posted on Jun, 27 2020 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to:
My inquiry however remains valid.
The video Kwakakev posted was something I've never seen, so this has been a fruitful exercise in furthering my understanding of the machinations that
predicate our current situation.
Try as I may though I can't connect the metaphysical to all of this.
The devil is a symbol.
There is no actual devil.
So what the hell is this talk of Lucifer coming to run this show in person?
As soon as one question is answered it creates 10 more questions.
And I hate vague explanations, either you know or you don't.
I dont but I sure want to.
All my life I have been guided by an instinct of right and wrong, and some sense of empathy as well, I suppose.
I know the right choice more often than not, even when understanding only comes later or sometimes, never.
I was raised with Christian principles but I just simply cannot commit to something that exists only in my head and because someone told me of it at a
young impressionable age.
Magic simply does not exist and yet our very reality is very reasonably being explained by people who simply has to connect it to "spiritual matters".
I can appreciate the fact that history does not exist in a vacuum and these beliefs have shaped the course of history and continue to do so, like some
perfect strawman that keeps making you look to see if it actually blinked just now.
edit on 27-6-2020 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)