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Category 5 Hellstorm is gathering over Chicago and the Heart of America

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posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:16 PM
I'm posting with some very recent news that, in my opinion, hasn't gotten nearly the attention that it deserves. No political angle here, I've set aside my personal beliefs - this comes only from care and concern, and my wish to spread awareness of an incredibly dangerous situation. Make of it what you will.

Here's the story in the Chicago Sun-Times, it broke around midnight last night -

CPS suspends food distribution program ‘based on the evolving nature of activity’ in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times

12.5 million children whose parents have long been relying on those meals to feed their kids. Many of them are unemployed or out of work, many more since the virus shutdowns, and they will now be unable to feed them. And parents of hungry children will be filled with the fiercest determination, they will feed them at absolutely any cost. This is likely to mean more looting of stores that sell food and supplies. Once those supplies are stripped, it will spread outwards. It would be a very dangerous situation for everyone in and around the city.

This isn't about blaming... Just stating the facts. If my daughter & son were very hungry, I would do anything - break any law, go right through anyone in my way - to feed her. You would too. Any parent will do the same.

If you're in that area, just be aware, be ready for anything - Have everyone put together a couple bags of critically important stuff and have it ready to grab and go, if it comes to the absolute worst case scenario (self-defense, H²O, medications, non-perishable foods, clothing, fuel, sentimental items). In a massive metro area, everything could turn upside down faster than anyone can imagine. And in that chaos, anyone could be a danger to any other person.

If the Chicagoland area does become a looted, lawless no-go zone in the next 3-5 days, it's a cinch there will be another nationwide run on groceries and important supplies. Food for thought.

When it gets truly crazy, keep it simple - Water, security, food, fuel. Nothing else matters.

Take care. Be aware. Stay safe.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

Arm them, starve them, blame them.

We have seen this before...

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: M4nWithNoN4me
I'm posting with some very recent news that, in my opinion, hasn't gotten nearly the attention that it deserves. No political angle here, I've set aside my personal beliefs - this comes only from care and concern, and my wish to spread awareness of an incredibly dangerous situation. Make of it what you will.

Here's the story in the Chicago Sun-Times, it broke around midnight last night -

CPS suspends food distribution program ‘based on the evolving nature of activity’ in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times

12.5 million children whose parents have long been relying on those meals to feed their kids. Many of them are unemployed or out of work, many more since the virus shutdowns, and they will now be unable to feed them. And parents of hungry children will be filled with the fiercest determination, they will feed them at absolutely any cost. This is likely to mean more looting of stores that sell food and supplies. Once those supplies are stripped, it will spread outwards. It would be a very dangerous situation for everyone in and around the city.

This isn't about blaming... Just stating the facts. If my daughter & son were very hungry, I would do anything - break any law, go right through anyone in my way - to feed her. You would too. Any parent will do the same.

If you're in that area, just be aware, be ready for anything - Have everyone put together a couple bags of critically important stuff and have it ready to grab and go, if it comes to the absolute worst case scenario (self-defense, H²O, medications, non-perishable foods, clothing, fuel, sentimental items). In a massive metro area, everything could turn upside down faster than anyone can imagine. And in that chaos, anyone could be a danger to any other person.

If the Chicagoland area does become a looted, lawless no-go zone in the next 3-5 days, it's a cinch there will be another nationwide run on groceries and important supplies. Food for thought.

When it gets truly crazy, keep it simple - Water, security, food, fuel. Nothing else matters.

Take care. Be aware. Stay safe.

Ummm...I would just add shelter to your list...but yessir...I'm afraid things are going to get real...


posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

Chicago. Not My Kind of Town.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

If my wife or myself, who are both white, was working for that distribution program, there would be no way in hell We would go to work today.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

Why are we playing patty cake? why dont organizations like these demand from city official leaders, law enforcement officials to keep our neighboordhoods safe so good organizations can actually help people in need. and not have environments where people can just take things.

By doing more then just standing there when someone throws porjectiles at you. Lets start having some consequnces for people who do this. Thats why this "evolving activitity" is happening is because no body wants to enforce anything or have any consequnces.
edit on 1-6-2020 by American-philosopher because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2020 by American-philosopher because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2020 by American-philosopher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

OMG these people will have to make meals for their children instead of the government. God Forbid! Oh the humanity!

I am pretty sure most of these people are eligible for food stamps. It won't kill them to get their lazy asses off the couch, turn off the tv, go to a local grocery store, then come home and prepare a meal for their children like the rest of us do on a daily basis.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: MRinder
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

It won't kill them to get their lazy asses off the couch, turn off the tv, go to a local grocery store, then come home and prepare a meal for their children like the rest of us do on a daily basis.

Too late, they already burned down their grocery stores

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 02:53 PM
I wonder...were throngs of Chicago 'young adults' starving off a couple weeks after graduation every year? You know, in that perfect, pre-covid world where they were being fed on the daily with other peoples money while in school? What did the poor dears do before, the day after graduation, when the free lunches they "relied on" went away? Legit question, no?

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 03:00 PM
not the mud pit so must be nice. Chicago could well look like Damascus by months end. Too bad, there's an Exotic Car Dealer there that might get harmed. The Rest...... as they say in NY......

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 03:03 PM
Want to make some predictions on the body count ? Looks like it will be a crappy fourth of July there, just saying.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:09 PM
MIM's June 12th is not too far away. For those following me on my "street talk, and my recent post, I've stated "its right in front of us now". Some good as we see around the world and as sad as I have to say as an American, mostly bad in America. ( about the helmets with cameras, those rioters are going to get away scoot free ) ( if they do, the sun will go down and not come up in many cities across America this summer )

Yes, it is very true that something is cooking behind the scenes. What it is... it is already in front of us. But maybe some LEO's can start talking freely.

A word of caution for Americans in America. I once stated one should prepper for one year, then laughed at, so I brought it down to 6 months to be prepared for food shortages.
You guys do realize that once the truck drivers are afraid to go into the cities, they'll be no food at the stores. Anyway, June 12th is beginning to be in everyone's face across the world.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: MRinder
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

It won't kill them to get their lazy asses off the couch, turn off the tv, go to a local grocery store, then come home and prepare a meal for their children like the rest of us do on a daily basis.

Too late, they already burned down their grocery stores

I just spoke to a lady out here in the suburbs who said her neighborhood in Chicago is destroyed and she had to come out here to go grocery shopping.

The news is not covering the full extent of the destruction in Democrat-run Chicago.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: Plotus
not the mud pit so must be nice. Chicago could well look like Damascus by months end. Too bad, there's an Exotic Car Dealer there that might get harmed. The Rest...... as they say in NY......

You don't really think it will stay contained in Chicago do you, the fire has been lit, there's no competent leadership, life in America is looking dim for the foreseeable future.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 05:41 PM
I live in NC. rural, mostly Old money white, lots of white grandkids and dads, with not a lot of tolerance for crime or looters, mostly pretty well armed, just saying I'd say it's the blue states that might face problems for a short time. And if it turns Biblical then... well it was prophesied 2,000 years ago in Revelations by John the Apostle at Patmos.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: MRinder
a reply to: M4nWithNoN4me

OMG these people will have to make meals for their children instead of the government. God Forbid! Oh the humanity!

I am pretty sure most of these people are eligible for food stamps. It won't kill them to get their lazy asses off the couch, turn off the tv, go to a local grocery store, then come home and prepare a meal for their children like the rest of us do on a daily basis.

My wife is a school cook. They've been making sack meals for entire families, two meals a day for each family member, a week's worth at a time, since schools were shut down in March. Next week is the last week unless the state extends it. And these aren't peanut butter & jelly. Fresh fruit and veggies, etc.

As I've said, I'm all for helping those who truly need it, but there are TEACHERS coming to get free meals! Come on, this is wrong! Our teachers get paid pretty well, they don't need to scam the system like this.

The worst thing is a lot of the families that come to get food are just what you said - lazy. They suck everyone dry that is willing to give them stuff, then they move on to someone else. They are mooching off the state while getting double food stamps right now along with extra money on their monthly debit card. For doing what? Absolutely nothing. Why don't the rest of us get food money? The cost of meat has gone way up here, doubling in most places. There is so much wrong with this system it's not funny.

edit on 1-6-2020 by HalWesten because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:05 PM
This is why you don't become dependent on government.

What it gives to you, it can also take from you.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: HalWesten

I helped my wife feed the Chicago homeless one time. 150 of them are bussed out here to various churches, from the inner city Every month. They are just for the most part lazy male and female moochers.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:30 PM
I'm in the far Western suburbs and all the stores in my area shut down about 5 pm. Notices went out that there are rumors the looters are going to target the far Western suburbs tonight.

Now the western burbs are not perfect but in general people get along with each other. You have a few gang issues but the ordinary person is pretty tolerant. Now the Southside suburbs are another thing - there some serious stuff going on around there.

So why my little area? No major issues with police brutality. I think it's targeted because the police are so easy going.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:34 PM
Meh, they will never make it past Gary, Indiana. They will wipe those soft Chicago gangs out.


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