If the current zeitgeist is correct and racial inequality is the root of many, if not most, of the domestic problems facing the United States today
and that it is holding us back from achieving true prosperity for all; why is it that all most no one is paying the issue anything more than token
Does defunding the police really make that big of an impact toward equalizing power among the races? I can understand why its a important topic for
debate but does it really fix the root cause of the problem or is it just another bandaid?
And if an issue such as "defunding the police" is a pore bandaid to racial equality I'm fairly certain all the social media angst isn't even
making a scratch on the issue.
Not to mention the token gestures corporations are making; who else go to spend a day off today because the calendar says its Jun 19th? I'm sure
racial equality got a big boost because my wife got to spend the day drinking beer by the pool today.
What else is there that can make a meaningful impact on racial equality? Repercussions? As we all know thats a show stopper the moment its mentioned.
If you want to shut down a conversation about race, just say the word “reparations.” Even black Americans are divided over the idea that money can
compensate for the vestiges of an evil institution that ended 150 years ago; only 60 percent think the government should make cash payments to
descendants of slaves. White Americans, on the other hand, have reached a consensus: In a YouGov poll taken shortly after the Atlantic published
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s viral feature, “The Case for Reparations,” 94 percent were opposed.
And there are very good reasons why reparations are not viewed favorable by most people, even among those it would directly benefit. A) Not all
minorities suffered from having enslaved ancestors so it is not a total solution to racial equality; and B) Most people alive today have not directly
benefited from the enslavement of others so it punishs the wrong people.
So what else can we do that is more than a token gesture; that helps all races become more equal and not just a sullect few; and that does not seek to
reward one race over another?
How about a new three fifths compromise? ... one that is more mathmaticaly accurate and one that levels the voting power between the races?
As we all know the race demographics with in the United States is naturally unequal; we have more of one race than others. The exact percentages are
superfluous to the topic so I wont bother to list them.
So even with assuming the best of intentions from all parties; some races will have an advantage over others when making polices and voting on
reparation simple because the numbers are on their side. This isn't even just a black vs white problem. The black community is at a disadvantage to
the Latinx community. And the Asian community is at a disadvantage to them both. Just to sight a few examples.
What if we create a voting system wherein each race has a more equal peace of the voting pie? Set up an Electoral College along racial lines so that
minority groups have voting power that rivals that of the majority?
We already have ample precedence for this with the normal Electoral College; so it can not be viewed as a punishment to the majority any more than
Alaska's representation is a punishment to California.
It does not give any more power to one race over another; by leveling the playing field it simply gives minority groups the ability to have their
issue addressed along side the majorities. And each minority, and even the majority, can start to advocate solely for themselves rather than having to
build collisions that might not share the same interests.
Imagine what would happen to the two major political parties if they couldn't count on collision votes? They might have to start addressing the
different needs of their constituents.
And to be clear; the current Electoral College does not give Alaska the exact same number of delegates as California. It recognizes that CA and it's
issue affects more US citizens than does Alaska's issues. But it does level the playing field just enough so that Alaska is not forgotten or CA
dominates the country. A similar compromise can be reached among the races.