We Are The ALL!
We are the everything, the Alpha and the Omega, the Yin and Yang, the elemental configuration, the Positive and the Negative, the Source of ALL!
Singularity and Plurality, every and all energy, every and all sound, every and all emotion, connected and swirling, forcibly and controlling,
repelling and absorbing, configured and deleted, on a tight string or loose threads, tethered or dangling from every direction.
Free will and no control, actions and reactions, consequences and results, opposites and likes, randomly and purposely, attraction and retraction,
consider the ramifications, the actualization, the realization, the edification, leading the horses and sheep to water, survival or demise, evolution
and creation.
Sometimes the point is made, sometimes the point eludes us, sometimes the point is just a point, a dot, a period, a speck of dust, sometimes the point
is a cone, a circle, a triangle, round, square, or a line, the point can be many things from many angles and perspectives.
What we see and how we see it determines what we see and how we see it. Perspective comes from many places, some high and some low, some from the side
and some from afar, some from a close up view, no view is ever exactly the same, ugliness and beauty have many forms.
What some may see as beauty others may see as ugliness. How we interpret an artwork, sculpture or a painting, how we objectify and vilify, how we
judge and condone behavior, human or animal or insect or plant, all with a method, a solution to a problem and an appreciation for survival.
Words describe how we feel, what we think, depending on the culture and vary with meaning from language, some languages do not need words, intuition
will suffice, communicating without words is the ultimate freedom of expression, the ability to know or understand, empathetic senses, trusting what
we feel is difficult to do when the message is unforgiving.
Double edged swords cut both ways. Having intuition is beneficial in that it does not require words, it is a feeling we have, and we can act on that
feeling or ignore it. Sometimes what we really want overrides the intuition, consequences have actions, trusting what we think we know or not wanting
to risk it, taking a chance or ignoring and taking a wait and see approach, see I was right or I guess I was mistaken, the point is, we never really
know what would happen if we did something the other way.
The path we choose is chosen for us. We have decisions to make daily, but they are affected by the choices of others. We ALL make choices and we ALL
have a purpose, a reason, a meaning, so mine affects you and yours affects mine. It is ALL about perspective, objective, agenda, method of
achievement, intuitive correctness, but the path we go down is ours to observe, what lurks behind the shadows, unknown and unseen, waiting to pounce
or trounce, what lesson is there to learn from the shape of the path, the current of the water, the flow of the air, or the ruggedness of the
No matter what path we are on, there is no way to undo what has been written in stone, the path can be altered, traversed in either direction, but any
return to a previous point, will be seen from a different view, perspective, objective or agenda, with different resulting reactions and actions, to
what may be familiar, but quite a different set of circumstances to navigate, also, with their very own lessons attached.
Making lemonade from lemons. Every experience we have as a soul is an opportunity to learn. A chance to add information to our hard drive, what not to
click on and what deserves attention, souls are hunter gatherers, we thirst for more, what we thought was bad was good and what we thought was good
was bad, every positive has a negative and vice versa, we can put blinders on or take them off, we can be introspective or self destructive, we can
choose to learn or continue to deny, deprive or enhance, the choice is ours.
Ours and Hours, sound the same but have completely different usage and meanings, inclusion and conclusion, we are interconnected and disconnected, we
are the ALL!