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John Titor, I know, I know... But still...

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posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 03:55 PM
its been said trump is a time travler.
what if hes John Titor?

but it seems he is evil!
he could have stop't the riots.
and more.

posted on Oct, 17 2020 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

This drives me insane even back in June how could you still have been under the uneducated and ridiculous impression that Covid targets only the Elderly??? Educate yourself please!!! I had Covid, I was 38 a month shy of my 39th birthday. My counselor who I had phone visits with got it, she was a wonderful person she died at 30 years old she had no other illness and was in perfect health, she actually ran marathons and did those triathlon things all the time. My brother who lays cable lines rescued a dog he heard barking from a home of a 45 year old man who was laying dead in the living room floor, he’d been dead for days he died of Covid. Sure Covid runs rampant in elderly homes but they are helpless to leave aren’t they? Pretty much any infection that can get its grips on one of those places will try to run rampant, and yes the elderly have more compromised immune systems in most cases. The thing people are just not understanding about Covid is that it is not always just the virus that kills you sometimes it is your body’s own reaction or over-reaction to the virus that can kill you. That is the cytokine storm you may have heard about. Nevermind this virus transmitting from person to person is just a nightmare because it allows for the constant ability for the virus to learn and mutate. First we were seeing mutations that made the virus a much more easily transmissible virus and perhaps it was learning ways to get to as many hosts as it could but in doing so it was becoming a less deadly form which we thought was a good sign, now we are seeing a few isolated cases of people who have been previously infected now testing positive again but with a newer and more virulent perhaps more deadly strain.

So the more misinformed people who believe only the elderly are at risk are actually putting the entire population at risk. This virus will continue to circulate and mutate, learning to spread more efficiently and in some cases more deadly hopefully those strains don’t combine.

This isn’t a conspiracy. Yes in some cases it is not so serious but it is seriously deadly in so very many others and has the potential for catastrophic damage to our way of life far greater than any of us has already seen. I suppose perhaps a conspiracy could be the origin of the virus but that doesn’t change the fact that it is here and honestly I am truly embarrassed to be grouped in with the whole of the USA when the rest of the world looks upon us. We as a whole must look like a bunch of infighting morons fighting about our freedom being taken away because policies have been put into place requiring masks in public??? People getting into physical altercations over it, as if punching the non-mask wearer will protect you anymore because now not only you but probably everyone in a ten foot radius or more is at risk. Americans I am so sad to say can be so arrogant and whiny like they are entitled to everything, and at the first serious crisis when we should have pulled together like 9/11, we screamed and whined like babies because it meant life was not filled with the normal luxuries we were used to. It’s pathetic and I expect better of what is supposed to be the Greatest country on Earth, what is supposed to be the country that leads the way.

Then the very very worst thing about it all is that the American people didn’t take ownership of their own failure to act responsibly in one of the greatest crisis if not the greatest crisis we have ever faced on our own soil, instead we blamed Trump. Sure he was not the leader to bring us triumphantly through to the other side of this lowest point, but it is after all the American people who choose their own actions is it not? Governed for the people and by the people??? We all had the chance to do the right thing, but instead there were protests, alt-right nazis with fake long guns eating at subway with no mask trying to make some point about not being told what to do be their governor, the very same governor who I believe might be the victim of a plot to be kidnapped??? We had governors sending Covid patients to nursing homes where the elderly lived where we later learned outbreaks occurred and many patients and staff died. We have governors opening their states for tourists to congregate on beaches packed in like sardines, only to be surprised when there is a sudden rise in the Covid cases and subsequent death toll. Now states are sending our children back to school and threatening them with expulsion if they share pictures of how packed in they are together on social media or with the media in general.
Still there are those ignorant enough to believe this is not really such a big deal, I’d ask them to ask the families of the 221,000 in the USA who have died, or worldwide the 1.1 million, or better yet since the dead can’t speak and so many believe those numbers are not correct how about asking the recovered in the USA you can have you pick of nearly 5.2 million worldwide nearly 30 million that doesn’t take into account those who have contracted the virus but neither died or recovered yet.
When 9/11 happened it didn’t happen in many states but we came together as a nation, we had this unifying feeling of loss well we have lost nearly 74 times the amount of people to those we lose that day and we will lose many many more. Yet still we don’t come together as a country we act selfish and callous because making us wear a mask or keep non essential business closed is just not worth the lives of our neighbors, their families, their children, their friends, our friends, our cousins, our grandparents, our family, our children, and sometimes ourselves. I know they are not easy times and our government has to step up like others have to help us through but we stood divided and made it easy for them to stand divided too. We need to be the Americans we can all be proud of again the innovators, the thinkers, the people indivisible.

Umm sorry so yeah basically it is not only the Elderly who get sick or are at risk, please read up on some good and reputable peer reviewed medical journals and other science related sources

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: charlyv

Thx! I'm so busy doing stuff I couldn't read all replies. Just got back here for no reason today. I usually read other people's posts and not post on them as well. I'm just too busy, per se. But I like your comment alot. It was down to Earth. You are a really level headed guy, I can guarantee.
edit on 9/7/2021 by Gyo01 because: (no reason given)

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