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Official UFO Disclosure “May Be Imminent” – A Historical Perspective

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posted on May, 22 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: one4all

I think your gravely mistaking....When you learn about the abduction cases and things that go on in these ships it takes on an entirely evil crazy bizarre whole different angle..Then you will realize some of these aliens/ET's/entities could not possibly build these ships.Also had to be cloned or manufactured in some way according to some eyewitness testimony who starts to remember their abduction or abductions..Have to start using critical thinking of what the aliens/ET's,entities fingers and hands look like.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Dear Isaac

Thank you for your post, always appreciated.

I believe that If this UFO phenomenon was indeed physically extraterrestrial then it would have been disclosed already. Sure, the world would talk about it for a while but eventually people would just get on with their normal day to day lives. Something that is in zeta reticuli (or wherever) light years away from us is infact far far away and will have limited effect on peoples day to day lives.

The real reason this has not been disclosed is because it is not extra terrestrial but actually terrestrial. It is in this world, physically, and has been here since before humans have. All of my different avenues of research have led to this same conclusion time and time again. From whistleblowers in top secret posts, to insiders in far flung locations like the south pole to airforce pilots witnessing ufos coming and going into ocean depths to the 2000 year old kabbalistic texts that thoroughly detail these different types of species and their civilizations down to appearance and loacation and even technology. The top echelons of government know this and they will not disclose this because that will completely break down the fabric of the controlled society they have been building for thousands of years.
All avenues lead to this conclusion time and time again. The ironic thing is that the Jewish scholars have known this forever but it is not apparent to the unlearned when reading the old testament text.

So yeah, E.T would have been told to us already. But this is simply T. Right in our backyard, or more correctly we are in their backyard. So we will not know until they decide the time has come for us to know, which is very soon, relatively.

HAve a good one!

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Dear Isaac

Thank you for your post, always appreciated.

I believe that If this UFO phenomenon was indeed physically extraterrestrial then it would have been disclosed already. Sure, the world would talk about it for a while but eventually people would just get on with their normal day to day lives. Something that is in zeta reticuli (or wherever) light years away from us is infact far far away and will have limited effect on peoples day to day lives.

The real reason this has not been disclosed is because it is not extra terrestrial but actually terrestrial. It is in this world, physically, and has been here since before humans have. All of my different avenues of research have led to this same conclusion time and time again. From whistleblowers in top secret posts, to insiders in far flung locations like the south pole to airforce pilots witnessing ufos coming and going into ocean depths to the 2000 year old kabbalistic texts that thoroughly detail these different types of species and their civilizations down to appearance and loacation and even technology. The top echelons of government know this and they will not disclose this because that will completely break down the fabric of the controlled society they have been building for thousands of years.
All avenues lead to this conclusion time and time again. The ironic thing is that the Jewish scholars have known this forever but it is not apparent to the unlearned when reading the old testament text.

So yeah, E.T would have been told to us already. But this is simply T. Right in our backyard, or more correctly we are in their backyard. So we will not know until they decide the time has come for us to know, which is very soon, relatively.

HAve a good one!
This would be both correct and incorrect.Correct about the Physical part of alien/ET/Entity abductions but they also can walk through walls in certain cases where they abduct people from their homes.So that would mean they also are capable of taking on spiritual forms and physical forms at the same time it would appear..

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Great sleuthing, a mid year prediction of thread of the year.

You could set your alarm clock to the so called exposure. We don't need disclosure because we don't need it; i've seen a UFO, many members would have seen a UFO, not to mention the millions of others. However these "experts" can't make assumptions, Keyhoe wasn't so bad but the others...allow me to explain. I live on a roundabout so cars go by and I will see a car that i don't the make or model, so that's an unidentified driving car, but do I immediately assume it was driven by vikings? no.

Maybe it's disinfo for secret government projects, I'm looking at friedman because being a nuclear physicist he should know 'they' propelled their craft and where they came from(in which he failed) should have known better, he and many others were just snake oil salesmen.

These so called experts are like drunken uncles promising to come to your birthday party but don't.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:33 PM
Great thread! Hopefully more branches of the military release their UAP encounters with video this year. Count on the media spinning it as evil visitors if this does happen.

I'd be surprised that peaceful aliens have made contact, but that would be cool. I think it's more likely the UFOs are grey aliens and we don't know anything about them. That's why it's covered up, too's also covered up because their technology would eliminate most needs for fossil fuels, and there's too much money, power, and control in those industries.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
These so called experts are like drunken uncles promising to come to your birthday party but don't.

Ufology could be seen as a dysfunctional family.

Some family counselling might be a good idea...

(Seriously, a bit more coordination of efforts and a bit more self-policing witihin ufology is sorely needed).

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Just read your last post and well said - as always it can also apply to the pretenders masquerading as sceptics.

Nobody knows what this phenomenon is so how can you disclose it?

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 04:31 PM
I really like this thread. And yes, I do agree that we are nearing an imminent disclosure of their existence. The question could be; what is taking so long? Well there are a few things that come into play; when you ask that question. The first is; how will people perceive it in today's time? Are people educated enough to understand that Hollywood Motion Pictures take on aliens were all wrong and that they are not here to take over? Also, how will your religious communities handle this? It is a heavy load to consider, for a society that is still brought up on the Adam and Eve scripture. But the question can also go both ways. Who's to say that the decision comes down to our Government telling us? If there are increase sightings of UFO's; who's to say that they are nearing their patience of having to live in secrecy of mankind. They too, could be ready to reveal themselves to the people of the year 2020.

Could advanced civilizations beneath the surface, kept their existence secret because mankind had not matured enough from the early day? After watching both World Wars; advanced societies could have came upon the agreement that their existence would treated similar to those of religious profits when they shared new information with the masses. Without internet and higher education; a society such as ours would panic at the sight of someone who could perform extraordinary achievements, without the use of physical materials. In the year 2020, most of our society has learned that old scriptures and Hollywood films were just the imagination of great writers and visual arts.

E.T's may have populated the surface at one time and retreated down into the surface for a reason we don't know. If they were courteous enough to keep their existence secret for so many years; one could agree that they are ready to emerge once again. In conclusion; our governments could be running out of time to inform the people about the existence of E.T's. It could easily happen as early as the current year that we are in. Why are we spotting more anomalies on and off the planet in the past 5 years?

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: Martian1127

Pretty much everyone engaged in long term research discounted the ETH as a primary a long time ago.

Plenty of other options.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 04:50 PM
Agreed, I didn't consider a lot of the greek's and Egyptian's that talked about this. If they made contact; why the information didn't carry on to modern days; is beyond my knowledge. But I feel that a second chance is nearing. Maybe mankind gets up to a certain level of technology and then, there is a reveal of their existence. Hopefully this time, there is no war or major catastrophe that results in a loss of information. But I don't think there will be. If Inner Earth inhabitants are watching us; they are aware that most of us know there presence. The question is; do we go down there or do they come up here? I guess it all depends. Again, I'd assume they'd want to come up here and expand beyond the confinements of the Inner Earth. If there is enough space down there; then they probably will just open their doors to whoever wants to live down there.

If you've noticed, I don't talk much about visitors from outer space because I believe that most of the UFO's that we see are entering from the inner shell of our planet. At times they may travel out of planet; but most of the normal sightings probably involve them flying back down into the planet.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
Pretty much everyone engaged in long term research discounted the ETH as a primary a long time ago.

I think it depends on where you hang out.

The most active posters about UFOs on Twitter (UFO Twitter), for example, seem to be predominantly ETH proponents. I'm not sure how many of them qualify as "engaged in long term research" - but there is certainly no shortage of ETH supporters there. The same applies to quite a few of the UFO groups on Facebook.

Here on ATS, there are still quite a few ETH proponents but I'd say that the number of people that think disinformation and/or secret projects are central to ufology have become a disproportionate percentage of the most active, long-term users (at least in the threads I follow the most and find the most interesting).

On some other discussion forums, supporters of various forms of inter-dimensional are in the majority of long-term researchers.

Psycho-Social Hypothesis supporters don't seem to be quite so active on dedicated UFO forums - although they post on Facebook (as so a very wide spectrum of others).

UFO book authors (at least those that get published by commercial publishers) and most of those on the UFO lecture circuit are still predominantly supporters of the ETH. Quite a few of them certainly qualify as having been engaged in this field for a long time (although it is fair to question how much research most of them actually do...).

If I had to pick one theory that seems to have grown in market share within the UFO community within the last decade or two, I'd say it is probably the Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis. (Growing popularity not necessarily saying anything at all about validity).

There has always been a tendency within ufology for echo-chambers to form, with people holding certain views being more comfortable posting where there are others (and often _only_ others) with similar views.

Plenty of other options.

That's certainly true.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Jobeycool

There are many different beings in existence. Some are non-physical that can interact in the physical dimension by taking on any physical form they choose, any form. Ancients referred to them as demons, angels, ghosts, spirits etc.

Furthermore, one of the species of physical beings that live in this world (the greys), do have a technology so advanced that by our terminology it be more accurate to address it as spiritual tech, can in fact walk through walls, teleport etc.

The main issue here is that our current terminology and definitions are still limited to our very narrow understanding of time and matter as perceived by our 5 senses. So to describe these things can sometimes get a little tangled up to say the least.

But these greys that (i assume) we are discussing are completely physical beings that live in a hidden but insanely gigantic realm of this planet.

The cherry on the top (so to speak) of my years of reading up on this subject was when i was introduced to certain kabbalistic and torah texts that kind of blew the lid on the whole thing, the amount of detail and definition that is given in regards to this and other beings is just pathetic, meaning too much detail, that correlated perfectly with countless witness accounts from modern times.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 09:32 PM
As regards the above posts and other similar posts, it is worth noting that with hybrid tabloids such as the Express, Star, Sun, etc. there is a tendency to "upgrade" quotes. "Disclosure could happen this year" becomes "Disclosure will happen this year." This is less a problem with higher end papers like the Washington Post, New York Times, etc.

If they spell your name right and get the basic info correct, all good.

The prospect for Disclosure waxes and wanes. When it waxes it is important for the activist to point this out. You never know when the critical mass will be reached that ends the embargo. The role of the activist is to inform, encourage and draw energy into the movement. In the end it becomes about making the impossible inevitable.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 10:58 PM
Great work Isaac.
In terms of disclosure, I think the truth would be too much to really digest for many people of they “disclosed” everything in one sitting. Think about it:
1:Many experiencer reports of encounters mention that they are extra/inter dimensional and here for our spiritual and social upbringing, many report connections with entities and things like NDEs, Reincarnation, guiding our souls for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Imagine the shock of religions and the scientific community if they find out you don’t have to be religious to experience the afterlife or reincarnate in a new form, or for many scientists who will have move into a whole new less physical world view. Fear of death and religion is what keeps many people and governments in line and under control.
2: New technologies and ways of doing things/thinking will crash the world economy and spawn disorder.
3:Some of the entities are not very nice. How will people react if they find out some of the entities are 7 foot tall lizards with bad attitudes and a lust for domination and control?

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 11:45 PM
I thought this was interesting given Isaacs article...


Brian Kilmeade on Fox News - "(Trump) is about to get all the nation's secrets including the UFO news, which we still haven't gotten out yet. And we're about to get that."

p.s. I decided to ask the mods to remove my above posts because I felt they were too off topic and had the potential to interrupt a great thread. Hopefully Baddogma get a chance to read it prior.

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 03:21 AM
I've been hearing that "disclosure may be imminent" my entire life, and going back and reading books that were written decades before I was born a lot of the authors have been making the same claim. They've each felt that the government was going to be unable to keep up the secrecy for much longer, and that influential scientists and politicians were going to win the battle soon.

I've also been hearing that we're being slowly fed the truth in preparation for full disclosure my entire life. And that new and upcoming politicians will force disclosure when they get elected.

Well, none of that has happened, and I doubt that any government is going to disclosure anything willingly.

Right now, I can only see 3 paths to disclosure.

1) Somebody goes rogue and dumps government UFO records on the internet Wikileaks-style
2) A hacker gets into the system and dumps records on the internet, Gary McKinnon-style
3) Aliens themselves show us incontrovertible proof of their existence. Possibly by landing a literal flying saucer on the whitehouse lawn.

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Ufology has moved on, the old guns are still loitering in old forums such as these and the younger guns are on different social media platforms, It's just the demographics of "echo chambers". I would even say that ATS has evolved and is more or a political forum now, the fringe aspect appears to the remnants of years gone by.

In regards to the topic as a whole, I think the answer lies in the "H" of ETH. The same can be applied to the whole of ufology.

Its all hypothesis and theory, nothing ever gets resolved due to a lack of data from all sides. Some skeptics lack imagination and an open mind, whilst some believers believe with an almost religious fanaticism.

Whenever "data" is presented, its never "water tight" there always appears to be inherent issues, it's never conclusive. This adds more fuel to the fire and both sides become more entrenched in their position. A lot of people already believe they know the answer and spin the data to fit their previous existing confirmation bias. I have a bias too, based on what I look at and how I interpretate the information presented, others look at the same information and interpretate it differently.

I think it's important to add, there isn't just a "Us Vs Them" here, there are many layers of the onion in terms of those interested in the subject. Ufology would however, be perfect fertile ground to plant seeds/ideas and watch them grow. Memetic and social engineering would be a much more fruitful mission depending on the motivations of those that may choose to do so. Ufology is the perfect window into people's minds...let alone lights in the sky.

There are some that it wouldn't benefit answering the ultimate ufo question either, purely through economics or ego. I would ask the honest question; who is actually genuinely working towards an answer that isn't just a speaker or commentator?
edit on p08739202400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400


I don’t think some people understand what is actually going evidence. And some the absurdities of the UFO argument. I used this example in another thread.

It it very true that satellite watching is a hobby. And it’s very true amateurs have outed spy satellites. They use a wide array of technology. The same individuals have no evidence of UFO’s coming and going?

Along the same line, one of my favorite facts while looking up Apollo mission stuff is the Kettering Grammar School outing a launch base.

In 1966, the fledgling group discovered the location of a new secret Soviet launch station in north Russia, Plesetsk, before the American military or intelligence services had released details.

A grammar school can find a secret Russian Launch Station. But Ufologists cannot find and document extraterrestrials coming and going to communicate with world governments? While UFO’s fly around willy nilly at night with their running lights on? On their secret missions? So absurd.

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

Simply put. There is nothing to disclose.

Is there other life in the galaxy.

More than likely yes.

Is the distances between stars a real barrier to travel between stars. Yes.

Is there any evidence of space craft entering and leaving earth’s orbit from extraterrestrials? No.

How amateur satellite trackers are keeping an 'eye' on objects around the Earth

Around the planet, a loosely knit but closely woven band of amateurs monitor the whereabouts of satellites — be they secretive spacecraft, robotic space drones, rocket stages, orbital debris or lost-in-space planetary probes.

If Ufology was a real science, and wanting to get to the truth. Ufology would be heavily invested in monitoring the skies like amateur satellite trackers.

Ufology is nothing more than the biased study of folklore.

edit on 23-5-2020 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 23 2020 @ 11:39 AM
Good work by the way...I do find it curious as to why you have left out the comments of TDL circa 2016 and leading into 2017?

It would be interesting to look at the US political landscape when looking at these "imminent disclosures".

Are there any patterns with political parties and I also would extend that to the developments that we are now aware of in the black world that were occurring at the time.

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