posted on May, 20 2020 @ 12:23 PM
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Actual voting records are quite interesting, eh? We see all this "conflict" in the media and yet...
Either way, I see Trump essentially as a competing Brand. In some ways, very literally.
This can actually work in "our" favor in, ideally, keeping some of the other Brands occupied. I do think he is actually an "outsider" to these things,
but even if he isnt.. I believe the paths we need to take are the same. But, they sure dont have a damn thing to do with which political team we
identify with.
I feel its a good move to try to stem the tide of social engineering that these competing Brands perform, but in a lot of ways, the damage is already
The biggest weaknesses we have are dependency on centralized structures. Food, power, manufacturing. These can, and have been used as pressure points
to keep the serfs in line. Yet, very few seem to talk about anything other than how the Bachelorette
should have chosen Jeremy.. ..errr ..I
mean how bad the "other side" is.
Getting folks to talk about issues that we can actually solve ourselves, rather than the Days of Our Lives of politics, seems very, very difficult.
Much less actually getting enough people to start working to ameliorate those points of leverage.