Hey guys,
An interesting video came in this afternoon.
Im posting a link to it because I want some input from you all.
This object apparently flew over the city of Toronto in a minute and a half - with multiple witnesses in differing parts of the city.
Some of you know my full time job involves Drones, so I'm very familiar with how they fly, their differing capabilities between a consumer level drone
vs an industrial level drone.
All consumer and industrial level Drones need to be equipped with always-on red lights, and blinking or off green lights.
This object has neither.
I'm going to provide some information to assist you guys with taking an educated guess,
however as always, some stuff needs to be vague or left out to ensure the witnesses identities are not made public.
witness #3 was on the other side of the city. They did not get anything on video, but their recollection of events matched the original witnesses.
The sighting took place on May 26,2020 At 20:51 hrs.
The video is genuine - there are no signs of manipulation.
The witness who submitted the video is very credible and holds a masters degree while working in a high level position.
They have no reason to make a false claim.
The Witness estimated the object being 10-15 ft long, flying against the wind at approximately 200 meters AGL.
There's Nothing on Flightradar24.
No NOTAMs issued for a drone flight over the city.
A top of the line consumer level drone has up to 8 km range.
However, flying at that distance, a drone pilot is going to need video transmission to ensure they get their $3000 investment back.
A lot of factors interfere with drone video transmission - buildings, weather and other electronics broadcasting on the same 2.4 or 5Ghz.
The object flew a straight trajectory until it disappeared.
The witness first noticed the object out over the city int he distance.
They were able to run into the apartment and grab their camera, however they left the tripod in the house because they were in a hurry to get
something on video before it disappeared.
Anyway, take a look at the video, and throw out some ideas.
Any questions, I'll try to answer the best I can.
Screen shot of object
Link to video
edit on 27-5-2020 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-5-2020 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)