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Turd-blossom, insult or badge of honor?

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by edsinger

I gave over $3000 to charity last year ON TOP OFF MY TAXES PAID. How about you?

3K is not much but It very well could have been vacation money which we never took.

Talk is cheap.....


What do you want a medal, a public holiday named after you?

Giving money is easy. Assuages the guilt.



posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 11:59 PM
no medals, that is just what I claimed for the IRS, the others I had no receipt for.

It is not about, what you get, its about giving and knowing its well spent.

Guilt? From what?

A Gift is a gift.................

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 04:18 AM

As I said giving is easy. Hand over some cash and get on with your life, with a warm glow that "you are making a difference to someone's life".

Who is that someone?



posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:03 AM
Surely if people are going to talk about the size of their charity giving then the only real basis to talk is on one of percentage of income?

If $100 000 is little more than loose change to a person what's the great big deal they gave that when compared to someone for whom the $100 they gave was a fortune?

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
Surely if people are going to talk about the size of their charity giving then the only real basis to talk is on one of percentage of income?

If $100 000 is little more than loose change to a person what's the great big deal they gave that when compared to someone for whom the $100 they gave was a fortune?

Oh I would agree and I will not say that I give a full 10%, but its close, I give what I can and in your analogy, $100 is not chump change to me.

It is not the amount but in my opinion to the why and to the who.

United Way? I would not give them a dime. Why? They support Planned Parenthood.

But when I give the homeless $5 for food and yet I know it goes for ripple, do I ask for conditions? no.

You know in some respects, some of the liberals I can at least respect as they do what they say, but not all do, Ted Turner as an example....

I give what I can and I could care less what anyone thinks....

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by edsinger

You know in some respects, some of the liberals I can at least respect as they do what they say, but not all do, Ted Turner as an example....

He's a closet republican Ed. What did you expect?

And *GASP* I completly agree with what you said about UW. Yes, I am a Liberal who doesnt support planned parenthood, but the reasons are for another thread. UW also has some iffy accounting practices as well.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 10:25 PM
Not this...

But this... Dubya Nickname Database

Nicknames granted by President George W. Bush.

Joe Allbaugh - Big Country
Fred Barnes - Barney
Max Baucus - Maxie
Tony Blair - Landslide
Barbara Boxer - Ali
Martha Brant - Martita
Michael D. Brown - Brownie
Frank Bruni - Pancho
George H.W. Bush - Poppy
George W. Bush - Dubya, Bushie
Laura Bush - Bushie
Carl Cameron - Camarones
Andrew Card - Tangent Man
Paul Cellucci - Cellooch
Dick Cheney - Big Time
Jean Chrétien - Dino (as in Dinosaur)
Susan Collins - Sweet Susan
John Cornyn - Corndog
Candy Crowley - Dulce
Mitch Daniels - The Blade
Tom Davis - T.D.
John Dickerson - Dick
Maureen Dowd - Cobra
Dianne Feinstein - Frazier
Barney Frank - Sabretooth
Bill Frist - Fristy
Rich Galen - Richie
Alberto Gonzales - Fredo
David Gregory - Little Stretch
Stephen Hadley - Hads
Dennis Hastert - Speak
Pete Hoekstra - Pedro
Karen Hughes - High Prophet, The Enforcer, Hurricane Karen
Tim Hutchinson - Hutch
David Jackson - Action Jackson
Lee Jackson - Action Jackson
Ted Kennedy - Senator
Pete King - Pedro
Mort Kondracke - Morton
Dennis Kucinich - Mayor
Dick Kyle - Stretch
Ken Lay - Kenny Boy
Larry Lindsey - Thunderbolt Lindsey
Mitch McConnell - Mitchie
Mark McKinnon - M-Cat
George Miller - El Grande Jorge
Ben Nelson - Nellie, Benny, Benator
Colin Powell - Balloonfoot
Vladimir Putin - Pootie-Poot
Condoleezza Rice - Guru
Karl Rove - Boy Genius, Turd Blossom
John Rowland - Johnny
Bill Sammon - Super Stretch
Olympia Snowe - The Big O
John Sweeney - Congressman Kick-Ass
George Tenet - Brother George
Tommy Thompson - Double T
Fred Upton - Freddo
Ann Veneman - Bullets
Paul Wellstone - Pablo
George Will - The Commissioner
Patricia Wilson - Outback Woman
Robert Zoellick - The Adding Machine

If this behavior disturbs anyone, it may be because you just realized the President of the United States is Rob "makin' copies" Scheider's inappropriate nickname character from SNL like I just did.

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 03:09 AM
Water Cooler Management

Originally posted by RANT
If this behavior disturbs anyone, it may be because you just realized the President of the United States is Rob "makin' copies" Scheider's inappropriate nickname character from SNL like I just did.

RA-A-A-ANT! The RANT-man! The RANTster! RANTerino! RANT-o-rahhhmahhh! RANT-o-matic! RANTastic! RA-A-A-ANT!

Yeah, this is definitely required reading for anyone who wants to better understand what it's like to work with our president.

Japanese Inquisition


Sorry this is so off-topic, but curme -- dude -- just who is this chick and why is she trying to take over the world?

posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 04:53 AM

It's from the movie Battle Royale. It's about a bunch of high school kids put on an island and forced to kill each other. Hey... kind of reminds me of ATS sometimes!

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 08:00 AM
Well I'll be --- The Tulipwalker term has 'stuck' and its still here after a year, 7-5.


posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 03:31 AM
Well it would seem that exactly one year later its 9-9 -- A Tie...



posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:06 AM
No really.

Vote Bush. Again.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 02:51 PM
First off Reagan was NOT our greatest president... he is not even in the first tier. For well to do and middle class white guys he might have been OK but not for anybody else.

I don't know who it speaks more about bush minor or Karl Rove. That bush minor would refer to the man who put him in the White House as a turd blossom shows little in the way of gratitude or respect if you ask me, and to put up with it, well it just reminds me of just one more kiss ass suit. But then I have no respect for either man.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Well Grover with all due respect, Reagan was the best in my lifetime for sure, history should support that claim down the road.

We sure as heck havent had one since that was even close..imho.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 03:04 PM
We haven't had a great president since FDR. But for presidents I remember in my lifetime... I have to rule out Eisenhauer since I barely remember him but at least he had the honesty and decency to warn us of the military industrial complex...too bad no one listened.

JFK had potential but was gunned down.
Johnson could have been but was devoured by Vietnam.
Nixon could have been if not for his flaws. (I never thought I would hear myself say that)
Both Ford and Carter were good men in a job that rarely attracts them, but not great presidents.
I will concede that Reagan should have gotten an Oscar for playing a president on TV but even bush minor is more engaged than Reagan was. Reagan did what he was hired to do... reign but not rule.
I didn't like Bush senior but compared to his son he looks better every day. Junior should abdicate in favor of his father for the good of the country.
Clinton had the same type of problem Nixon did, his character flaws kept getting in the way but in terms of an actual working president, he can't be beat.
bush minor is a success for his owners but a disaster for the rest of the country and that is the crux of the issue... a society is not just a aggregate of business concerns but a community of people.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 01:10 PM
Well that explains it then,

FDR a great? that is Sooooooo Funny. we got the New Deal alright and we have the millions on the governments payroll to this day because of him. He was the WORST in my opinion.

Clinton? He was a traitor, selling missile technology to the chinese against the pentagons wishes right about the time he gets campaign funds? I could care less about the 'wenski' but the lie under oath is a bit much wouldn't you think?

Nixon - got caught, was one of the better ones until then.

Reagan was much more involved than you know, not in the small stuff but plenty in the big picture, check his memoirs.

Bush 1 - fair but raised my taxes

Bush 2 - like him more every day but spends to damn much money so not my favorite for sure but was the right man for the times I think.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by RANT
No really.

Vote Bush. Again.

Why thanks RANT how ya been?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:24 PM
Good Ed, you?

How ya liking the Rep candidates so far?

I could throw most of the Dem ones under a bus and be fine with it.

Of course, I then hope the bus crashes into McCain while he's holding a door for Mrs. Gouliani.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:27 AM
Do you really think that if Clinton had been guilty of treason for selling that technology, the Congressional Republicans would have impeached him about lying about a BJ?

Are you really so naive as to believe that?

Thats what is so cute about you conservatives; you actually believe your own propaganda.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:13 AM
RANT don't like em......A couple have promise but are unelectable.

Believe that it was not treason and they impeached for a lie about a BJ?

Well I guess you don't quite understand what happened, the best way I could put it was the Chinese CEP of a nuke dropped to less than that of the Russians overnight. Was it provable treason? Probably not in the sense that since it was an executive order that allowed it in the first place its hard to prove but it DID happen.

Clinton was a crappy president period IMHO.

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