posted on May, 24 2020 @ 07:21 PM
Now that I have my own place for the first time, I was able to put up bird feeders on both of my patios. I just love the finches. The house and yellow
ones sing almost the whole time they eat. And the little buggers eat like pigs. They’re so adorable. We also have chickadees, mourning doves,
sparrows, crows, red winged blackbirds, and a woodpecker. I’ve named some of the birds I see all the time. I rarely see a cardinal, but one magical
morning I did, was sitting right on my patio railing. And there was another bird I did not recognize but it was really pretty. The cardinal and this
other bird were beak to beak, looked like they were kissing! I was mesmerized.
Normally, red winged blackbirds are very territorial and are kind of mean. I’ve had them pull my hair when I’m walking. I give them a wide berth
when I walk. But there’s this one that is actually kind of sweet. It is on my feeder sometimes, and it will trill at me if I’m sitting on the
patio. It will then fly to a large tree in front of my dining room and continue to trill and sing. It has not attacked me or anything, so I take that
as a good sign, LOL! I’ve named it Reddington, Red for short. Our woodpecker is Woody. There is also a hawk that occasionally menaces the other
birds. The hawk is beautiful and I love watching it fly around. I actually saw it snatch a terrified little bird right off my feeder once. It made me
sad, but hey, it’s wildlife. That’s what wildlife does. There is also a bald eagle I sometimes see flying a block west from my house. There are
big trees around there, and I think it has a nest.
There are robins everywhere. They are beautiful, and one usually builds a nest off one of my patios, in the area where I have my trash bin. The robins
like to start singing loudly at around 3:30 AM. I usually wake up around then and listen awhile before going back to sleep. I love the antics of all
the cute little birds I see. It makes me smile.