posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Those of you that believe that our governments are NOT in dealings with the NWO societies are very naiive to be honest.
When you actually think about it, there is no difference between dictatorship and democracy. Democracy you CAN do something, if there is majority, but
there will be no majority.
There will be no majority because of mass brainwashing that already takes place today and because of the fact that people as a whole are too lazy to
actually keep up to date with politicians.
When it comes to defeating this NWO i dont know if that is actually achieveable. The only idea i can come up with is rather long winded and
conditional upon certain factors:
First, you yourself concentrate on getting yourself into a position of power within society. A position in which you can influence a lot of people.
Then, depending on the circles you move in and the intelligence / resources you can draw upon, you will more than likely be approached and asked to
join one of the lowest level societies, for example FreeMasons.
From this point on, i would then try working my way within the system, developing more power within society, gather more resources. This may take a
few generations (conditional part since it will require your children to join in on your cause). However, once within the belly of the beast you can
expose it for what it is, gain enough media coverage, GET THE WORD OUT THERE. Once the masses start to see what is actually happening, smell the
coffee so to speak, only then will things change.
Things to think about:
1) The biggest killing disease on this earth is Tuberculosis (cant remember how to spell it). Killing approx 2-3 million per year. The price of a
vaccination being just 12p / 25 c etc...
Surely, if the governing bodies of the world WANTED to stop these people from dying they could! ? Did the US not put $500 BILLION into the banking
2) Eco-friendly etc.
Look up "air-scrubbers" they actually filter out CO2 from the atmosphere!!! Some manage 1 TON PER DAY!!! So tell me, do we actually have a problem
or are we being told we have a problem?
3) War on Terrorism
This is the biggest loada bull i have ever heard. Look at all these new laws brought in to "protect our civil liberties", or in other words turn our
societies into Big Brother States!!
War employs approx 1/3 of the worlds employable population. You haver to remember it isnt just the soldiers we are talking about, or the intelligence
services, but also the people who feed them, make them clothes, prosthetic limbs, psychological treatment, drugs, weapons development, electrics for
camps ETC!!!
So, back to the point, war on "terrorism" (watch fahrenheit 9/11). So wait, why did we go to war with IRAQ? Because we had reason to believe Saddam
had "weapons of mass destruction", yet....we have Satellite Imagery that North Korea are transporting War Heads. I dont see anybody going to tell
them to stop?
This war on terrorism will never end and that is why it is started. All bills/legislations will be brought in on the "thin end of the wedge"
argument. For example, ( this is an exaggeration of identity cards) if we put a chip into every child born from now on, saying their location, who
they hang around with etc. We can make sure they do not become a target for elitist groups etc. If you have nothing to hide, if you arent doing
anything wrong, then there should be no reason to deny this. HOWEVER, when EVERYBODY has this so called chip, what then? You have no free will, only
free will within a limited system. You yourself will no longer rule your government, you will be ruled by it.
If anyone has any criticisms of what i have said, please share as i would like to develop upon my current understandings etc.