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Isolation and Suicide

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posted on May, 23 2020 @ 11:06 AM
Sorry for your loss.

I hate that empty feeling that comes with it, I can only tell you time helps some, but its always there but I guess what I am saying is eventually it becomes bearable.

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: zosimov
To prevent being misunderstood, I am talking in general terms, not you or the relatives involved here. With "you" I do not mean you directly but the concept of consciousness, subconsciousness. Whenever someone chooses this way to go, whom had people that love them, there will be emotional fallout on the ones that are left with the situation. For them, questions of mainly two natures arise:

- Could I have stopped her/him
- Why did he/she do that to us

The first is directing blame on one self. The latter is directing blame on the individual and a red flag. Huge red flag. It could convey subconscious guilt. A natural defense mechanism for their own inner moral workings. A quick reflection if oneself is to blame and if the subconsciousness does not like, blame the dead one.

One vital job of the subconsciousness is to protect, too. This is the sub-consciousness protecting itself and you, from yourself. Sort of make-believe, so the conscious part of you is not bothered. This can spawn own problems over time. I found people that do this often is what makes up most of the assholes in the world. Self centered, egoistic, it all has to do with the above.

You do not come over like you count to those people, just saying. None of these questions above are, in my opinion, the right thing to ask. Instead we should ask:

- How did it came to that (mental problems, financial problems, ...?) and what can I do to not get into that situation, how can I address it towards the people I love and want to help, if I see this pattern emerging?

It is what you do here, I think. *hug*
edit on 23-5-2020 by Shibari because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 01:11 PM
Thank you for sharing this because if it does anything it's spreading awareness about the private battles we all fight and also it's bringing awareness to that extra dimension of awful that COVID19 has brought with it for people who were already struggling with mental health prior to the lockdowns.

I'm so sorry for your loss, sending you and your family love from afar.

When my sister passed, aside from all of the anger I felt (and I still feel angry sometimes), one of the most consoling notions personally was the knowing that she is no longer suffering and in pain. At least that. She has a daughter and she was loved by many but she never allowed herself to receive any of the help or love that people literally threw at her almost nonstop. I hope she knows just how loved she is now.

I know others here spoke of similar things, I'm just reinforcing it.

It's warming to see the kindness and sharing here on the thread as well, I appreciate everybody's comments.


posted on May, 23 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise

I'm so sorry for your loss, sending you and your family love from afar.

When my sister passed, aside from all of the anger I felt (and I still feel angry sometimes), one of the most consoling notions personally was the knowing that she is no longer suffering and in pain. At least that. She has a daughter and she was loved by many but she never allowed herself to receive any of the help or love that people literally threw at her almost nonstop. I hope she knows just how loved she is now.

I know others here spoke of similar things, I'm just reinforcing it.

It's warming to see the kindness and sharing here on the thread as well, I appreciate everybody's comments.


Lou, thanks so much for the love, I can feel it despite the distance, and sending love back your way.

I have to second your thoughts about all of the kindness here in this thread and can say for a fact that the support and virtual hugs truly help, even on a physical plane. That people took time out to extend comfort or thoughtful perspectives really makes a difference.

Thanks for all of the comments and all the outreach is really meaningful.

edit on 23-5-2020 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

I do believe this is true. Thanks, Lys. I feel so deeply for his dad and sister especially, and it's good to be reminded of how time really does knit together the frayed pieces into material we can at least work with.

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