posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 01:18 PM
Already my work site has discontinued many of the great news sites that I like to visit. Whatever firewall you may have could do the same thing. And
in the future- police state and think police have already started their control of the world-wide web in europe and china. WE just get surveillence
so I'm sticking my neck out, cuz I'm really not worried about the helicopters.
And if they do come for me, they are wasting OUR tax
So, my update to this old april told ya so is to ask What is Next? Do the thought police and the new theocracy politicians outlaw
Halloween? Do blogs suddenly become rewritten? Will YOUR petty opinions matter that much that , THEY will arrest you without habeus corpus? Stay
tuned Rocky and Bullwinkle!
(the recent website discontinued at my work site was 1000
P>S> tell me what non-porn websites you cannot go to, maybe we can exchange stories!