posted on Jun, 26 2020 @ 11:33 AM
Some of you may have known this, some of you may be surprised.
For a brief moment in the late 80's PepsiCo had the sixth largest naval fleet in the world.
So, back in the late 50's for whatever reason Eisenhower hosted an American exhibition in Moscow.
Thing's were going well until Nixon and Khrushchev got into an argument about capitalism vs communism. (Go figure, right?)
So, the guy representing PepsiCo at the time. I think it was the VP steps in and gives the ol Rusky a Pepsi. The guy liked it so much he wanted all of
Russia to be able to taste it. Talk about smooth move for Pepsi. Well, no one wanted commie money, so Russia paid for it in Vodka. Ah good ol
communism amirite?
Fast forward to, uh... What? 89? The deal was coming to an end, but their vodka wasn't worth it's weight anymore so what did the Soviets do?
Gave Pepsi a g-damn armada!
If memory serves me correct it was 17 submarines, a destroyer, a cruiser, and a frigate.
Imagine if they wanted to take on Coca-Cola lol.