I'm sorry if i get angry or sounds so dumb, i don't meant to but it just gets to me
Maybe this can explain a bit how i feel so frustrated just thinking about that situation
Some day in the future: "Mommy all my friends have grand fathers, how come we don't have one, what happened to him?"
- Oh baby, he died protecting his country, he gave his life for our freedom and stuff
- Oh baby, nothing much, he died protecting some drug plantations on some nasty country where he should have never been, but i can't tell you that so
i'm going to lie while looking into your eyes and pretend he was there protecting our freedoms
You already have all you wanted in life so you don't feel or can see my situation, i want to be proud, and when i talk about it i want to be free and
happy and say the truth, but the truth is crap and i can't be proud of that or lie away so easy as some other people do.
What to do about this? I don't want to lie, it bothers me to no end, it makes me miserable to know what happened and why and where and everything
related to it. I'm not a kid anymore and it hurts in terrible ways, i don't know how to explain
Going through primary school and later on, on fathers day. It's a stupid situation to stand there alone, watching all the other kids with their family
and me and a couple other looking like idiots just trying to pretend everything is fine, for a bunch of stupid lies that sent my father to die on some
# whole place where he didn't had any reason to be other than fill some other stupid people's pockets with money?
What do you feel about that? What's this crap? See? That's my frustration, it's not easy to get maybe but to me i'm just getting so frustrated right
now that i'm just going to log out and not come back in several days until i can't stop thinking about those stupid days in school and in the future
that other's will enjoy and i won't
But let's believe the awesome propaganda that tells us the US is the good guys and all death soldiers are heroes that died protecting our country and
we must feel proud. And let's look away when you know some of them, lots actually, were out there protecting drug fields.
This is so stupid dude
edit on 16-7-2020 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)