posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:37 PM
that link ^ is 2 pages by
Marvin the Martain
listing End-of- (Age / Time / World) scenarios by
various sages- seers- prophets- holy people....etc
The 2007 entry,
which marks the
40th year of the Israeli retaking
of the city of Jerusalem!!! should be a real corker...
(with the US Presidential elections that year too)
why not the start of the tribulation...being that
Armegeddon was promised to occur before "That Generation"
passes...and the scriptual consensus is: a generation = 40 years
And, its been 40years= (generation), since the 'complete' Israel
with its Jerusalem was 'regathered' via the 6-day-war in 1967
sheeze, i used to listen to the W.W.C.O.G. programs on ?Sat/Sun?
(they were the parent org. of the break-away sect of some 2,000)
oh well, ~
[edit on 16-3-2005 by St Udio]