posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:27 AM
Mission Briefing - Update
05-07-2020 21:00-ish Hrs - Nine o'clock is pretty well past my bedtime, so sorry for not posting an update last night, but here's a summary.
Due to weather conditions and work meetings, the fish didn't get into the smoker until 13:00 Hrs. Smoked at 90 degrees for 2 hours, and then at 150
degrees for 6 hours. Final product came out beyond fabulous! Texture was firm as I had hoped. Flavor was indescribably fantastic!
Wood used was generally Peach chips, but I did put some Mesquite shavings in at the beginning and then again near the end. Mesquite can be strong
(and bitter sometimes), but it's great smoke when used sparingly. The Peach wood did most of the heavy lifting.
The smoker I used for this batch was the Masterbuilt electric smoker (insulated). The LEM (also electric) might have worked even better (but I was
too lazy to cart it around the house) because the internals are easier to get at. Smoking at such low temperatures can be tricky because the smoke
wood doesn't really want to burn, so you kind of have to baby things as you go along.
05-07-2020 21:30 Hrs - Way past my bedtime! Allowed the fish to cool for about 20 minutes. Tried some samples. Wife and I then replaced
eyeballs back inside our heads (they popped out, it was
that good!). Then vacuum sealed the rest and put it in the fridge for consumption
today or tonight.
Mission Analysis - Crushing success and victory! The enemy of 'Bad Ju-Ju' was completely vanquished, and no prisoners were taken.
After Action Report - Definitely do this one again! Possibly add some pepper to the fish right after rinsing so it binds into the pellicle for
That is all.
edit on 5/8/2020 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)