posted on May, 15 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to:
Oh dear, is he broke already?
I never found his account that credible and thought it was just another cover for something else he (and his friends) couldn't accept or discuss with
much truth.
I still recon his friends drugged him, probed him, and left him for dead, then made up a story when he popped back up. They then pretended to be his
friend again to make a quick buck and avoid a prison sentance.
If what he said was actually true and was as distressing as he made out, why would he wish to re-live it again and again in the most public eye
possible.....reafirmation of a delusion of the unknown? A common human trait.
I'm a cynical B****** though, so pay no attention here and enjoy the new blockbuster..."Fire In The Sky, Reinsertion".
edit on 15/5/2020 by
nerbot because: (no reason given)