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Weapon of mass destruction and its myths.

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posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58
for instance?

posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: SarK0Y

Control of the Arctic, the South China Sea, portions of the former Warsaw Pact to name a few.

posted on Jun, 15 2020 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: SarK0Y

War Plan Red springs to mind.

posted on Jun, 16 2020 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

USA has no way to conquer closest allies == it will divide nation from very core + it means global isolation (only country vs entire world). Such madness been affordable only for Russia (if we will have a time, i'll say how)

But now, my Friends, seems we're done w/ nukes for good. So we're going to our next chapter == Bio-weapon, it's more curious and more alive for our funny-bunny days.

1st of the all, i'd like to mention NO VIRUS CAN KILL HUMAN. for a little while, i let you prove it on your own. Then i'll open my cards

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 09:19 AM
well, then == let's continue. The very purpose of virus is to hijack/borrow machinery of living cell to self-replicate. Meanwhile, a LC has the rather sophisticated mechanisms to self-check own integrity & blow back viral invader..

1. LC can hibernate its functions to produce proteins & genetic stuff until its machinery will be repaired.
2. Alarm IS (immune system) about intrusion.
3. Mark/block/destroy viral RNA.
4. Commit suicide, if nothing helps to repair.
5. Subdued LCs are mostly defected & they produce defected/disarmed virus.
In other words, major share of viruses is symbiotic ones. 2nd moment is, virus can boost/accelerate negative processes within living organism, but virus cannot become the prime cause of death. Another story is about Bacterias and their relatives.. however, for next time, my Friends.


For "LC", i consider broad meaning (including Bacterias/Archaea/.. ), i.e. any single-cell organism.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: SarK0Y

I can see this just descending into a pointless argument over semantics. In the end does it matter? Would a person have died had the virus not entered their system?

It's the same argument over whether guns kill people or people kill people.

If a WMD contains a virus that contributes to mass death, does it matter that the direct cause was an immune response system's over-reaction rather than the strand of RNA itself? The people firing the weapon don't care as long as the end result is an incapacitated enemy.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: SarK0Y

Let's start from nuclear ones. What exactly makes us believe the're a lot of real bombs & rockets to incinerate our world in the fiery of nuclear hell??? Actually, a little research shows those bombs have existed only in minor numbers to be lab toys. I offer you to make this little research on your own. Then I'll share my cards.

I spent 10 years flying them around the world...all kinds and I even spent like 7 month cleaning all the tactical nukes out of Germany.

Now they could have all been fake, but I don't think

There was a point after the fall of the USSR that we were on alert to go into some of the satellite countries to remove the nukes that were stored there so they would not be stolen, and they have very dirty nukes. We are talking lead curtains on the planes, lead aprons, minimum exposure time, rad badges..the works... nasty stuff for being fake.

edit on 19-6-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 05:17 PM
Dum and dummer rock bottom now nuks are fake .
Why even bother when it gets this low people .

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: OneBigMonkeyToo
these moments i'll clarify later == what really have killed.

posted on Jun, 19 2020 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

We are talking lead curtains on the planes, lead aprons, minimum exposure time, rad badges..the works... nasty stuff for being fake.

real nukes are quite clean because the're minimal fissile material, large nukes can use colliders to gen kick-starting neutrons, so the're next to zero radiation. But in USA army, hella lot of personnel has been fallen 'cause of cancer & related stuff, because pentagon loves depleted uranium

Increased rates of immune system disorders and other wide-ranging symptoms, including chronic pain, fatigue and memory loss, have been reported in over one quarter of combat veterans of the 1991 Gulf War.[123] Combustion products[124] from depleted uranium munitions are being considered[needs update] as one of the potential causes by the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, as DU was used in 30 mm and 25 mm cannon rounds on a large scale for the first time in the Gulf War. Veterans of the conflicts in the Persian Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo have been found to have up to 14 times the usual level of chromosome abnormalities in their genes.[125][126] Serum-soluble genotoxic teratogens produce congenital disorders, and in white blood cells causes immune system damage.[127] Human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in the offspring of persons exposed to DU.[12] A 2001 study of 15,000 February 1991 U.S. Gulf War combat veterans and 15,000 control veterans found that the Gulf War veterans were 1.8 (fathers) to 2.8 (mothers) times as likely to have children with birth defects.[128] After examination of children's medical records two years later, the birth defect rate increased by more than 20%: Dr. Kang found that male Gulf War veterans reported having infants with likely birth defects at twice the rate of non-veterans. Furthermore, female Gulf War veterans were almost three times more likely to report children with birth defects than their non-Gulf counterparts. The numbers changed somewhat with medical records verification. However, Dr. Kang and his colleagues concluded that the risk of birth defects in children of deployed male veterans still was about 2.2 times that of non-deployed veterans.[129]

edit on 19-6-2020 by SarK0Y because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: SarK0Y

real nukes are quite clean because the're minimal fissile material, large nukes can use colliders to gen kick-starting neutrons, so the're next to zero radiation. But in USA army, hella lot of personnel has been fallen 'cause of cancer & related stuff, because pentagon loves depleted uranium

Depends on the shielding, tactical nukes had I think a 30 min time limitation to be with in XX feet. We also had what was called a P (plutonium) chart in you have too many nuke in close proximity of each other they start to react. I never transported Russian nukes just planned for it and I wasn't happy with what was being said about them.

Depleted uranium is only dangerous when the tank is also burning.

Increased rates of immune system disorders...

Ok what are you trying to say here? There was a lot of crap going ever breath raw burning oil for weeks? The vast vast majority of GWS people were never near depleted uranium.

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Depends on the shielding, tactical nukes had I think a 30 min time limitation to be with in XX feet. We also had what was called a P (plutonium) chart in you have too many nuke in close proximity of each other they start to react. I never transported Russian nukes just planned for it and I wasn't happy with what was being said about them. Depleted uranium is only dangerous when the tank is also burning.

the major danger is to inhale ionized Air, so even alpha radiation poses severe threat (for lungs particularly).

Ok what are you trying to say here? There was a lot of crap going ever breath raw burning oil for weeks? The vast vast majority of GWS people were never near depleted uranium.

who was they have had & will have troubled health until death & their children as well.

We also had what was called a P (plutonium) chart in you have too many nuke in close proximity of each other they start to react.

it's strange part == each nuke core is shielded by its shell completely, shells are made of DU o/& Pb, so shells have no critical mass at all.

posted on Jun, 20 2020 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: SarK0Y

it's strange part == each nuke core is shielded by its shell completely, shells are made of DU o/& Pb, so shells have no critical mass at all.

I'm not talking DU...nukes like B61s

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I'm not talking DU...nukes like B61s

public sources have no decent docs about guts of that "miracle" babe... meanwhile, some moments, i'd like to pinpoint. 1st of the all, mass-size & yield trigger hella number of doubts...

The B61 is a variable yield (formally known as FUFO or "full fuzing option", and "dial-a-yield" colloquially) dual use tactical and strategic bomb designed for external carriage by high-speed aircraft. It has a streamlined casing capable of withstanding supersonic flight speeds. The weapon is 11 feet 8 inches (3.56 m) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches (330 mm) and a basic weight of about 700 pounds (320 kg),[2] except for the Mod 11 version which has a weight of approximately 1,200 pounds (540 kg).[16]

it takes 300-500kg of just explosives to kick-start fission phase. yet another moment..

The B61 also features a "command disable" mechanism, which functions as follows: after entering the correct 3-digit numeric code it is then possible to turn a dial to "DI" and pull back a T-shaped handle which comes away in the user's hand. This action releases a spring-loaded firing pin which fires the percussion cap on an MC4246A thermal battery, powering it up. Electrical power from the thermal battery is sufficient to "fry" the internal circuitry of the bomb, destroying critical mechanisms without causing detonation.

to "fry" circuitry names "security/safety measures" ???
Just explode warehouse & at least one shell-less nuke will get proper chain reaction.. well, fusion reaction is much less likely, but fission one gets rather possible.

PS shell-less design has no sense == it takes more explosives to kick-start & fails to meet decent safety & security requirements. du shell protects nuke core very well. for example, no external explosion can ignite even fission & no troubles with close proximity of nukes to one another.

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: SarK0Y
a reply to: Xtrozero

I'm not talking DU...nukes like B61s

public sources have no decent docs about guts of that "miracle" babe... meanwhile, some moments, i'd like to pinpoint. 1st of the all, mass-size & yield trigger hella number of doubts...

The B61 is a variable yield (formally known as FUFO or "full fuzing option", and "dial-a-yield" colloquially) dual use tactical and strategic bomb designed for external carriage by high-speed aircraft. It has a streamlined casing capable of withstanding supersonic flight speeds. The weapon is 11 feet 8 inches (3.56 m) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches (330 mm) and a basic weight of about 700 pounds (320 kg),[2] except for the Mod 11 version which has a weight of approximately 1,200 pounds (540 kg).[16]

it takes 300-500kg of just explosives to kick-start fission phase. yet another moment..

The B61 also features a "command disable" mechanism, which functions as follows: after entering the correct 3-digit numeric code it is then possible to turn a dial to "DI" and pull back a T-shaped handle which comes away in the user's hand. This action releases a spring-loaded firing pin which fires the percussion cap on an MC4246A thermal battery, powering it up. Electrical power from the thermal battery is sufficient to "fry" the internal circuitry of the bomb, destroying critical mechanisms without causing detonation.

to "fry" circuitry names "security/safety measures" ???
Just explode warehouse & at least one shell-less nuke will get proper chain reaction.. well, fusion reaction is much less likely, but fission one gets rather possible.

PS shell-less design has no sense == it takes more explosives to kick-start & fails to meet decent safety & security requirements. du shell protects nuke core very well. for example, no external explosion can ignite even fission & no troubles with close proximity of nukes to one another.

So from my experience of being just the aircrew that flew them was they had a dialed in ability for yield. How they could do this was that they are enhanced with tritium and could regulate how much was injected just before the explosion, there is also very pierce timing of events that if changed can lead to lower yields. There was a fail safe mode for lowest yield when maximizing all the adjustable parts to the minimum.

There was also disable codes to destroy the wiring bundle as we were told that is a critical part of the bomb and one not easily copied if it ended up in wrong hands.
edit on 21-6-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

1st of the all, thanks for sharing your experience

There was also disable codes to destroy the wiring bundle as we were told that is a critical part of the bomb and one not easily copied if it ended up in wrong hands.

here is a catch == if nuke has no durable shell, "wrong hands" don't need any codes to ignite fission reaction: one just need chemical explosives w/ high-speed detonation.

posted on Jun, 24 2020 @ 12:20 PM
workaround against shell is possible too, however, it takes additional laboring == one needs to drill some holes in there & put extra detonators in. obviously, all efforts will be useless, if the're fake nukes & all nukes w/o active cooling are fake

i was gonna say some words for weaponized Bacterias, but actually that topic has only theoretical value, because WBs have worked very well only in labs (Mother - Nature disarms WBs too fast for efficient practical usage in wildness). So from here we're going to practical WMDs. 1st of 'em chemicals == In fact, modern human has lived under violent chemical attacks. You get it from anywhere..

1. food, stuffed w/ *cides/dyes/antimicrobial/artificial flavor & odor/.. by the way, most healthy food is a meat, 'cause the're more nutrients per kg + veggie has too high percent of *cides (pesticides/herbicides/..).
2. drinks. In fact, modern human drinks a lot, but its organism has awful deficit of potable Water & metabolism goes bananas. Be aware of fluoridation. it's very harmful stuff.
3. hygiene products have a lot of highly toxic stuff. for example, toothpaste makes more harm than good.
4. building materials.

posted on Jun, 27 2020 @ 03:30 PM
well, my Friends. Let's mention two last WMDs on our list.

1. USA has the most powerful mass-media to brainwash humans worldwide & CCCP was collapsed thx to.
2. Russia had Climatic "bomb" & that was "exploded", so every country has been under increasing attack of Climate Change.
Climatic "bomb" is matter of simple physics: Rus land is mostly great storage of Ice & Snow, there'd trapped hella amount of Water and gases (CH4/H2S/CO2/etc-etc), then global elimination of Forests of Cold Russia has put all trapped stuff in the Atmo . In short, heavy Rains & devil-ish roller coaster for temps worldwide are now just new normal.

posted on Jun, 27 2020 @ 03:36 PM
I f*cking love nukes, BOOM!,
I wouldn't really trust my self with one.
Same with matches and magnifying glasses.

edit on 0000006033763America/Chicago27 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

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