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The Sword & The Heavenly Mandate - The Divine Right Of Kings

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posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 08:59 AM
Every time the gates are pushed apart and opened, it is there the sword in a stone entangled in blooming vines. The cracked roof shining rays of light down upon it and silent whispers of darkness in the shadows of the room, screaming as if begging not to pull out the sword. A mandated time of the heavens given to man upon once more the sword will be pulled out of the stone and held by a King, to bring back balance to the realm of man but a King does not really mean a ruler.

Such Kings have long gone and are whispered as legends among the embers of a campfire, and when the hand touched the hilt the heaven rang announcing but was let go as the individual who held it for a brief second uttered the words "I am not worthy of the title, nor am I ready to bare the responsibility. When the mandated time comes and passes upon me will I then be ready and called by the sword to wield the right".

^That ladies and gentlemen is the future King and the difference between a man and a King.

OR... it all could be just a dream!

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

There is no DIVINE right of king's, you are either part of CHRISTS kingdom - Thy KINGDOM COME - or part of the earthly kingdom's that are doomed to the lake of fire, make no mistake there is no DIVINE right of King's it is a blasphemy and the only reason the people of Israel were permitted a king was because they demanded one before which the Judges ruled them, God warned them it would not go good and it did not as many of these king's blasphemed and corrupted Israel to there whim's, even the good one's often fell short, Saul and his line were replaced by David whom as a young man was after the Lord's heart but of course we all grow up and soon he displeased the Lord even to the point of causing the death of a man whose wife he wanted.

But the TRUE King was sent, that is JESUS.

Those that go on and on about the so called divine right are mincing word's and twisting the bible as indeed they have for the last 1700 years or so since old Constantine had and his mother Helena had it compiled into the earliest accepted form of the bible, there are king's in heaven that serve God but they throw there crowns' down before the Lord.

As for the Sword in the stone, well brother please read this.
It was NOT a sword of King's it was Not called Excalibur and there was no Sorcerer (another blasphemy against God's rule) as made by a romanticizing french monk in a story that was probably meant only as an allegorical tale BUT there was indeed a man of Noble birth, a Mighty knight whom had a bad temper but God chose this man to become his servant, he turned this most unlikely of men a womanizing violent Italian knight into his saint, St Galgano became a hermit, his Sword is still were he stabbed it into the rock to this very day.

In EARLIER time's the Church made a distinction between the rulers of this world and the rulers of the TRUE Kingdom, we are never to make the earthy rulers our MASTERS or our LORDS for we have only one and that is Christ himself though we are supposed to obey there laws were they do not go against the law of our lord - and if they do we may then practice in secret but better to walk into the gates of heaven as the early Christian martyr's were blessed too by refusing to accept those law's that were against our Lord - but back when corrupt bishop's bought there seat's this was ignored and indeed they were often more corrupt than the tribal chieftains and inbred line's that claimed to be Royal when in fact they are NOT, the Merovingian's even went so far as to Blaspheme the name of our lord and even claim to be HIS descendant's and most of these lout's are there descendant's as well, they are NOT Christ's descendant's though - at least no more than you or I in the sense of the fact as the word of God we are all really his Children.

There have been since that time though many and often as a matter of necessity to ensure it's own survival and as they knew no other form of government Kingdom's calling themselves Christian kingdom's did arise and indeed on rare occasion's some of these EARTHLY king's were Christian enough to attain saint hood.

But woe betide those that would think to enter the kingdom of our lord whom told his abasing servant's to stand up and called them his fellow servant's before the father, for if they then call some former earthly monarch highness how much disgrace then be upon them for this error.

Christ is our KING, the ONLY KING and his KINGDOM COME - HIS WILL BE DONE not some inbred blasphemous fraudster from a line of fraudsters stemming back to thug's, bandit's and murdering thieves.

There is a sword other than that, the sword of the spirit.
A lot of people don't like the Charismatic style of Christianity but if they are serving Christ and there ministry saves soul's then so be it.

Of course not everyone will agree with me and there are many devout christian's and bible scholars that will PROVE I am wrong and argue there point BUT I stand by my belief because you can NOT serve two masters, either you serve Christ or you are a servant of this world.

edit on 4-6-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 10:26 AM
Give me the fire lake please, it’s better then a eternity stuck with the unbelievably pious.

a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 12:10 PM
Pulling the sword out equates to having no faith.

What are the greatest challenges in life. What are ACTUALLY the greatest challenges in life?

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength. – Revelation 1: 12-16


edit on 4-6-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Exorcism and exercising are two entirely different concepts. Great discernment required. Sometimes.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Illumimasontruth

That made me chuckle, but you know some would see excercising (Sorry older spelling) was a method of exhorcising (older spelling again) the demon of sloth from one's own body and mind.

(though it is much easier when you are young and sprightly ha).

edit on 5-6-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM
Historically, the "divine right of kings" doctrine was a reaction against the Middle Ages theory that all kings got their authority from God via the Pope. It meant "We kings are independent of the Pope, we get our authority direct, we don't need the Pope's permission".

posted on Jun, 7 2020 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

...when the hand touched the hilt the heaven rang announcing but was let go as the individual who held it for a brief second uttered the words "I am not worthy of the title, nor am I ready to bare the responsibility. When the mandated time comes and passes upon me will I then be ready and called by the sword to wield the right".

Tough job this "king" has ahead, any idea on why your source in the dream thinks that he cannot bear the responsibility right now and how much you trust this source?

posted on Jun, 8 2020 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: miri2019

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

...when the hand touched the hilt the heaven rang announcing but was let go as the individual who held it for a brief second uttered the words "I am not worthy of the title, nor am I ready to bare the responsibility. When the mandated time comes and passes upon me will I then be ready and called by the sword to wield the right".

Tough job this "king" has ahead, any idea on why your source in the dream thinks that he cannot bear the responsibility right now and how much you trust this source?

Well the source can be defined as a voice that is within us and around us, split a piece of wood and it is there, lift a rock and you will find it. Basically the source is good so far as I can tell and I think that maybe he or she is not spiritually ready or in terms of maturity?

Indeed this individual will have the toughest job in history of mankind I think...

posted on Jun, 8 2020 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I'm familiar with that voice, compliments! You can trust that voice with your life anytime. You're onto something with your visions, they match with mine. The person you're talking about is aware of his limitations, but he'll definitely be ready in due time. He's getting there, he's being constantly updated and upgraded, so to speak.

By now the dark forces already know who he is, it's been a couple of years. Long time looking finally paid off.

P.S. I'm guessing you know by now, but be extra careful and respectful with that voice, it can send one to hell or heaven in a split second.
edit on 8-6-2020 by miri2019 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

The computer says no on royalty.

Them and the aristocratic sycophant worshiping minions and lords, inevitable end up beasting weans, whilst declaring there, cough cough, God-given right to rule over everyone else.

Monarchic rule equates to one rule for some and none for the rest I'm afraid.

By the way, if you are looking for King Arthur he's ""apparently"" asleep under Edinburgh castle.
edit on 8-6-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2020 @ 06:03 PM
I gave you a star. Better yet, I understood your words and your wisdom. Let us share this cookie now? Or cheese pizza? 😉a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 05:30 PM
Thank you for this message.

Brought tears to my eyes.

I love you all.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 05:31 PM
Oh you glorious kings of Old,
How low you have fallen.
Yet still you stand,

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

A lot of people don't like the Charismatic style of Christianity but if they are serving Christ and there ministry saves soul's then so be it

How gullible are you? I mean, really? They are not saving people's souls! They are making loads of money from religous people who are very easily manipalated.

Do you remember Peter Popoff? Yeah, he was doing the same rubbish, earning millions from gullible people! Pretending to cure them from diseases, getting them to throw their medication on the stage. Absolutly disgusting.

And get what, he was a complete fraud. But did that stop people believing they were touched by God, or that something divine was happening here? Of course not!


posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Your words are true, but I ask you hold no grief for those who would so deceive, as they themselves have been deceived, and He who would bare the weight of all our Sins will soon make his presence known and speak the Word.

And pray for those who pure of heart have been led down this illusionary path. For a spirit starved is easily fooled by the shadow of a fruit.

Rejoice! Merry I say unto you! For wonders await.

Whichsoever you chooseth, this I know be True; thy Kingdom come.

I love you All.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 04:50 PM
cool timing for this subject...

Priests and Kings are did you know bro......?

these persons will be posted like you are ready for the remedy to it will be

edit on 20-8-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-8-2020 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: miri2019

I ask you; would you so then, bare the weight of this Truth Manifested?

Who among us, as a Man, could bare the weight of all Sins of Mankind, however deceitfully convoluted and misguiding.

Who among us, is like He most high?

Would you then, dare pull the sword from its resting place?
Be warned then; for no Man within the confines of his reality can bare this Truth in Knowing; for it surely burns and tears the mind asunder.

And yet I laugh in glee at the mirrored irony of this infinite Truth!

Confusion is afoot. This web of lies which had been expertly crafted for us is as a pedestal for this Sword of Truth.

Rejoice my friends!
Great wonders await!

I love you All.

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