I looked through the stack of threads over the last 36 or so hours: just to make sure
CBS News didn't get scooped by some astute and more caffeinated cockroach.
EDIT HERE CAUTION: Cognitive dissonance exposed at a level which will cause you
to doubt the rationale of a large portion of the population that actually ELECTED
the individuals involved in making the decision. I disavow any incidental and/or
consequential damage to the reader after this END EDIT.
It seems with no one else home, I'll have to again try posting this drivel in order to
reinforce everyone's feelings about everything from idiotic nepotism to Peter Principle
undoubtedly stupid. America actually has not only some hope, but competition for an
administrative Darwin Mention. Here's the article, God help us after the French.
Stoopid IZzzz
This move by the Macron crew as of yesterday broke the tape for my maximum value
conceivable for cognitive dissonance/completely stupid and still maintaining a pulse.
We require you to wear a mask anywhere outside-- but burka accessorizing
is forbidden. I left that period at the end unbolded because: REEALLY?
This one may be tough to enforce... but I've been wrong before about how well world
leaders can get stupid things accomplished with people somewhere on the opposite end
of the primate path from Voltaire, anyway.
On the other hand Brigitte looks like a chopped and channeled Jane Fonda with a
dash a nasty. And behind every great man is usually a fantastic schoolteacher. EVEN
BETTER if you marry her.
Finally, this settles for me and until after this weekend at the minimum; WHICH of the
three factors is more dangerous to civilization... radical Islam, Acton's Cautionary, or
just plain long-term Oxygen deficiency in high government.
I think a hybrid of the two latter entitoenail clippings, glued together gets it. You ATS??
edit on 14-5-2020 by derfreebie because: Had to
shoehorn a disclaimer-- whew
edit on 14-5-2020 by derfreebie because: (no reason given)
edit on 14-5-2020 by
derfreebie because: IzZzz I be 4NOW