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BET founder calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery

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posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Plotus
I think a racial/civil war would occur first. and might finally settle the problem once and for all, one way or the other. May the Best Team win.

This isn't at all about race. Look at the footage, at least half of the rioters in most footage are angsty little white girls and emo little white boys. Meanwhile, suburban and rural African Americans are arming up to fight this noise if it comes to their community right alongside all the other races in rural America.

IMO we *may* be seeing the beginning of the rural vs urban "war" a lot of us from rural American have warned about the past couple of decades.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:01 PM
The man is an opportunist shyster and should be revealed for the odious piece of crap he obviously is.

Never bought into the 'sins of the fathers' bollocks and you really can't afford for this mindset to get a foothold and any credibility at needs nipping in the bud.
I don't honestly know.

(post by Gargoyle91 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

With all due respect; have you seen the size of a Mandingo Warrior or the height of Watusi and Dinka etc?

And can you imagine how poor the USA might have been without the slave labour to farm all their crops and cotton etc?

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

And John Wilkes Booth... Lincoln was about to repatriate the slaves after they were freed, until Booth whacked him off.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Gargoyle91

And John Wilkes Booth... Lincoln was about to repatriate the slaves after they were freed, until Booth whacked him off.

Damn.. what sort of dirty theater were they in anyway?!

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

you made me lfmao for real .thats all i can say.

its like me saying the English starved my Irish side on purpose

I want 20 trillion for the loss of life and especially potatoes bc thats all we could grow back then since they screwed the soil too.

this waste of space should be saying he wants reparations from africa bc they enslaved their own people.

earth is a learning/prison/school. most people understood this on a deep level until they stopped being religious/spiritual/thoughtful and became more emotional/vindictive/hypocritical.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

He can get in line behind the descendants of all Union soldiers who fought to free their fellow man when they didn't have to.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: NightVision

14 Trillion?

I don't think he passed basic math.

That would be 500k per black person in America... I'm starting to feel a little black too...

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: LSU2018

14 Trillion ....

Divided by...

Roughly 50 million African Americans in the US =

$280,000 a pop. That's a mighty fine chunk of guacamole.

In a Tactical way it would mean the end of the race. It would soon be spent but along with that it would hurry along drug overdoses, murders, gang violence and the vices tenfold of current numbers very few would use it wisely, And the white population would segregate like never before and ....... the rest of the story..

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck
Wealth devided ? Most working Americans live pay check to pay check. So where is this wealth going to come from? The 1 percent will simply protect what they have worked for

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: LSU2018

14 Trillion ....

Divided by...

Roughly 50 million African Americans in the US =

$280,000 a pop. That's a mighty fine chunk of guacamole.

I think they are below 40 million now... Killing each other and abortions has not been to kind on their numbers.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Advantage

...casinos...American Spirit Tobacco that was later bought out by one of the Big Tobacco companies which is why there are no papers anymore...

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Here is the problem with reparations. In conversations today its always about white people paying black people. But that isn't what slavery was. Slavery was black people selling their own into slavery. It was about black slave owners as much as white slave owners. The first legally recognised slave owner in the US was a black man. It was about white slaves too.

And it gets worse. The argument is that the descendants of slave owners should pay reparations to the descendants of slaves. But, slave owners had sex with slaves. The descendants are from both slave owner and slave.

Today we have a mix of people who are descendant of slave owners, slaves, or both. Some are black and some are white. Some are descendant of people who were never slaves at all but were indentured servants. Indentured servitude was a voluntary paid position.

So the question is who pays who?

On a more personal note, I want to know when I can expect reparations too. I am Italian. My people were slaves long before there was a United States. They used to douse us in oil, impale us on pikes, and set us on fire to light outdoor dinner parties. The guests used to dance to the sound of our screams. When is someone going to pay me?

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: Advantage

...casinos...American Spirit Tobacco that was later bought out by one of the Big Tobacco companies which is why there are no papers anymore...

Yeah.. and the "non monetary trust assets and resources"... land that was never paid for.... lawsuits for over a decade... and guess what? Im not seeing a whole lot of elevated living situations on MOST tribal lands. Sorry, but all of that nonsense isnt worth a new doublewide and a truck. Even is it IS a dually.
Simply put, reparations are bad.... for the spirit. Like gpa said.. smearing ancestors blood all over yourself for a fed handout isnt honorable. Blacks need to quit with the reparations BS.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Bet he had quite the opinion on the Occupation of Alcatraz and the AIM Movement at Wounded Knee and Pine Ridge.

posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 08:56 PM
I whole hardheartedly agree with that number.

Jews and other ethnic groups have gotten repatriations. Countries get it all the time for wrong doing done to them, especially during wars *coughs* winners *winners*.

Now everybody has a problem when black folks are talking about gettin the same thing?


posted on Jun, 1 2020 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

the U.S. did repatriate freed slaves, those that wanted to go even before the war. something like 15 or 20 thousand not sure about the numbers in 1820's

Freetown in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

i read article a few years back, that the deal with lincoln was he was going to send the to freed slaves to british colonies in south and central america. but the deal fell thru due to the brits thinking that the Emancipation Proclamation was illegal and fearing that the south could still win the war.
Book: Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves

also he sent some to a island near hati that failed and he had to send a rescue ship for them.
Remember That Time Abraham Lincoln Tried to Get the Slaves to Leave America?

another problem he faced is many freed slaves didn't want to go, they were born here and wanted to stay. there use to be a wayback page for this but it seems to be gone now. name of the page was "'Back to Africa?' The Colonization Movement in Early America"author name was Timothy Crumrin.

PolitiFact wants to disagree with these two articles, but they do admit that he wanted the colony option.
Did Abraham Lincoln plan to send ex-slaves to Central America after the Civil War?

Another look at Abraham Lincoln and the colonization of ex-slaves

as i said a few years back i got into a pissing match with some snotty brit bs about how the U,S, was the worst slavers the world ever seen. i had to inform him that the brits who were the world worst slavers in the 18th century second only to Portugal, and that the trans atlantic slave trade in the U.S was started by the europens with britian being the worst offenders.

anyways i never saw anything where lincoln wanted to repatriate freed slaves back to africa. could be wrong though

posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 06:49 AM
My oh my, how the black community forgets that one time they were slave owners, traders, and sellers alike. they can take their reparations and shove them up their ….. for one. I don't owe anyone anything, and no one owes me alike....

posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

That's because suburban and rural African-Americans are mainly Americans with the rest of us. They've largely "sold out" and joined the larger, productive culture that makes this country work. They have jobs, homes, families to protect. Whatever they think of things, they aren't going to let their lives get trashed by a bunch of thugs and brat thugs who think they're leading the next revolution from behind.

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