posted on May, 31 2020 @ 06:59 AM
Some of you may have seen my post about Steven Greer (tldr; Greer means watcher, and his middle name is mason), I was watching more reptilian
vids on youtube, and I saw another odd name among the people who are alleged to be shown shapeshifting or whatever. The video itself wasn't very
convincing, it's the name that's interesting. Well, the name, and also that this person is also seen by some people as showing reptilian traits
(regardless of whether that's the case or not...I personally think the reptilian alien presence theory is a very low likelihood scenario).
So, CNN's "Arwa Damon". Damon is easy...pick the A instead of the E when transcribing daemon, same thing. Arwa's an interesting name, so I looked
it up...turns out it's from Urdu.
"This page is dedicated to the Arabic Muslim Girl Name Arwa. The meaning of this beautiful word is female mountain goat."
-some baby naming website, again
So her name comes out to..."female goat demon", roughly.
Is there some theory in the reptilian mythology that states that they must drop hints to their presence or activity? Because that idea, about being
obligated to drop hints, and an obsession with names...that makes me think of Christian demonology, not aliens.