posted on Jul, 28 2020 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to:
If it quacks like a duck? It's a duck.
The "left" are Americans by birth only. They're ideology is foreign to the concept of a Republic, constitutional law and individual rights.
Very few of them are actually "progressive". The majority are regressive. Constantly Proposing "laws" that have historically never worked. Or
proposing laws that better align us with foreign nations that aren't "American". Because apparently they don't appreciate being American.
The working for the "it takes a village" utopian pipe dream, while their voting base is currently burning and destroying their own villages. Is kind
of a sign.
They want authority. But don't want it to be someone else. They're a pretty lawless group that have no scruples when it comes to depriving another of
their rights that they don't agree with, But yet are guaranteed "by law". The left can't stand that, drives them nuts!
They gain a public office, "swear to uphold and defend" the law. Then first chance they get? They want to change the law.... Can't really call them
American in the true meaning.