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posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: face23785

In this case someone was not just standing there, they intentionally got in the way of the vehicle.

I personally would have waited for the police to arrive after calling them and filming them attaching me in my vehicle. if they tried to get in or did damage, I would show a weapon but not point it at them yet.

Both sides here were stupid but only one side wanted to get shot or ran over, trying to play the victum.

I was answering a very specific question another poster asked:

Actual question here: When someone is standing in front of your car to block you, what would happen if you put your car in drive and let it just slowly roll forward? If the person standing in front of your car lets themselves get slowly run over, with plenty of opportunity to get out of the way, is it their fault for getting run over, or your fault for running them over?

You replied to that and put words in my mouth. Not sure where you want this to go from here. I was merely answering someone's question.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: face23785

If you think I put words in your mouth, I am sorry. I got the impression that you think the number of attackers matter more than the action taken by the attacker. One or 100 does not matter if their intent is to injure or kill you.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:04 PM

Stepping outside of a moving vehicle and pointing a gun at a women and her children.. I can only see one psycho aggressor here
a reply to: XCrycek

She stepped outside of her vehicle because the other lady moved in her way and was blocking her as they were backing up.

She was using a protest move of you can;t hit me with your car so you can;t leave you have to stay.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:07 PM

This whole scenario is bad. I think per the press conference as both people were in the car there was no immediate threat and should not have gotten out of the car with weapons drawn.
a reply to: frogs453

Yes I maintain that drawing the weapon was not maybe the best move but then again I was not in her shoes of having someone aggressively come at me, block me from my vehicle, then try to stop me as I am trying to leave the area.

I dont think I would have drawn a weapon but also I was not pushed repeatedly like this woman was,

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:11 PM

As one of the women involved in this incident was Black, very few people are going to admit the White woman was in the wrong.

Sad world we live in.
a reply to: alldaylong

SO I think we as black people and ( I mean me when I say we) have to start saying these actions are wrong . not every black person wants to be a victim.

I think thats what this is turning into now a little bit is every black person wants to have tthier soap box moment, and talk about their bursh with racism.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:14 PM

When someone is standing in front of your car to block you, what would happen if you put your car in drive and let it just slowly roll forward? If the person standing in front of your car lets themselves get slowly run over, with plenty of opportunity to get out of the way, is it their fault for getting run over, or your fault for running them over?
a reply to: trollz

you are probably going to gt this exact situation. of the person who is slowly getting ran over is going to get mad and beat on your car.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: face23785

If you think I put words in your mouth, I am sorry. I got the impression that you think the number of attackers matter more than the action taken by the attacker. One or 100 does not matter if their intent is to injure or kill you.

I dunno how you got that impression from what I said. We're way off on a tangent here. I'm moving on.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:32 PM
Here is my wait till a croed forms and start pounding on your call police who insist its not a big deal. You then put it in drive in order to not get are later picked up for murder charges...simple. Welcome to the Unites States if Amerikka..a reply to: American-philosopher

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher

As one of the women involved in this incident was Black, very few people are going to admit the White woman was in the wrong.

Sad world we live in.
a reply to: alldaylong

SO I think we as black people and ( I mean me when I say we) have to start saying these actions are wrong . not every black person wants to be a victim.

I think thats what this is turning into now a little bit is every black person wants to have tthier soap box moment, and talk about their bursh with racism.

I take it you would agree it's likely that particular black woman did want to be a victim. It looks to me like that's specifically what she was there to do. She wanted to be a victim and wanted to get it on video.

Can you explain to me what the mentality is of people who want to be a victim of racism? What the # is wrong with people?

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Bigbrooklyn
Here is my wait till a croed forms and start pounding on your call police who insist its not a big deal. You then put it in drive in order to not get are later picked up for murder charges...simple. Welcome to the Unites States if Amerikka..a reply to: American-philosopher

Yeah that's the thing. What exactly did people expect her to do? If you stay in your car and try to stay calm and just call the police, they're not gonna come for something like that. In some of these cities they've been ordered not to respond to such incidents for political purposes. Yes, deliberately putting citizens at risk for political purposes. I don't think pulling a gun was the right move either, but the white woman was not the aggressor here.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 08:07 PM
Open carry would be enough to keep people polite.

Anyone who watches or has watched "Gun Smoke", starring James Arness as Matt Dillion (etc.), knows you don't get arrested for gunning down someone who drew their weapon first. "It was self defense Marshal, he drew his gun first."

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 08:12 PM
Terrible situation but, if you draw on someone there better be imminent threat or you will be arrested in most situations.

Thats the way it was explained to me in my Concealed Carry course.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 08:43 PM

Can you explain to me what the mentality is of people who want to be a victim of racism? What the # is wrong with people?
a reply to: face23785

Yes I agree with you.

as for as whats the mentality behind wanting to be a victim? I mean its whats in now, its popular, You can post it on your facebook or twitter. I was at a local city council meeting recently and guess what all the public testimony was. "systemic racism" I kidd you not everyone said that with their prearranged testimony. I kind of think thats why I had my isssue resolved so qucikly was probably the council memebrs were like finally some thing different. Its also funny because alot of people dont even know what that means.

(I wanted to say do you have solutions or do you just want to say "we need to end systemic racism" haha)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

If this happened to me I would of graciously said excuse me as I was taught to do, then I would of gotten into my car. The if the woman would of continued to push the issue. I would of stayed in my car with my 20ga short barred weapon which I have started to take with me for the first time in my life. I normally have it at home in case of a home invasion.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

What happened before the video started that made the lady pull the race card?

Yea, it could be a case of a woman overusing racism. But nothing calls for one yo pull a gun.

posted on Jul, 4 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: American-philosopher

when you take a class to get your concealed carry permit they go over about being extremely careful about Brandishing a gun. a gun should never be pointed at anyone unless you are in fear for your life and intend on using it.

i get the other ladies were harassing her , obstructed them , and appered to be racist themselves. however she will have to prove she was in fear of her life.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 04:51 PM

however she will have to prove she was in fear of her life.
a reply to: interupt42

I think by her cotinuously backing up when she has the weapon drawn will be a component of that.

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