posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 02:42 PM
In a world filled with just liquid cow Shi* crazy news and events every day one would like to just get away from it all for a little and refocus. I am
not much for the "news" and don't really care much for all the "group" events going on around the world and in Our Country. Today I went to play a
game I play with my little brother who is an active service member still restricted on lockdown on base because of the Corona Virus (fiasco) and was
greeted with the Black Lives Matter in a video game. I understand folks feel slighted maybe are getting screwed, maybe not all people in our world are
getting it hard , or they are IDK. Why can't I even escape to a game and not get the "message" people of all colors and creeds play. The message
claims racism is plaguing and ruining the COD online community all of a sudden.
My thing is, why does this have to spill into gaming? Yesterday my neighborhood right in front of my house was surrounded by 30 state cops in riot
gear and some fully armed like I would've been when I was an active USMC 0311 during my 4 tours of combat in the middle east because of all the stuff,
now cant even get into a game to play with my brother without having Crap Rammed down MY GOD DAMM THROAT.
I don't like this, I didn't purchase an 80$ plus dollar game (with all the add ons and everthing else I bought) to have foreign objects inserted into
me by force.
Sorry if this is more like a rant but if this is going on in gaming (AKA fantasy land) we are effed
Bman out.
edit on 5-6-2020 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)