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Bill Gates Says that 700,000 Could Suffer Side Effects From his Vaccine

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posted on May, 14 2020 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: paraphi

"Vaccines are not THAT dangerous."

Says who [pun intended]?
If I am a healthy person one minute and after the vaccine I either actually catch the disease or I might get paralysed or develop other lifelong troubles or die, [which has happened to so many people in actual fact that the compensation bill is crazily high, and the case numbers are almost equal to the amount of people dying from corona virus: [], I am playing russian roulette.
Do you like playing russian roulette with your loved ones or even yourself?
I read about a husband who encouraged his wife who didn't want the swine flu vaccine and bam, a previously healthy woman ends up paralysed and a vegetable.

I know I don't. Weighing up the chances, I'll take catching the actual virus, rather than sticking unknown [not tested at all on humans nor animals for a decent length of time - some effects start only after years], because I know that I either don't get any symptoms half of the time [50%], mild to moderate symptom maybe bad ones if I have an underlying illness. Plus I get a free, totally natural and working vaccine as a present from Mama nature, which won't require me to register with the NWO or lose my freedom.

You do know about immune systems right? They are really good, evolved through millions of years. Compared to something one of those fallible humans concocted in a haste I'll trust Nature.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 07:05 AM
The trouble is,IF a vaccine for covid19 is developed and rolled out in the next 2 years,it will be one of the fastest developed vaccines in history.
This may result in corners being cut along the way,as it is seen as so desperatley needed(and such a potential moneymaker for whoever does it first).
Although I have legitimate concerns about certain aspects of how vaccines are developed and used-I am not anti vax by any means,but I would be reluctant to be given a vaccine that has been rushed through.

Thing is,I have major doubts they will ever make a vaccine-as a corona virus vaccine has NEVER been succesfully created so far,even after decades of trying by many companies.
Some strains of the common cold are a type of corona virus,and how long have people being trying to cure that without succes?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: 727Sky

"Bill Gates Says that 700,000 Could Suffer Side Effects From his Vaccine".

700,001 if I could punch him in the face.

C’mon, surely that wins ‘Reply of The Day’?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
Vaccines are not that dangerous unless you're playing the politics of gullibility and silliness.

I suggest you ask the people who have had their lives destroyed by vaccines.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

yes - we now hear from the people whoes " lives were desrtoyed by vaccines "

there is a pithy comment - that could be added hear

BUT - we now hear this - because there is no longer the cries of the victims of polio , smallpox etc etc etc

funny how that works

yes - being a victim of the 1 in a million devastating side effects - sucks

but by the " logic " anti - vaxxers use - NOTHING is safe - yet they accept all other risks as part of life

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
There were probably plenty of like minded voices proclaiming that ‘if you question vaccines you’re an idiot’ when the swine flu vaccine was rolled out, not to mention other complete frak-ups, such as Thalidomide

Just to say that Thalidomide was not a vaccine. There are plenty of examples of drugs having side effects, many unconsidered like the Thalidomide tragedy. Modern testing and approval regimes should stop that ever happening again.

I was reacting to the view from the OPs source that 1% would due from a vaccine, which is stretching fantasy statistics. Out-of-the-air statistics like that just favour an anti-vac message, rather than the reality of vaccinations.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

I am not anti-vax (which is an emotionally loaded term), but I am pro-information.

I support the concept of vaccines in general (for slow or barely mutating afflictions) however my stance in the current information climate on vaccines is simple; a) my health is more important to me than your profit, and b) I want to read the independent studies myself.

Having vaccines linked to profit creates a fundamental conflict of interest, as far as I'm concerned.

If vaccines are of such global health importance, then make vaccines non-profit and freely available to everyone (because apparently every single person needs them). Also make research in the area transparent, and have regular, publicly available independent reviews.

Too often there are no independent reviews into vaccines, yet If I refuse or push back, I am labeled an anti-vaxxer, when in reality, I push back because there is no independent review, or access to the data behind the vaccine.

If they intend to put it into my body, it is unacceptable to me that I'm not allowed to know everything about it, and I will not be cowed (which is the social peer pressure aspect, that you are propagating... rather than rational discussion) into taking something that someone else is making profit from, that is a potential risk to me, yet not be required to tell me everything about it.

I fundamentally refuse mandatory vaccines as a personal right to not have someone else put something in my body. For some people, even the gamble of 1 in a million is too much of a risk, when it's with their life... and who are you to take that "right" of personal sovereignty away from them?!?

I agree with the concept of vaccines, so use a carrot to convince me, not a stick... once you start hiding things, or trying to use emotional arguments (what about the children?!?!... bollocks), alarm bells start going off for me.

If a given vaccine is true, there should be facts, data and simple, non-emotional arguments to support the voluntary uptake by society.
edit on 14-5-2020 by puzzlesphere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I’m aware that Thalidomide isn’t a vaccine - my point is about the too oft times shortcomings of science’s concrete guarantees. Always good to probe and while vaccines no doubt have a strict development strategy, it’s clear that those strategies may get compromised in the rush to get this unprecedented vaccine to market. And the likes of Gates heading up such a push surely warrants scrutiny.

None the less my humble apologies for my patronising rant. I’m sure you may well be more attuned to the pitfalls in cutting edge science than I.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Great, now the conversation has been well and truly polarised, which is no bad thing, the sooner we move past to the non-binary good vs bad opinion pieces the sooner we can we ask questions about Gates’ participation and the dangers inherent in rushing through a vaccine.

Rushing it is inevitable - we all hope they’re doing it as fast as they can. But let’s continue to question every damn aspect, because I’m not uber confident that Gates will, or Trump will. Gates may well have his eyes on the $ and maybe a little eugenics while he’s at it. Trump may feel desperate enough to grab anything Offered him that he can announce before November.

There’s room for all kinds of shenanigans in this here vaccine, regardless of their good work, or evil doings in general.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Great, now the conversation has been well and truly polarised, which is no bad thing, the sooner we move past to the non-binary good vs bad opinion pieces the sooner we can we ask questions about Gates’ participation and the dangers inherent in rushing through a vaccine.

Rushing it is inevitable - we all hope they’re doing it as fast as they can. But let’s continue to question every damn aspect, because I’m not uber confident that Gates will, or Trump will. Gates may well have his eyes on the $ and maybe a little eugenics while he’s at it. Trump may feel desperate enough to grab anything Offered him that he can announce before November.

There’s room for all kinds of shenanigans in this here vaccine, regardless of their good work, or evil doings in general.

EDIT: btw, I know frak all about vaccines (apart from some debatable bad luck with them), so I can offer bugger all of real substance to this thread. I’m hear to read what those with higher IQs than me have to say - what those with a little more access have to say and I’d hate to see them scared off by the threat of being called an anti-vaxxer.

edit on 14-5-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:19 AM
Bill Gates Says that 700,000 Could Suffer Side Effects From his Vaccine

So the cure is literally worse than the disease.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: tanstaafl

yes - we now hear from the people whoes " lives were desrtoyed by vaccines "

there is a pithy comment - that could be added hear

BUT - we now hear this - because there is no longer the cries of the victims of polio , smallpox etc etc etc

funny how that works

yes - being a victim of the 1 in a million devastating side effects - sucks

but by the " logic " anti - vaxxers use - NOTHING is safe - yet they accept all other risks as part of life

Ape, Here are some videos you will never watch.

For those of you who truly deny ignorance, watch these videos. Don’t be afraid like ape to take a critical and objective look into the vaccine safety argument.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: neo96
Bill Gates Says that 700,000 Could Suffer Side Effects From his Vaccine

So the cure is literally worse than the disease.

Next time it won’t be pies Mr Gates

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Nickn3
Bill Gates medical opinions carry little meaning for me.

His opinion on anything means zero to me. I've been watching him since the late 80s and he's as honest as Al Sharpton is.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: HalWesten
Problem is....he is not alone.

Covid was initially graded as a 'high consequence infectious disease'.

But was down graded on March 19th.......before the lockdown.

edit on 14-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

A typical vaccine, that is made to stimulate the immune system, for a virus that frequently causes cytokine storms is.. probably a bad idea.

Really *any* of the typical vaccines might increase the likelihood of immune modulation issues (cytokine storms, autoimmune disorders) from any virus or disease that can present that way (theres a lot of 'em!). Probably with some vaccines being worse than others.

I have no doubt the 700k number is conservative.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam
No one needs a vaccine unless the disease is found to be a 'high consequence infectious disease'.....covid 19 is not.....they suspected that it was but it was down graded on 19 March.

High consequence infectious diseases (HCID) - GOV.UK

edit on 14-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

incorrect - i have watched them

now kennedy and bigtree - cite VAERS mukltiplke times

have you actually read the " data " ??????

hear is a study link

VAERS " data " is largely annecdotal

and includes a lot of commedy

notably - deaths from causes that make you ask - how did a vaccine cause that ?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Im not sure the idea of something like annual vaccines is particularly healthy long term anyway, even if they work as intended.

However, throw in a bunch of illnesses or The Virus which can present immune balance issues.. et voila! Plenty of people can be made very profitably sick on a continuing basis.

I doubt that "need," "efficacy," or "safety" will play much role in whether or not a vaccine is released and made mandatory.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam
Have you seen this interview from 2014?

I want someone to tell me that he is talking rubbish .... because I fear that he is not.

Yes I agree... even if they are not for evil conspiracy type stuff... it is not good to have to have annual shots.
I mean you might not get a side effect this time or next time but the more you have the more chances of getting a side effect.
edit on 14-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

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