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I lost all confidence in this guy after hearing hearing him saying this. Doctor Fauci

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posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
Fauci is a deeply suspect character in all this. He has been one for decades.. Im still surprised at how few have looked into his past, his wife's connections, his connections to people like Gates, and his personal profit motives when it comes to vaccines. I suppose everything now is all about the moment though. Very few are looking at anything beyond media articles.

That's just it though, I am disappointed that Trump has kept him around this long. Of course that could just be a strategic move to placate the Dems. Fauci is deeply involved with Gates and others, and not to our benefit.

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: redchad

Same in the us.
To protect from panic buying.
However the us shelves were cleared of masks, purchased
In large quantifies to be sent overseas to China, by relatives, to relatives. This was early on February and March

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: HalWesten

Without even going into his incredibly suspicious connections, past, and profit motives.. Im not going to trust a word a public health official has to say unless they actually start making attempts to improve public health.

Its literally their job, after all.

And, with the amount of incredible research and science that has occured in this field in the last two decades, its amazing to me that we are using the same approach and methods we employed 100 years ago.

As long as people get all of their info from mass media (news, facebook, etc) and keep perceiving the mere words of "experts" as actual science.. Its a tough situation.

posted on Jul, 8 2020 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
Masks are only really effective for addressing droplets, which isnt the vector of infection the Priests of the Technocracy keep trying to imply it is.

How is this spread, then, primarily?

posted on Jul, 8 2020 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Serdgiam

And, with the amount of incredible research and science that has occured in this field in the last two decades, its amazing to me that we are using the same approach and methods we employed 100 years ago. 

Speaking of which the education system just happens to also be archiac, none of which is accidental.

As long as people get all of their info from mass media (news, facebook, etc) and keep perceiving the mere words of "experts" as actual science.. Its a tough situation.

Celebrities reality, it's the latest reality show where doctors, scientists and politicians lay it down for us all to consume and argue about.

posted on Jul, 8 2020 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: drussell41
How is this spread, then, primarily?

Im saying its aerosol particles. Admittedly, this is still debated, but as one researcher says:

“In the mind of scientists working on this, there’s absolutely no doubt that the virus spreads in the air,” says aerosol scientist Lidia Morawska at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. “This is a no-brainer.”

My guess is that they are waiting to release this info for when it can serve as a better "fear factor." Perhaps for when masks are widely adopted and accepted, and they desire to clamp down on the population further. Probably just my "conspiricist" mindset

Actual droplet spread is a relatively ineffective means of transmission though. I dont think we would be seeing the cases we are, without it being transmitted in aerosols.

posted on Jul, 8 2020 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Serdgiam

Speaking of which the education system just happens to also be archiac, none of which is accidental.

Agreed, and the "interesting" part is that its archaic in all the wrong ways, and uses modern technology to enable it all.

I firmly believe that things like shop classes and personal finance classes should be standard. Actual, real life skills. Beyond that, we keep moving towards a one-size-fits-all, lowest common denominator approach which is extraordinarily detrimental. Particularly when we have the technology to effectively move in the other direction and can have cultivated curriculums for each student. Curriculums that can even adapt in real time to adjust to the individual. Honestly, I think the best thing we could do for younger kids is tell them to simply explore the world around them, teach some basics, and then guide it through the scientific method. Want to use the sandbox to build castles and tunnels? Well, teach them how to do it in a way that they learn how to experiment and do it better.

Then.. We have universities. Thats a whole topic in and of itself.

Celebrities reality, it's the latest reality show where doctors, scientists and politicians lay it down for us all to consume and argue about.

Its really too bad. Some of this stuff, like zinc ionophores+zinc, have the potential to be absolutely groundbreaking. We are learning more about our immune systems than ever. We are learning about cross-immunity and how large portions of the population are "non-susceptible." (Rather than the idea that "everyone will get it") We are learning how antibodies are only one factor in community immunity, and maybe not even the most important. (Instead of how they are presented as the sole factor). We are learning that vaccines may actually carry dangers like creating a dependency in the population and even topics like virus interference. (Instead of being literally The Answer to Everything, and if you question it, yer an "anti-vaxxer").

It might be because Im a nerd.. But Im finding a lot of this stuff very cool. Not the whole "duplicitous corporate-political pop star" thing, or the censorship, but the research itself.

I think that one of the biggest tragedies here is that we had the perfect opportunity to actually improve public health and educate people on the more severe outbreaks that occur every few years. Yet, it was (ab)used to pursue agendas by the very organizations and individuals we should be able to trust, from the CDC to the Dept of Health to Fauci himself.

Even worse.. And even if there arent deeper conspiracies at play.. Theyve dug that hole so deep, and its been so effective in controlling people worldwide, that I dont see them pulling back.

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