posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 12:29 PM
Should we Start Preparing for Life After ATS
You do realise that your life is there in spite of ATS, and that it will continue when ATS has faded away?
Right now, there is a concerted effort going on to shut down forums and comment sections on websites, as 'They' try to close avenues of communications
that provide alternate places to express and digest thoughts and thinking against the official narrative. Surely, you can sense where the world is at
right now, with all the manipulative changes being brought about during all the fractured chaos going on?
We are still in an 'event' that is comparable to 9/11. Events such as these is where 'They' implement changes to societies, as 'They' seek to embed
their agenda deeper. 9/11 was a one day event that reverberated around the world, and allowed them to usher in the surveillance age through the threat
of terrorism. Now with this 'virus event' they are bringing in a number of life-impacting changes, and have even begun the Agenda 21 culling scenario
(watch out for the compromising of the immune system mandatory vaccinations later this year or the next, designed for an accumulative effect (on
people over a certain age) to take a decade off your natural life cycle by making you more prone to catching infections that will kill you). They
don't want to pay a state pension for those they see as being a negative contributor.
This virus event is where they have been able to produce the coup de grâce that gave them almost complete control of people's lives. From all this
chaos, paper money will be withdrawn for use, tracking of all peoples through their mobiles and street technology and internet usage, the shift of
governmental power to corporate agencies, a large swathe of each country's population reduced to state-dependent money by which to live. The bringing
of people who live outside of cities into metropolitan areas. Clearly, all this and much more will take years, and thus this particular event will
never go away, hence they want you to get used to the 'new normal'.