posted on May, 30 2020 @ 11:57 PM
Well, there IS a system in place for correcting injustices, punishing criminals, protecting people, upholding the peace, and so on.
The rioters don't care, they just want to loot and use any opportunity to destroy and divide. Instigators are paid to create riots.
Somehow, rioters are called protesters, though.
What SHOULD have happened, if there hadn't been any agenda attached here, is that the system of justice would have arrested, tried and judged the
criminals, sentenced them accordingly and justly, and the criminals would be serving time for a long time, and everyone could go about their business
- some of which is mourning for a good man and having a funeral and so on and so forth.
This absolutely did not need to be turned to a crazy race riot, where some people yell 'shoot the white folk'. Kind of sad how some people have the
privilege of being racist down to screaming for murder based on racial features, but if other people even hint that there's -any- kind of racial
quality or ability that someone might possess, they will be condemned to burn in hell for all eternity.
Race is a bodily quality, it does NOT define someone's personality, character or soul. Any one of us can be born to any kind of human body in the next
incarnation, including any race. So the race someone hates now, might be their own bodily quality in 100 years or less. This is fundamentally the
deepest reason why racism is insanity.
The system is supposed to work so that criminals face justice, and are given a just sentence, that is very careful that innocent people are not
The system is corrupt and does its own part in creating injustices, but it's a heck of a lot better than burning buildings and rioting + looting on
the streets and screaming for racistic murder!