As a young couple, my wife and I moved to the end of a rural dead-end road, purchasing a fmr hunting club.
Neighbors were bossy, treating us like renters because the club paid them for mowing, etc, and dad was treasurer.
After a while we ignored their bossing around, but their mini Schnauzer breeding program started kicking in, so it was getting annoying.
Not wanting to give up the place, since the dirt leg of the road lead to the state park where wife worked, it even had a little creek running along
Within a few years, the McMansion w/200+ acres at the very end got a new owner who announced he wanted to get rid of us, and bought out the existing
residents, alternately using them against us. He would taxi his airplane in circles next to our house at 5am, run his giant tractor back and forth on
the nearby property line, blast by on quads... to the backdrop of the Schnauzers...and now roosters!
Since our place was formerly a hunting club, it had a proper shooting range, which we started to use in earnest. Most states have something called the
"range protection act" from the 1970s where nobody can close an established shooting range via zoning, criminal or even civil action, so we
During the Gulf War 2, ammo got pretty expensive and I was kind of pissed about local politicians helping the McMansion guy, so I got a propane
cannon. Intended to keep birds off runways or from agricultural fields. The "Zon" looked like a propane heater, but shot out an orange fire ball the
size of a beach ball. 20,000 detonations from one tank.
The guy was a big donator to the governor, who sent the state police to stop us, but nobody could because of The Act.
Eventually we tired of it, and took the sgt-at-arms of the local MC club as tenant. I figured that they didn't like us try a new guy. He
put a "shooting" motorcycle on the roof...I could post a pic.
Because the boro got involved against us, it ended up in federal court, where we "won" by forced settlement. We sold the place at +$90k profit, plus
had all of our legal bills paid by boro insurance. It was tough, I wouldn't do it again, but we didn't go down easily. I have stories that would keep
people awake at night.
Ok, one more. McMansion dude built 2 delux getaway rental cabins down on the dirt road/creek...over the setback, no permits etc. Rented to vips who
flew in and paid like $5000+ a week. So....I got a nice rice burner motorcycle. I'd go down an night and do rooster tails in mud puddles there. State
police showed up again, they told the wife they were going to arrest me. She laughed in their face when they said I can't be down there (in the park)
after dark. She told them yes I can, if I was "fishing" which included looking for earthworms! So yeah, I was looking for earthworms. Hilarious.
Ok, I'm done. I have lots more stories though.
edit on 22-5-2020 by FlyingFox because: #FREEDOM