?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: grey580

God Bless the poor souls.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: putnam6


I'll refer you to the infectious disease specialist at U of M Health System. She might know a thing or two.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: panoz77

Florida is a weird mix of everything. Plenty of conservative cubans here in miami. As well as a mix of refuges from various leftist south and central american countries that will never vote democrat.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: CraftyArrow

You mean like this guy?

There is not enough space here to show you the millions people who have tested positive for COVID-19, in which did not phase their health one bit.

edit on 13-7-2020 by CraftyArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: panoz77

Florida is a weird mix of everything. Plenty of conservative cubans here in miami. As well as a mix of refuges from various leftist south and central american countries that will never vote democrat.

I'm not talking about Florida in general, Miami and Orlando were specifically mentioned.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:40 PM
Almost everyone I've heard about on here who said they knew someone died also admitted the person had other serious conditions.

Rarely, and I mean very rarely is anyone dying that was perfectly healthy. Not obese, not suffering from cancer, kidney issues. When that is taken into context and really looked at in detail (it won't be) the landscape of what is in the media changes drastically.

People don't want to accept that for some reason and I don't get that aspect. They also don't want to know about people who recovered swiftly or show no symptoms. Never any stories on those people. Now, let's compare those people to the ones who died and really understand the virus. Nope. We can't do that either. Just cases, cases and cases. Over and over.
Hospitals overflowing but they turn the Navy med ships away and tear down the guard hospitals but nobody says a word.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: SKEPTEK

So a worldwide pandemic scam to try and hurt Republicans?... I get questioning the masks or other precautions but saying this is all an attempt to shame Republicans seems damn silly.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: grey580

Until people take this seriously we will not be beating this disease.

What do you mean? People are being FORCED to take it seriously.

The problem is, no one knows ONE damn person that’s died from it.

Can't stress this s# enough.

Look, I get that some of our posters have drawn the short straw and lost a few people.

BUT they do not represent the real world. Period. My dad, stepmom and youngest brother are in suburban Detroit, granted in one of the better 'burbs, but my step-aunt and uncle, and cousin, all their mutual friends among the fam, my brother and his co-workers and friends, NOBODY knows anyone, in the damn Ground Zero Zone here in MI no less, who's been ill or even tested positive for Covid. NONE of them.

You'd think with a Chinese stepmother from China with Chinese parents who come here from China to visit a household with a near-80 year old someone who's had major heart surgery (quintuple bypass, my dad-- go big or go home) and has a seriously medically effed kid (youngest brother, rather severe health issues due to Down Syndrome, kid drew the short straw on that disorder) AND everyone going to and from Detroit and the various other suburbs, that one of them would KNOW SOMEONE who's been sick, if not potentially been sick themselves.
I mean, for the most part, that's like a High Risk Regatta 'round that living room and wide circle of equally elderly & medically at-risk friends. But no, not a-one of 'em is ill. Or has been ill. Or knows anyone who has or is. Or knows anyone who's died from it. That's what gets 'em, "According to those oh-so-scary government numbers, I should know a bunch of dead old farts. I'm a high-risk old fart, why is everyone I know still alive and fine? It's not like any of us are doing anything to mitigate this." I asked the same question, dad, no one has a good enough answer for me aside from the "luck" fallback. Which doesn't cut it. And I'll illustrate why:

So let's revisit that "luck" thing -- if my dad and his wife and kids, everyone he knows, his extended family, etc is all fine and knows no one sick or dead, maybe that luck ran out for posters here who have. I mean, seriously here. If you all can needle me over his choices and claim he got lucky, guess what I can turn around and claim? The minority on here who got UNlucky and lost someone is just an inevitable statistic at this point, someone's going to have to take one for the team there, and it was them.

You're going to have to do a whole lot better than blaming his "good fortune" of not catching the 'Rona on "lucky", because I can come back with pointing out just who's luck ran OUT in return. It works both ways, it's not a CYA answer.
edit on 7/13/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: CraftyArrow

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: CraftyArrow

You mean like this guy?

There is not enough space here to show you the millions people who have tested positive for COVID-19, in which did not phase their health one bit.

Just throwing this out there, but is it possible that it was genetically engineered to be heavily asymptomatic to many people to continue the spread over a long period of time. It's bizzare that some people who are very healthy get extremely sick and then some show no symptoms.

I wonder if this was a bio-weapon that was engineered to do long term damage to a nation, but then got loose.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: SKEPTEK

So a worldwide pandemic scam to try and hurt Republicans?... I get questioning the masks or other precautions but saying this is all an attempt to shame Republicans seems damn silly.

More specifically to hurt President Trump's reelection chances.

The Deep State has begun to be dismantled under President Trump.

They are doing everything in their power to keep people under their control and buying into their hoaxes such as the ScamDemic.
edit on 13-7-2020 by SKEPTEK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: putnam6


I'll refer you to the infectious disease specialist at U of M Health System. She might know a thing or two.


put the link up but right now those are the numbers.

Not saying this isn't serious my 76-year-old uncle has it. Has had lung issues he is out of the hospital for the last four days and is on oxygen. That said in Florida you are more likely to die of accidental injury just saying

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: grey580
Experts say Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter just as Wuhan once was

In the Hold my Beer category it seems that Miami is the new Wuhan for coronavirus in the states. And I'll bet that Orlando will be coming in at #2 soon as well. Especially now that Disney World is reopening. All those tourist coming to Florida for vacation might just be taking home some coronavirus home as a souvenir.

“Miami is now the epicenter for the virus,” said Lilian M. Abbo, M.D., an infectious diseases specialist at the University of Miami Health System. “What we were seeing in Wuhan [China] five months ago, we’re now seeing here.”

The experts were speaking minutes after Florida announced 12,624 new cases of COVID-19 — a day after Florida set a record for any state with 15,300 new cases.

Until people take this seriously we will not be beating this disease.

So believe the Chinese?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Not the pandemic itself. The response to it and misleading reporting. As AOC said in that tweet she deleted, shutdown the economy and hurt Trump so we can win in a nutshell. Yes, this is absolutely true. The more the economy suffers the more they can blame it on one person. The whole pandemic, all the deaths, failed businesses. All on this one person. Then the news cycle repeats it over and over. All his fault. Every damn bit of it. That is exactly what is going on.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: FlyinHeadlock
You saw that tweet?
Thanks to campaign ads everyone will see that tweet soon.

Sponsored by goya no less.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: grey580
Experts say Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter just as Wuhan once was

In the Hold my Beer category it seems that Miami is the new Wuhan for coronavirus in the states. And I'll bet that Orlando will be coming in at #2 soon as well. Especially now that Disney World is reopening. All those tourist coming to Florida for vacation might just be taking home some coronavirus home as a souvenir.

“Miami is now the epicenter for the virus,” said Lilian M. Abbo, M.D., an infectious diseases specialist at the University of Miami Health System. “What we were seeing in Wuhan [China] five months ago, we’re now seeing here.”

The experts were speaking minutes after Florida announced 12,624 new cases of COVID-19 — a day after Florida set a record for any state with 15,300 new cases.

Until people take this seriously we will not be beating this disease.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't those ultra liberal cities? Why aren't the liberals wearing their masks?

Meh, it’s pretty well mixed up. In Broward we’ve had a lot of Dems in local offices, but the population of people are not reflective of that. It’s definitely nothing close to what you see in Cali or Washington as far as liberalness goes. If I went just based off what I experience at work, I’d think it were primarily conservative/republican because I deal mainly with people in the trades and it seems all my vendors are right leaning, but the younger generation is predominantly left leaning.

I’m noticing a big split in the left leaning side that’s become more pronounced over the last year. You’ve got your average Dems and then the progressive/far-left, which, to me anyway, are as different as D’s and R’s. IE- I know plenty of registered Dems, but not a single friend of mine was supportive of the rioting or looting. Hell, the more centered Dems might just break into their own party since they aren’t even thrilled with Biden.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

No one i know knows anyone who has died from COVID.

I only hear ancillary reports about people who were infected.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: FlyinHeadlock
a reply to: blueman12

Not the pandemic itself. The response to it and misleading reporting. As AOC said in that tweet she deleted, shutdown the economy and hurt Trump so we can win in a nutshell. Yes, this is absolutely true. The more the economy suffers the more they can blame it on one person. The whole pandemic, all the deaths, failed businesses. All on this one person. Then the news cycle repeats it over and over. All his fault. Every damn bit of it. That is exactly what is going on.

People still think that tweet was real?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: FlyinHeadlock
a reply to: blueman12

Not the pandemic itself. The response to it and misleading reporting. As AOC said in that tweet she deleted, shutdown the economy and hurt Trump so we can win in a nutshell. Yes, this is absolutely true. The more the economy suffers the more they can blame it on one person. The whole pandemic, all the deaths, failed businesses. All on this one person. Then the news cycle repeats it over and over. All his fault. Every damn bit of it. That is exactly what is going on.

A friend of mine is like this. Everything is Trumps fault. Fauci didn't order masks until 2 months after the lockdown? Trumps fault. The current spike caused by BLM protesters and their rise in infections among 20somethings? Not a governor or mayors fault...its Trumps fault. OK, so its his fault people protested and it wasn't stopped...but when he stopped it in DC with pepperballs? A tyrant and war criminal.

The dude is smart. But there is no getting through to him. His litmus test is his wife, who he brought back from his years living in Belize, that isn't exactly a legal citizen. He thinks Trump is threatening to lock her and the baby in separate cells and break apart their family. So he hates Trump. and therefore all of everything is his fault.

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