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Minneapolis police arrest CNN team reporting on street closure

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posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 08:17 AM
I don’t need to jump to provide you with evidence you will dismiss regardless. Why are you so strongly against the idea CNN could have created this situation and then utilized it? You have nothing but your faith the News networks are there to serve the people and simple offer objective fact. I have had that illusion broken observing their willingness to distort the truth to push their narrative. Me not trusting them to repeat their past behavior of manipulating isn’t a fake news story... I’m not the platform, I don’t make the news....

It’s the ironic thing here, you calling me as pushing fake news for daring to discuss an actual curator of news potentially fabricating a story.

Why YOU have such a strong response is interesting, perhaps you have an interest in stopping discussion regarding the manufacture of news stories?

a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

edit on 2-6-2020 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Rob808
I don’t need to jump to provide you with evidence you will dismiss regardless. Why are you so strongly against the idea CNN could have created this situation and then utilized it? You have nothing but your faith the News networks are there to serve the people and simple offer objective fact. I have had that illusion broken observing their willingness to distort the truth to push their narrative. Me not trusting them to repeat their past behavior of manipulating isn’t a fake news story... I’m not the platform, I don’t make the news....

It’s the ironic thing here, you calling me as pushing fake news for daring to discuss an actual curator of news potentially fabricating a story.

Why YOU have such a strong response is interesting, perhaps you have an interest in stopping discussion regarding the manufacture of news stories?

a reply to: JohnnyCanuck
I have no problem with discussion on the topic. I have no problem with considering evidence. I have a problem with that discussion being tainted by lies. You made a definitive statement. It was not a suggestion, nor was it an opinion. It was a serious allegation, and it was stated as fact. You're being asked to offer proof. You can't. Until proven otherwise, it's fake news. It's manufactured by you, and that doesn't fix anything.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 06:14 PM
It’s... not an opinion? From what, your authority on my free speech? Most opinions, dare I say nearly all stated here on ATS don’t have any sort of qualifier prior to label them as such... You are not at all open to the discussion as you claim, you flame me as a russian Bot for having an opinion which conflicts with your own opinion, which is all either of us is able to assert on the topic, an opinion and now you try to move the goal post. Again... I’m not a creator of news, that’s CNN. I only can state my opinion just like you here, I don’t have any authority to state anything beyond that, I’m not citing anything but myself a citizen of the United States (you seemed misinformed earlier). You can’t assert anything to prove my opinion as fake (really you mean false), you have your trust in the source which I think could be an active player in manipulating public opinion. You are correct it was a serious assertion, yet your immediate response to it was with humor.... do I have evidence that would hold up in a court of law that proves beyond all doubt my assertion? No, that fact also does not mandate my opinion as fake news. I would say we agree to disagree on the matter... My speech does not require your approval of standards to be what it in fact is, my opinion.

Why are you offended by the term sheeple by the by? Does it resonate in some way with you? Impact your ego in some way?

a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

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