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Missing 411: The Hunted

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posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: washy76

I watched this last week and found it interesting.
I did like it but a couple of the cases were a bit daft, the one case of an 82 year old who was blind in one eye and half deaf, going missing whilst out on his own? He may have been an avid outdoors man but come on, he was an old fella, it could have been caused by a number of health problems, if he had just stumbled, bones break easy at that age.
But some of the cases are just out right strange and do leave you scratching your head.
Also during many interviews with Mr Paulides he said that he didn't want to point the finger at any particular reason for people going missing, but with the "samurai chatter" included it seemed a bit obvious. Why doesn't he just come right out and say it, otherwise why have that segment on the movie?
But if you do have an interest in his books, it's worth a watch.

I think the point they were trying to make was the fact there was no trace of the old guy that was more strange.

The chapter that felt like a bit of a stretch to me was the invisible predator with the tree lady part.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: one4all

Thank you O4A, I agree, still kinda don’t want to know, but also do! Leaving it alone, trusting my instincts!

edit on 11-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

Father God, thank you for KTemplar, they are precious to you, you adore them. I rebuke all trauma, all fear, all PTSD. I rebuke all fear from the past. I cast it out of KTemplar's mind, body and soul. I speak a free and clean mind, I speak perfect functioning of nervous system. I speak peace, joy, and complete calm in all circumstances. I speak FREEDOM. Life! In the name of Jesus, amen.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 02:03 PM
I've been all over the Smokies from Northeast Tennessee to the Georgia line,all over the Sierra's and San Bernardino mountains, Mojave, Yellowstone and still have never seen one bit of evidence that Bigfoot exists.Did hear something once that I couldn't ID.I saw bears,bobcats, cougars,heck,even a Ivorybill woodpecker once .There is one thing I definitely believe is out there- big cats.I have seen tracks that could be a released big cat a few times,if one of those decided to grab you there's not going to be a lot of evidence left.All that said,most disappearances are likely from accidents and people.The Ted Bundy's of the world are far and away the deadliest predator out there.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: filthyphilanthropist

originally posted by: drussell41

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: washy76

Alot of the older people don't look like they could be trafficked for anything--sex, labor, whatever. What would you think they'd be trafficked for? Just curious.
people do have fetishes

**in edit** I'm just being silly. That doesn't seem too plausible.

While brainstorming, most ideas shouldn't be discarded out of hand. Your idea isn't impossible.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 02:45 PM
This seems like a really good fit for drones.
Certainly, there ares some crafty fleet drone orgs out there.

A mission that keeps revolving surveillance. Even enter caves briefly.
Drones using LIDAR can certainly navigate trees below the canopy.

A bite pricey, but heh... not much more to do right now. Perhaps a good go-fund-me op.
Organizational skills required.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 04:23 PM
I grew up playing in the dessert one of my favorit places during the day

One day me and my brother go climb a hill we climb alot bye the old mining caves well we set out late ended up there at night not really a big deal we where armed and the worst thing we had ever seen this low was cyotes very bare out there not much but snakes and lizards

But we heard something right as we where going back down we point our lights back up to where we where nothing odd we advance about 20 feet up thinking it must be a person maby there looking for us thinking where lost hikers we yell out nothing but we definitely hear something at this point its loud we cut the lights change position and just watch and listen nothing but we still hear this sound at this point we decided its time to quickly get out of there roped up and went down fast about half way down the sound was gone

The sound the best I can describe it was foot steps and rifling threw something like bushes or trees but theres really no bushes and not a single tree up there and footsteps would also have the sound of falling rocks

No idea what it was shouldent be anything up there but I wont go back at night ever again

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: ridgerunner

You should look into missing 411 more deeply before trying to explain it away as nothing.

There's cases where toddlers are lost and found hours later, alive, miles away in very rugged terrain that would be impossible for a fit adult to traverse in that time.

If you want to write it off as big cats or bears there would be signs of struggle, blood, clothes...maybe most importantly scent.

A common denominator is the dogs can never pick up a scent...explain that? And another commonality is people not having shoes on when they are found/come to, and rain.

So anyone ready to explain it away like a bear ate them or they fell off a cliff needs to explain why the dogs can't track it. Or why toddlers traverse 10 miles in a few hours in rugged mountain terrain with no shoes.

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: hiddeninsite
a reply to: KTemplar

Father God, thank you for KTemplar, they are precious to you, you adore them. I rebuke all trauma, all fear, all PTSD. I rebuke all fear from the past. I cast it out of KTemplar's mind, body and soul. I speak a free and clean mind, I speak perfect functioning of nervous system. I speak peace, joy, and complete calm in all circumstances. I speak FREEDOM. Life! In the name of Jesus, amen.

💙 God Bless you and thank you!

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: BerkshireEntity

The Indiginous People learned this to after many conflicts....thats why they began using Totem Poles....and didnt wander around aimlessly exploring for the fun of it.

Totem poles are from North West coast tribes. Can you elaborate what you mean "why they began using totem poles?"

posted on Jul, 11 2020 @ 11:16 PM
I once had a very terrifying conversation with an older no bull# gentleman that used to blow pipe up near Alaska. He told me of a night he was there alone with no crew getting the pipe ready for morning work when he saw dozens of eyeballs around the circular line the fire created. This was out in the middle of nowhere in a dense forest. They wouldn't come into the light, whatever they were. He said he could see their outlines and they were extremely large.

The problem with bigfoot is most people have zero freaking clue how much of north America (at least) has wilderness that's been untouched by humans. People that aren't hunters also have zero clue how impossible it would be to find a body in said wilderness. Especially if whatever they are are intelligent and have some form of burial. I for one do believe there is an undiscovered gorilla in our forests. And in order for it to not be hunted for sport it was forced to get its crap together and keep away from us.
edit on fSaturdayAmerica/Chicago1311699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

edit on fSaturdayAmerica/Chicago1011699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
This seems like a really good fit for drones.
Certainly, there ares some crafty fleet drone orgs out there.

A mission that keeps revolving surveillance. Even enter caves briefly.
Drones using LIDAR can certainly navigate trees below the canopy.

A bite pricey, but heh... not much more to do right now. Perhaps a good go-fund-me op.
Organizational skills required.

Military Hit Teams that murder Clans use Choppers and Acoustic tracking.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: one4all

Not implants?
I heard they used implants.

And frequencies.

edit on 7/12/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: drussell41

Between suicides and Assasinations and Murders and Human Trafficing we can see organized use of our National Forests and Protected areas....someone has designated them as go-to areas for nefarious works.....and there are many types of nefarious use.....satanic child trafficers loose ends drug dealers money launderers corporate murders for Insurance and business reasons Secret Societies demoting underperformers to whistleblower killings....easiest place in the world to commit a homocide and cover it up permanently.

David P. takes a LEO perspective and stance....its hs wheelhouse but its also his personal vetting process......his LEO mind is trained to recognise patterns first then attatch meaning later....and his mind works great....he has recognised the patterns....but has learned of the immense number of causalities behind these disappearances.....he has devoted much time to INFORMING PEOPLE of the risks of being alone in the woods ANYWHERE.Anytime.

With David we are ALWAYS left to come to our own conclusions and this is because of the high volume of seemingly different causalities and a lack of definitive proof...

We are constantly and consistently put in positions where conventional Investigative problem solving doesnt work or goes to a defined SOP area then ceases or becomes difficult to adhere the perps know the systems and processes and the limits of these things and consistently use this knowledge to hinder or prevent Investigations.
edit on 12-7-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: drussell41

Between suicides and Assasinations and Murders and Human Trafficing we can see organized use of our National Forests and Protected areas....someone has designated them as go-to areas for nefarious works.....and there are many types of nefarious use.....satanic child trafficers loose ends drug dealers money launderers corporate murders for Insurance and business reasons Secret Societies demoting underperformers to whistleblower killings....easiest place in the world to commit a homocide and cover it up permanently.

That is the first time I've heard the theory that it may be multiple nefarious networks using the natl forests, etc., as "playing" fields. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this were the case, having investigated the Smiley Face Killers homicides. I'd be interested in hearing how you came to this conclusion. I think there is some really evil, dark stuff going on. Did you see this? I'd be willing to bet significant money that this kind of thing exists here too. 96e2

We are constantly and consistently put in positions where conventional Investigative problem solving doesnt work or goes to a defined SOP area then ceases or becomes difficult to adhere the perps know the systems and processes and the limits of these things and consistently use this knowledge to hinder or prevent Investigations.

I think back the to the Tallahassee Finders case. If this can happen with children, it's not impossible for it to happen in other criminal arenas. I think there may be LE involvement or that LE has been bought/threatened/ordered off in some cases. It could be people around LE who have picked up the knowledge or associated professionals in other fields. Then....once they have the's shared.

edit on 12-7-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: ridgerunner
I've been all over the Smokies from Northeast Tennessee to the Georgia line,all over the Sierra's and San Bernardino mountains, Mojave, Yellowstone and still have never seen one bit of evidence that Bigfoot exists.Did hear something once that I couldn't ID.I saw bears,bobcats, cougars,heck,even a Ivorybill woodpecker once .There is one thing I definitely believe is out there- big cats.I have seen tracks that could be a released big cat a few times,if one of those decided to grab you there's not going to be a lot of evidence left.All that said,most disappearances are likely from accidents and people.The Ted Bundy's of the world are far and away the deadliest predator out there.

I agree completely with your last sentence re the "Ted Bundy's of the world". So true.

Big cats don't eat guns and bows/arrows. There have been extremely thorough SAR grid searches where people have gone missing, and every last item on them is gone. Then, later, victims' possessions....or bones...placed in a staged manner in a location that had been searched already.

I envy the things you've seen and done.
Be safe out there tho....carry a transponder in addition to your firearm? File a "flight plan" with a friend or relative that if you're not back by X, there's a problem? You probably already do this. This is OT, but if you take pictures, I'd be interested in seeing them if you wanted to start another thread on the beauty of hiking.
edit on 12-7-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: BerkshireEntity

I think it's time slips or maybe negative (maybe wrong word to describe) entities or groups of human interdimensional beings.

I'm thinking that we may be making the mistake of a false dichotomy if we think it has to be time slips, interdimensional beings, criminal networks, OR bigfoot, etc. What it it were actually several or all of the above? Just throwing it out there as an idea, not saying that's the case.
edit on 12-7-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
a reply to: ridgerunner

You should look into missing 411 more deeply before trying to explain it away as nothing.

There's cases where toddlers are lost and found hours later, alive, miles away in very rugged terrain that would be impossible for a fit adult to traverse in that time.

If you want to write it off as big cats or bears there would be signs of struggle, blood, clothes...maybe most importantly scent.

A common denominator is the dogs can never pick up a scent...explain that? And another commonality is people not having shoes on when they are found/come to, and rain.

So anyone ready to explain it away like a bear ate them or they fell off a cliff needs to explain why the dogs can't track it. Or why toddlers traverse 10 miles in a few hours in rugged mountain terrain with no shoes.

It's not uncommon for dogs to not find a scent. I remember watching North woods Law show, they tried to use dogs to find a missing 70 year old hiker, the dogs couldn't find the person, later that night rescue people ended up finding him alive. He lost like 25 pounds over the 5days.

Was David really a Detective for over 20? I read that he was charged and indicted for a misdemeanor crime that involved falsely obtaining autographs while fraudulently misrepresenting his position within the police department.

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: Echo007

Another case in Mass was that of a college student who was home during a break from Duke University, who went missing after leaving a small gathering of some friends just a couple of streets away from
his home.

This occurred in Franklin, MA, May 2017. This case is imo another Missing 411 case. The young man was headed home, 2 streets away. It starting pouring out. He never showed up at home. A search ensued for 6 days, which included helicopters, drones, local/state police and volunteers. Searchers found one of his shoes by a golf course, and his shirt and another shoe in swampy area quite some miles away!

I knew people who searched for him, and a local medium even got involved. The people I know who searched for him said something was very wrong about this case.

They found his body 200 yards from the last seen house. Which was searched MANY times by police and SAR and dogs.

Cause of death: Undetermined / then found another article that said hypothermia.

Also the news articles kept changing, I couldn’t believe the differences in information!

edit on 12-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2020 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: drussell41

The samurai chatter has been linked to a possible sasquatch 'language'.

edit on 12-7-2020 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

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