posted on May, 24 2020 @ 02:00 AM
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Pressure points can do a lot of things. There is one (there are a lot but this one specific) on the back of your shoulder and one in the first third
to half of the eyebrows, measured from the nose outwards. You can feel it, it is a little dent.
Both pressure points stimulated correctly will calm your nervous system down quickly. While this is relaxing, if you do it fast, hard and with a third
one in combination it has a very different effect.
Pressure points is just a overall term for different things you put pressure on, it is not always nerves. Out6of9Balance's hidden erotic wishes to
loose his bladder control and blood flow to the brain by Steven Seagull covers two of those different things.
There is a pressure point near the arteries in the underside of your arm, around an inch distance from the joint of your hand. Putting slight constant
pressure on this area will reduce motion sickness. It is best done by someone else because it works better when both points are stimulated.
There are a lot of pressure points for various purposes, numbing, take away control, pain, relaxing, arousal and even death as a consequence of not
knowing what to do once the dangerous one are activated.