posted on May, 20 2020 @ 09:39 AM
Does anyone recall the online poll for the naming of a research ship that went viral. Instead of being something inspiring the top name ended up being
Boaty McBoatface. Think they threw out the name but still, all it took was a bunch of people goofing off to screw up the process.
I started thinking about this recent topic of vote by mail and I could totally see something like this happening. Millions of disgruntled voters or,
voters who just don't care but since voting is so easy they converge on social media and decide to write in someone ridiculous. Maybe they all agree
to write in TIm and Eric and Tim and Eric play along. Say they get 10 million votes or something stupid. They don't win but they end up getting
Federal Funding for a new party and end up screwing up the whole process.
I know this sounds impossible but I'm not so certain. In this day and age of millionaires being made of people doing nothing but making trick shot
videos I could totally see it. Just think of all the exposure, clicks. The money would start piling up. They go viral and people start sending in
their mail ballots in the millions just to screw the system.