posted on Jun, 27 2020 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to:
I'm really unsure about the subtext of the OP.
I think it is necessary to plan for how to re-shut-down and see the many difficulties in this process. Here on the west coast the initial shut-down
was handled fairly well. We, as we reopen, seeing the need to close down again as cases climb as a result. It can be handled by a number of
different methods, some of which are already in place as a result of the staged reopenings.
Somehow I don't think the OP was speaking to re-shutting down actually so I want to address the implications of defying standing public health orders
by gathering in large groups which we know is a major vector for this disease. From family birthday parties to protests most don't meets public
health guidelines.
For me, it comes down to risk assesment and personal priorities.
Some may be willing to risk their health (and the health of others) for certain things but not for others and then there are those who do not consider
risk whatsoever as long as they are not inconvenienced. There is a difference.
I for one will risk my life (and others) to vote but not for a birthday party or protest action.
I will take the measured risk to go to a doctors appointment as they (mine have) learned during their shutdown how to work in a good deal of safety
for themselves and their patients. But I won't go to a theater or concert yet.
These are truly the questions that need to be asked and thought about and I commend the OP raising these whether intentional or not.
It's truly not a political issue - but a value issue.