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Protests could trigger virus surge in Minnesota as deaths hit new high

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posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:45 PM
Protests could trigger virus surge in Minnesota as deaths hit new high

Health officials warned Thursday that mass protests over police brutality could exacerbate the spread of COVID-19 in Minnesota and trigger a surge in an outbreak that has had a disproportionate impact on minorities.

State Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said it is understandable that people are protesting and speaking out following the death of a black man forcibly restrained by a white police officer, but that doesn't lessen the exposure risks from the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 at a pivotal time in the pandemic.

Minnesota is among 20 states — including Wisconsin and North Dakota — now listed on the COVID Exit Strategy website as "trending poorly" due to rising case counts and hospital utilization.

Minnesota had been gradually scaling back restrictions — with churches being able to offer services for up to 250 people or 25% of their capacities, and restaurants and bars being allowed to resume outdoor dining service beginning Monday.

Protests this week showed scattershot concern for such restrictions, or for social distancing recommendations to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart so as not to spread germs.

There are many things in life that are more important than keeping your self safe from a deadly virus and there are a few things in life that are more important than keeping other people safe from a deadly virus.

Protests and riots over the unnecessary and possibly criminal death of a minority man at the hands the police can easly be count as one of those reasons to risk lives in pursuit of social justice.

However righteous the reasons for social gathering might be the disease is not going to respect them; What will be the ramification?

Is Minnesota now headed for an outbreak similar to New York?

Can Minneapolis be used as a bellwether for the rest of the country? An indicator of what will happen as other areas reopen their economies?

The Mayor of Minneapolis sure is worried about the possibilities that might be about to befall his city. Property damage and theft is one thing; 10s of thousands of deaths are another.

Minn. mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be 'public health disaster'

Before George Floyd died in police custody this week, triggering destructive riots as large crowds protested in Minneapolis, the city's mayor, Jacob Frey, warned that allowing 25 percent capacity in churches would be "a recipe in Minneapolis for a public health disaster" due to the coronavirus.

Now, as his city is overwhelmed by crowds causing property damage and clashing with police, Frey's own government said that it is giving out masks to the rioters -- even though the state has prohibited gatherings of 10 or more people because of the pandemic.

edit on 29-5-2020 by DanDanDat because: Spelling

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:51 PM
EXACTLY! That's the plan, an excellent way to reduce the population of SJW's. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

Or perhaps just the perfect story to tell to make the rest of the country think twice about protesting.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

wasnt it funny how people were making all these comments about people who were protesting the stay at home orders? that "you are infecting more people when you are protesting" But I am not hearing those comments for these new rounds of protest.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: igloo

That's good. I like the way you decorate your igloo.

I guess we'll know in 5-21 days.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 07:55 PM
Huhhh... imagine that. A certainty.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher
a reply to: DanDanDat

wasnt it funny how people were making all these comments about people who were protesting the stay at home orders? that "you are infecting more people when you are protesting" But I am not hearing those comments for these new rounds of protest.

Maybe those people felt that "not wanting to ware masks" didn't rise to a level of importance requiring the need to put others in danger; but do feel that these protest and riot are important enough to risk people's lives.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:01 PM
'guys, have you read this? i think we better all calm down and go home.' said no rioter ever.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

We are past that here. For the past two months we've heard nothing but lies from our newspapers and TV. Attempting to scare people with estimates of 50,000 dead from some vague, mysterious "virus" just in the state alone. The grossly incompetent and irresponsible reporting is no longer believed, and rightly so.

I've worked the past 2 months seeing 1000 people a day. Not even a case of the sniffles. I don't know anybody who is sick let alone died. And going by the hospital every morning it is quiet as a church. If it was remotely real I would know scores of sick and dead people.

At a certain point you need to believe your own eyes and ask yourself some questions.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:02 PM
Herd immunity.

Can't beat it.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
a reply to: DanDanDat

We are past that here. For the past two months we've heard nothing but lies from our newspapers and TV.

Then why do you still watch and read them?

A "need to feed" perhaps?

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Looking at how things are reported can give you an indication of intent. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: American-philosopher
a reply to: DanDanDat

wasnt it funny how people were making all these comments about people who were protesting the stay at home orders? that "you are infecting more people when you are protesting" But I am not hearing those comments for these new rounds of protest.

Yep the media appears to be cheering on the rioting and looting. It makes for great TV and ratings.

The media isn't going to accuse rioters or looters of spreading COVID 19, that would be racist, very very racist to point that out.

Of course, when people protest Chinese style oppression by Governors who enact ridiculous policies and say they won't let their subjects free until there is a vaccine or cure (which may be never) - then protesting against what are basically communist iron fisted anti-liberty policies, is killing everyone from the virus and these are the true villans.

But rioting and looting and actually harming people burning down people's businesses, that is fine, it won't spread the virus, to even suggest that is to be the worst racist one could imagine. Stop being such racists, rioting and looting in mass is something to be applauded as brave. Destroying a business and burning it to the ground is making a statement, so what if the business owner had nothing to do with the murder, it is making a great statement, to say otherwise is racist people, racist.

What, spread COVID 19 at a riot and looting spree, don't be such a racist.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:22 PM
What's the new high?
Just wait 2 more weeks goys!!!

Jfc..did you realize the Epstein examiner will be traveling up for the exam?
The cop and "victim" worked together previously, but acted like strangers.
A cop was caught vandalizing.
Go fund me for family is up to a million dollars last I heard.

It's all bs and the black community is being used as pawns.
This is ALL organized and not organic.
By who? Idk

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:22 PM
The people showed they are more afraid of cops than they are of a virus. It says a lot.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: SuicideKing33

Thats interesting perspective; Are you suggesting protesters and rioters simply do not believe that the coronavirus is that much of a risk?

I was assuming they felt that what they where protesting and rioting over was more important than the danger from the virus; but if I am understanding you correctly; you think the calculation for them is a lot easier because they don't really believe the virus is as dangerous as the news has been reporting.

Even more ominous is that you also seem to be suggesting that it is due to irresponsible reporting that people in your area feel this way. Does that mean the news media will be some what response for the viruses deaths that might occur because of these protests? Had they been more responsible in their reporting some protesters and rioters might have stayed home?

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

Sorry . Doom Porn is becoming " Passe " Nowadays........Pandemic ? Yeah , The Last Time the Trogg's had a Hit Album , GMAFB Already with this Bully Sheit ! .........

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
Herd immunity.

Can't beat it.

Could it be that this too is racist?

After all we have all been told that COVID 19 is inherently racist, killing more Black people by percentage of the population.

Could this be like the person who said when last month California had more deaths by suicide than by COVID 19, "well that's a way to get rid of Democratic voters".

Could the organizers of the rioting and looting be secret racists trying to genocide black people by getting them to spread COVID 19 among themselves?


posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:38 PM
Yeah its not just Minnesota if you are watching the news. its nationwide.

What this might show is that maybe our fears over corona virus are not that bad. at least with all the young people who are out protesting.

posted on May, 29 2020 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

This Story is in Black And White , and Staring You Right in the Face . Bottom Feeders Struggle to Survive During Times Of Duress . ........NEXT PAGE ..........

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