I saw this video in another thread, and after some consideration decided to make a thread on it.
Theres a lot of good stuff in there, but I wanted to focus on the things that confirm my bias. Because.. nyah!
So, the focus will be on some external factors that simply make illnesses worse, and the *actual* preparedness steps we can take to mitigate them..
instead of lockdowns, waiting for vaccines, fear, and ventilators.
We will start at ~52:40, but the whole interview is well worth a watch. I figure that I will give actual links to some of the papers referenced in the
video, but otherwise will just give my own perspective.
An overall concept here is that the so-called "flu season," which is commonly ascribed to viruses themselves, are actually a manifestation of
seasonal and environmental factors. Everything from plantlife (or lack thereof in this case) to simple heat. In other words, its simply the most
"virus friendly" environment of the year, and therefore we see the bulk of outbreaks in that time frame.
The first particular is the notion that beyond pathogens spreading person-to-person and through surfaces, that they also can spread through local
weather patterns. And, very importantly, globally through the atmosphere. In an age where
we must Fear the Virus, I suppose that might really freak some out.. But it would be the natural course of events for millennia.
What isnt "natural" is how air pollution can directly affect this spread of pathogens by concentrating it around areas of high pollution. This one
is a double whammy, as long term exposure to air pollution can alsocreate immune
One of the issues that seems to be flying under the radar is the negative effects of widespread vaccinations. Eschewing the natural processes
of gaining immune familiarity by using vaccines can end up increasing our vulnerability to other
It also appears that, like many other viruses of this type, medications such as statins, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers increase
mortality. All together, these medications are very, very commonly prescribed and increase risk for viruses of this type quite dramatically.
The last, not included in the video, is a notable mention of EMFs on the human immune system. Despite still being dismissed by many, as well as being
quite difficult to actually explore (online or through experiments), the existing research shows that many of the EMF ranges in our daily lives may
very well have detrimental effects on our immune systems. Some is being explored for
therapeutic benefits too, so its not all "bad."
Given how these cell signaling processes operate, from Calcium to Zinc, I dont believe it is a stretch to posit that something that affects one may
affect others, even indirectly. One thing that I have yet to find is a comprehensive study in this vein, that examines long term exposure of
all of the ranges (natural & artificial) an individual might be exposed to in various environments, from the urban to the rural.
TL;DR: Given what we have learned in modern times about the subject, it may be prudent to actually approach these situations with modern perspectives.
We might even be able to dramatically change what most call "flu season." And, many of our current approaches may greatly exacerbate many of these
factors as well:
1)Limiting pollutants starting in the fall and through winter
2)Examine vaccines' role in outbreaks, possibly including their temporary cessation
3)If possible, temporarily change prescriptions of medications known to vastly increase risk factors
4)Limit EMF exposure in the same time period
Now, Ill add in some interesting things that we can do in our own homes to take a bite out of the effects of the lack of flora in winter.
To address air quality in our living spaces, one of the best things we can do is relatively simple houseplants.
This study done by NASA is a bit older (1989), but the information is still quite relevant.
One of the researchers, Wolverton, continued the work a bit with studies like this(PDF)
in 1993. The Wiki page on said study has a few more references, however, it also lays
things out in a very nice quick reference table that aggregates the work.
They were looking at how well common houseplants could remove chemicals from the atmosphere, namely benzene, TCE (trichloroethylene), formaldehyde,
xylene, and ammonia.
Different plants had different efficacies in this process, but only a handful seem to tackle all of the above.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa")
Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium).
Now, while these varieties do cover all pollutants tested, they are not necessarily the most effective for each examined chemical.
Benzene: Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
Formaldehyde: Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) or Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
TCE: Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
Xylene: Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
Ammonia: Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
Any combination of these should be somewhat effective. For the sake of simplicity, a good rule of thumb is 1 houseplant per 100 sqft. There is a good
amount of wriggle room there, and it will also vary according to plant size. Some of the research here is using the plant as an
active air filter, which is a splendid idea if one has the time and
There are also some methods to automate the care of these plants. Essentially, we use nutrient and water level sensors running through something like
a Raspberry Pi. We then connect some nutrient drips, and water lines that are also controlled by the microPC.
This constantly monitors levels in real time, and can add what is needed on a continuous basis. Ill release code for this at some point, but its not
particularly difficult. That said, for many, it may simply be easier and more satisifying to care for these living things Ye Olde Fashioned