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8 weeks later, have you changed your mind about the covid-19 pandemic?

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posted on May, 24 2020 @ 03:49 PM
It's real and they are intentionally spreading it by focusing all shopping traffic through box stores, or it's fake and they are trying to kill small businesses.

Neither scenario is cool.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 04:20 PM
Same as its always been, I am concerned about the virus based on my breathing issues and having a father with lung cancer. Both my wife and myself are isolating still, even though NC has moved on to phase 2 of lifting restrictions, as I have to take the old man in for his surgery Tuesday morning. I'm most worried about him at the hospital, he's already had a test, but he's requesting one before being discharged as I have to stay with him for a week and would rather not pick it up from him if at all possible.

I saw the TP panic coming, I saw the meat panic coming, I saw the overall grocery panic coming. Right at the middle of February my wife and I started to stock up on our normal foods that had extended shelf life, stocked up on TP, stocked up on sanitizing supplies, and yes we even have N95 respirators with swappable cartridges to spare. I've been working from home this entire time, and my wife runs her own business from home as well, so no change in our income stream.

Otherwise the human element is the most frightening aspect of this, people losing their minds over having to wear a mask in a store, never thought I'd see that. I think that once the dust settles, which regardless of how quickly we open things up the damage is done, it's going to get pretty ugly out there. Just reading some of the comments on the forum have me a little worried that more people than I would have thought are going to crack and lose it. Hopefully cooler heads prevail, but if not, I anticipated that as well.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: anzha

Now that I have it, yes I have changed my mind.

The masks and distancing are horribly and laughably wrong.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 08:37 PM
Live in Sweden so no lock down and majority do not wear masks. Only social distancing.

I thought this was gonna be a 5% death rate in all ages since I read about the the HIV inserts in the S protein. I have changed my mind after seeing that the death rate is 0.1%-0.3% according to studies and most cases are aged 65+.

Since we have already let it in and it is mutating there is not much left to do than to ride it out just like with the flu and hope for increased immunity.

I am more concerened about the possible side effects from Bill Gates/WHO vaccines for this virus than the the disease.
edit on 24-5-2020 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 09:42 PM
My mind hasn't changed still.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: anzha
Oceania and Eurasia have always been at war with East Asia. The liberation of the Pacific is underway.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 11:11 PM
Swedens incidence per 100K (36) is 4 times that of Denmark (9).

Sweden's incidence per 100K is even greater than the United States (27).

The COVID mortality rate world-wide is around 6.5%.

The response to COVID from the world's governments demonstrate the global reach of TPTB.

There are very few information vectors that can be trusted as factual.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: anzha

An orchestrated and guided event never been a doubt.

What is the impetus for such a grand show? What's the wind up gonna be? On these questions I'm constantly changing my mind.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 12:34 AM

- I am not freaked out by this but I know it is not just a normal flu, but also know the death rate is 0.4 - 1%.
a reply to: Shibari

Actually the death rate is over 5.8% in the US. 1,677,436 cases divided by 98024 deaths is a ratio of one in every 17.1125 people die . or as a percentage 5.8436 % . The worldwide average is 6.38% .

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 07:30 AM
It was BS then and its BS now, will also be even more BS in the future. Its a bunch of wavy, glittery "jazz hands" over here to distract from the hidden hands doing things over there.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, no telling what we will see in the days to come.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Germany 0.5%, I live here so I go by the numbers that are valid for my surrounding. You can be scared, I do not need to.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

Totally feel for you. I went to pick up my mail the other day and the packages in our little post office were stacked close to the ceiling on all surfaces. The woman working there said it was worse than Christmas and has gone on for months now. One of the issues I have had with the handling of the pandemic has been the discrepancy between non essential workers getting paid to stay home and those essential workers who are being worked off their feet and dealing with angry customers. There should be some compensation for those in such situations. I'm not meaning medical staff, such as around here that have sat on their duffs for two months, albeit at work. It's the transport, shipping, store clerk, cashiers etc. and many have not been treated well by their customers on top of the crazy work load.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 11:11 AM
I feel the same way as at the beginning and still can't shake the feeling of surreal... something in the media's response instantly didn't feel right. It was too co-ordinated, too quick to come to the same conclusions, same headlines world wide. Much like every network bleating "Obama bin Laden" immediately after 911 except this is on a much larger scale. The fact that social media jumped on board and scrubbed any alternate thoughts out was fascinating. Every mention of coronavirus having a warning box linking to the official and "fact checked" doesn't sit right with me. Given the chaos and misinformation across governments, territories, and medical sources I'd like to know who "fact checked" any of it!

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: hutch622

- I am not freaked out by this but I know it is not just a normal flu, but also know the death rate is 0.4 - 1%.
a reply to: Shibari

Actually the death rate is over 5.8% in the US. 1,677,436 cases divided by 98024 deaths is a ratio of one in every 17.1125 people die . or as a percentage 5.8436 % . The worldwide average is 6.38% .

Your numbers are a bit off:

One in every five New York City residents has been infected with the coronavirus, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday, announcing additional preliminary results from a statewide antibody survey. According to the survey of about 150,000 tests, 12.3 percent of New York state residents have been infected with COVID-19 and tested positive for virus antibodies. In New York City, 19.9 percent tested positive


12.3% of New York population is around 2.3 million people in New York alone have contracted this disease. Around 1.5 million in New York City.

Death rates in New York and New York City are around 23.3K and 16.2K.

Making the death rate much much lower than your reported 5.8%.

Closer too 1%

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: hutch622
negative your using the psychological terror number that fails to take into account the hundreds of millions that have been infected with no symptoms or easy recovery because they knew all they had was a cold, because thats what the corona is.

Part of the cabal's goal for changing the US is to put a microscope on the cold, which many here including yourself had no idea actually led to peoples deaths every year, very specific people who already had respiratory issues. such as emphysema or COPD. Although whereas in the past someone with that would catch a cold that could lead to pneumonia and death they were never tested to see if a corona virus was the cause, starting in 2020 the Covert Op Viral Intel Deception decided to focus in a coordinated psychological terror operation all of the corporate owned media to focus on these typical annual numbers and give it the name of terror COVID-19.

Last year, and every year of your life when you caught a cold and recovered just fine, thousands of others met the end of their mortal existence due to complications they already had compounded with a corona virus cold.

If you anti-body tested our entire population, you easily find there were tens of millions of infections. Multiple samplings from nearly a dozen independent labs and universities have already drawn this conclusion, but the Bilderberg/Global Engagement Center media does not focus on that because it kills the narrative.

In conclusion, this years common cold by way of corona virus has the same biological impact in regards to mortality as has every year since modern medicine. An over 99% recovery/survival rate where many barely notice an infection. Easily spread yet also easily recoverable from. And the unfortunate and not really preventable passing of susceptible and vulnerable demographics.

The disgusting concerted effort of our corporate media in partnership with the official propaganda agency of the USA, The Global Engagement Center have intentionally launched a terrorist attack on the psyche of the American public and the world in an effort to preserve the ultimate seat of power they almost had on behalf of the Communist Chinese government for money, the White House and the Presidency.

If you value personal Freedom and liberty in America, you will vote against the Chinese funded Democrats with their Chinese owned American Media companies and Universities and even food companies. The only meat packing company that tried to shut down to continue feeding the terrorist attack was Chinese owned Smitshfield,that really should have been your biggest wake up clue right there.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 12:05 PM
What this has all taught me is that extremes are becoming more extreme.

People that dislike Trump dislike him more.
People that love Trump love him more.
People that see wearing masks as an attack on their feedom are angrier.
People that see wearing masks as necessary are angrier.
You could literally do this with hundreds of examples.

You can't keep stretching things this far apart before somethig or someone snaps.

In the US a failure of leadership at almost every political level starting with the President running through Pelosi and between both parties has allowed us to be where we are.

It's already a disaster as both lives and the economy are lost and continue to struggle. Meanwhile our "top leaders" from both parties seem more concerned with throwing temper tantrums and pushing agendas then actually doing their jobs.

Coming out of this I will be utterly amazed how anyone can say a top Democrat or top Republican lead this country well through this scenario. Amazed or not, it will happen. People, depending on political leaning, on this site refuse to see see any failures in leadership from Trump and Pelosi and sadly I think that sort of myopic view will only grow.

Like I said in a previous thread, maybe Trump is a good President. Maybe Pelosi is a good speaker. Neither has succeeded at being a leader and that is the primary reason why we are here. Make no mistake about it so many variables are in play on this equation but the two with the most weight have failed.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: opethPA
What this has all taught me is that extremes are becoming more extreme.

You can't keep stretching things this far apart before somethig or someone snaps. 

I agree;

I hope it all comes crashing down sooner rather than later as that seems to be the only path forward; better to get it over with.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 05:46 PM

You can be scared, I do not need to.
a reply to: Shibari
Why would i be scared , where i live there have been no infections for 19 days i think the number is now .

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: camain
people with immune systems that are too strong, or too weak will suffer.

The first part of your statement is factually incorrect.

It is based on the false information that has been disseminated regarding 'the cytokine storm'.

The cytokine storm will only happen in a dysfunctional immune system.

A truly strong, robust immune system will not suffer the cytokine storm.

posted on May, 25 2020 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Was Trump right to say way back that we should start to reopen the country somewhere around May? This was back when so many were saying lock it down for the rest of the year.

We should have never closed it. Period. At most, we should have locked down old folks homes and issued advice to those at most risk living alone and/or with family.

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