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A Florida Teen Dies After Being Taken To A Church COVID Party.

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posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 01:49 PM
well there was that anti vax leader who told all her followers to storm the hospitals where the covid patients were so they could all catch it

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: seeker1963

I didn't know people had COVID parties, the least they could have done (being journalists and all that jazz) is got a copy or screen shot of that invitation. I would love to see what that thing said.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Shouldn't we replace "keep america great" with "keep all countries great," you know... to be consistent with that moronic all lives matter statement?

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

i go to these peoples twittters, and call them liars.
no one ever does it, well most do not.

most of these people are brought up by mommy telling them how precious they are everyday.

so go make fun of the guy for writing propaganddist nonsense.

they ALL read their twitters, so at least i can jab at them.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 02:18 PM
Oh look, she suffered from very serious underlying health conditions her whole life.
Totally a coincidence. Covid-19 killed her.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 03:43 PM
Spidey-sense is tingling big time on this story.

(Fishy smell #1) Here in Texas they've allowed churches to remain open (following social-distancing practices is "recommended) after initially being shut down.

(Fishy smell #2) The narrative, not the truth mind you, is that the "party" was being held at a church which caused a teen to get infected and die.

(Fishy smell #3) The drugs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are specifically mentioned. These are the treatment drugs that were mentioned on DAY 1 by the medical community as having positive results and something that should be explored in greater depth.

Take-Aways: Churches should be closed. Young people should be scared. Those drugs don't work.

Yes, much of the story has been bloated in scar-monger folks but Joe and Karen 6-pack out there will only remember the more sensationalist of reports.

Could this be laying the groundwork for the next front in this war? If they all of a sudden mark churches as "no way Jose'", me-thinks this will cause unsubstantiated dissent, panic and anger in our communities, further dividing us.

my 2c

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 04:59 PM
..people need to stop splitting hairs.....techicnically it was not a "covid party" it was a gathering at the church on june 10 with over 100 in attendance...are you calling the examiners office liars? Nearly two weeks before her death she had attended a 100-person church function and, according to the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner's Office, "She did not wear a mask. Social distancing was not followed."

her mother carole is a nurse so it would be easier for her to get medicine then the average person

the trump idolizers say covid is a nothing burger and anyone older or anyone with medical condition just stay the F&&*( home ..well this young lady had medical problems and history and her MOTHER took her to a LARGE GATHERING of over 100 people where masks and distancing was not followed

let that sink in for a second the mother carol took her daughter CARSYN to a church gathering of over 100 people no masks no distancing...and you all quibble and yell it wasn't a covid was STILL A HUGE GATHERING PEOPLE no matter what you call it..........

by the very postings of the trump idolizers on here over the past 2 months Carol should have kept her daughter home..but NOT ONE OF YOU POSTED THAT IN THIS THREAD..oh no sudden;ly it is anattack on christians it's all lies blah blah blah

a reply to: Nyiah

edit on 6-7-2020 by research100 because: added sentence

edit on 6-7-2020 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: seeker1963

I didn't know people had COVID parties, the least they could have done (being journalists and all that jazz) is got a copy or screen shot of that invitation. I would love to see what that thing said.

I have seen signs for them over the months going back to April.

Well that settles that then.

Stupid is, stupid does.
edit on 6-7-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 07:50 PM
I saw an anti vax leader told all her followers to go to the hospitals and go to the covid wards so they could get the covid.....The mom carole is a nurse and an anti vaxxer

a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: research100
I saw an anti vax leader told all her followers to go to the hospitals and go to the covid wards so they could get the covid.....The mom carole is a nurse and an anti vaxxer

a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Yeah that's messed up. The level of ignorance required to believe covid is fake is astounding. To actually put other people and children in harm's way to prove it is, is levels above ignorant, it's negligent bordering on abuse.

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: research100
..people need to stop splitting hairs.....techicnically it was not a "covid party" it was a gathering at the church on june 10 with over 100 in attendance...are you calling the examiners office liars? Nearly two weeks before her death she had attended a 100-person church function and, according to the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner's Office, "She did not wear a mask. Social distancing was not followed."

her mother carole is a nurse so it would be easier for her to get medicine then the average person

the trump idolizers say covid is a nothing burger and anyone older or anyone with medical condition just stay the F&&*( home ..well this young lady had medical problems and history and her MOTHER took her to a LARGE GATHERING of over 100 people where masks and distancing was not followed

let that sink in for a second the mother carol took her daughter CARSYN to a church gathering of over 100 people no masks no distancing...and you all quibble and yell it wasn't a covid was STILL A HUGE GATHERING PEOPLE no matter what you call it..........

by the very postings of the trump idolizers on here over the past 2 months Carol should have kept her daughter home..but NOT ONE OF YOU POSTED THAT IN THIS THREAD..oh no sudden;ly it is anattack on christians it's all lies blah blah blah

a reply to: Nyiah

As to the part/church what? It's still not a COVID-goal party, it could have been a knitting circle party for all I care. Still NOT a Covid party. Kinda like pointing out a wedding and a funeral are both gatherings, but are not the same kind of gathering. Duh. Seems much more like it to me that YOU are the one splitting hairs here.

I also don't care what mom does for a living, the fact remains that you need a prescription for what she was feeding the kid. That's highly questionable at best, considering she evidently didn't get the kid treatment.

As to you getting pissy that no one posted she should have followed advice and kept the girl home, being medically high risk, that goes without freaking SAYING here. No one even needs to type it out, she is a nurse and damn well knew she should have kept her isolated. It would be like people ribbing a parent for not using a crosswalk with their little kid in tow, and both getting creamed for it. Stupid move, but it doesn't REALLY need pointed out (edit: using a crosswalk instead of jaywalking) because using the crosswalk is the obvious common sense move there. Kind of like how keeping your medically screwed child home is.
edit on 7/7/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 10:38 AM
you don't care what the mom does for a living..there was an obvious reason as to why I posted that...people were asking how the mom got the drugs..I did some research and found out she is a nurse and prescribed the medicine to her daughter, I was answering their question. Of course that was questionable and the mother should NOT have done that...Posting that the mom was a nurse was not meant as an excuse

people came into this thread totally ignoring the fact that this mom took her child with past medical history and current medical condions to this large gathering their ONLY concern "it's not a covid party"

The mom is an anti vaxxer and big on conspiracy you think she visited ATS or other sites where people are posting covid is a hoax anyone dying from it is rare.......mix this all .
together and it is obvious she took her daughter to that gathering to expose her...she thought she would not get sick or very mild and then she would have the antibodies.

a reply to: Nyiah

edit on 7-7-2020 by research100 because: (no reason given)

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