posted on May, 30 2020 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to:
And who benefits from such destruction?
It's definitely not the Left or their supporters.
Don't get me wrong, there are locals and Leftists involved in the rioting. But it seems like they have targeted businesses that have a history of
disenfranchising poor people and minorities. It seems like there's a crew that comes in later that burns everything you the ground.
There was a post that went out yesterday that, among other things, discussed how the protesters were making sure that minority owned businesses were
identified and avoided. It even gave a shout out to a specific restaurant that was providing protesters with food and a place to rest. In the middle
of the night that very restaurant was torched.
The ones that have the most to gain from this wanton destruction is the government. As I said before, all this achieves is a more militarized police
state and gives the Executive Branch an excuse for a power grab.
The fact that Trump is calling the Left out by name when he couldn't even really decry the Nazis in Charlottesville should tell you everything you
need to know.
There's definitely more going on here and it has nothing to do with Left vs. Right. It has to do with those with power trying to gain more while
denying those without what little power they do have.
Trump is not your friend. Biden is not your friend. Pelosi is not your friend. McConnell is not your friend.
All they're trying to do is keep us divided while they continue to empower themselves.
At one point ATS knew this simple fact. It's sad to see how many have forgotten it.