posted on Jun, 18 2020 @ 12:59 PM
ATS Citizens...
In the spirit of helping ATS stay put after SkepticOverlord's post
here, it might
help the business to get an idea of just how many people would pay for a monthly subscription and how much. The answer is no unless you ask, right?
It's equally important to understand how much money ATS would need per month to stay alive comfortably, because that will factor into approximately
how many monthly subscriptions they would need. I'm hoping we could get some rough numbers from
The content here, the pointers to documents, links to scarce finds, pictures, stories, are irreplaceable to me and can't be lost in the same manner
as a fire in the night leaving behind no trace of these precious resources.
I'm asking that every ATS member, posts a single post ONLY if you would pay for ATS, and how much per month you'd be willing to spend or contribute.
(fwiw - Wikipedia has straight up asked for donations when they needed it, maybe something similar here?)
Thanks in advance. There's no need to respond to anyone's posts or post here just to say you wouldn't pay and why, so I'm asking for consideration
in just posting one time with the amount to keep this internet treasure.