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DNI Grenell demands Schiff release transcripts of Russia investigation

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posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:53 AM
So finally will %^*^% hit the fan? Coincident with the COVID-19 thing as much of America fed up with loss of money, jobs and food? Or is the timing a perfect storm?

All I know is that this country is seriously messed up. It was seriously messed up before the Donald ever showed up. That's unless you support the Georgia Guidestone's One- Percent theology crowd in the mind of the progressive liberal eye. I also thought that Trump was an A Hole ever before he ran for president. But when dealing with other A Holes, it takes one to know one and to fight them.

Remember crying John Boehner? How about Paul Ryan? Nice Guys who led the party to slaughter. It still may NOT be over. Assuming that COVID-19 fizzles out, whats next on deck? Someone launches a nuke?

Stay tuned. Or, God Save The Deplorable's.

or vows to do it for him

Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is calling on Rep. Adam B. Schiff to honor his pledge upon taking control of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to release transcripts of investigations. Mr. Schiff hasn’t met that pledge. He has declined so far to release any of 53 transcripts of testimony in the committee’s 2017-18 investigation into Russia election interference and any Trump campaign involvement. Mr. Grenell, in a letter sent to Mr. Schiff this week, said the transcripts have been cleared for release, most months ago, and that if the chairman did not release them the intelligence director would

edit on 7-5-2020 by Waterglass because: added

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

We might see it before we have an actual functioning vaccine for Corona that has no side effects...

oh and 100% compliant voluntary vaccinations, of the same.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Yep, loaded with the special sauce care of ole Bills Gates. You know he loves to sterilize via vaccine. Hes been saying that for years at his speaking events

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:07 AM
He will never release it. Why shame yourself if you don't have to do it.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: Waterglass
I think Schiff will do what he can to try and drag this process out even longer. Eventually these transcripts will come out. My understanding is during the previous congress that comittee voted to release the transcripts after declassification and necessary redactions were made. That process is complete and Schiff is now saying he needs to check thier work. Because according to him the process may have been politicized. He is blocking the release. The irony is these transcripts may reveal how partisan Schiff's involvement in the Russian interference investigation actually was. While he claims the declassification and redaction process was to politicised to allow there release without his approval.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

The Director of National intelligence says he has the authority to release them if Schiff refuses. Why even wait for Schiff? Just release them then. We have waited too long already.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Meniscus
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

The Director of National intelligence says he has the authority to release them if Schiff refuses. Why even wait for Schiff? Just release them then. We have waited too long already.

Give Schiff an opportunity to first... Once he doesnt release them, its obvious he was full of Sh*t.. they are being released regardless, hes just giving Schiff another chance to look foolish before its all dumped out there for the world to see.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 10:22 AM
These transcripts will make many high profile people look like complete dunces and liars 😀

Like the "Public" hearings, most if not all of the "testimonies" will be 2nd and 3rd hand hearsay 😀

We might see the release Fri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~👁️_👁️~

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: jhn7537

I don't think the DNI should play political games when unnecessary. Ofcourse Grennel is a political appointee but it's about time we stop using intelligence for political gain. Politicized intelligence is the reason for all this nonsense in first place. Having said that if anybody deserves the smelly end of the stick here it's Schiff.

The DNI should have just sent a letter informing Schiff of the date they would be released and explain his authority to do so. And then followed through.

It's just my preference in this particular case.

By shaming Schiff publicly for not doing something that the DNI himself has said he has the authority to do. Lends credibility to Schiff's claims that the DNI is partisan and that the redaction and declassification process could have been politicised. It just gives Schiff a little more cover be able to stall the release further. Just to be clear I don't believe the process of redacting and declassifying the transcripts could have been politicised. Multiple intelligence agencies had to sign off on these transcripts for them to be released.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Meniscus
I see the opposite. He's deferred to Shi... uh, Schiff. One. Last. Time. hopefully. If he does release them, Schiff had nothing to say.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Something was released that proves Mueller was illegitimate.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: Meniscus
I see the opposite. He's deferred to Shi... uh, Schiff. One. Last. Time. hopefully. If he does release them, Schiff had nothing to say.

While Schiff did remain silent a spokesman for the intelligence committee has said they wish to review the redactions themselves. Schiff is chairman of the intelligence committee so I'm sure he had final approval of what the spokesman said.

"Our review of ODNI’s newly proposed redactions will be as expeditious as possible given the constraints of the pandemic, and we look forward to releasing these transcripts, which relate to misconduct by the Trump campaign and the president "

"Newly proposed redactions" the classification review is over. By saying the redactions are "proposed" sounds like Schiff is saying he needs to check thier work and expects to have final say over what gets released. The committee already voted to release these transcripts upon completion of the review. That review is over and now Shiff moves the goal posts and wants to review the redactions himself. The DNI should have just informed Schiff that they would be released in my opinion.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents

Interviews release:
Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcript of Rinat Akhmetshin (November 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (January 16, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (February 15, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew Brown (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Caputo (July 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Carlin (July 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Thomas Catan (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of James Clapper (July 17, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samuel Clovis (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Dan Coats (June 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rick Dearborn (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Diana Denman (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Marc Elias (December 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Boris Ephsteyn (September 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Evelyn Farkas (June 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Peter Fritsch (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Goldfarb (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rob Goldstone (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jeffrey Gordon (July 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rhona Graff (December 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Shawn Henry (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Hope Hicks (February 27, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Ike Kaveladze (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (December 19, 2017)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (December 23, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (January 10, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 5, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 10, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Jared Kushner (July 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (March 8, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Loretta Lynch (October 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Simona Mangiante (July 18, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew McCabe (December 19, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Mary McCord (November 1, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Alexander Nix (December 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Carter Page (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Brad Parscale (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (June 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (December 4, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samantha Power (October 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Erik Prince (November 30, 2017)
Letter from HPSCI to Department of Justice (April 30, 2019)
Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Susan Rice (September 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jonathan Saffron (October 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Anatoli Samochornov (November 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Keith Schiller (November 7, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Roger J. Stone, Jr. (September 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jake Sullivan (December 21, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Matthew Tait (October 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Donald Trump, Jr. (December 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Democratic Minority Views (March 26, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Republican Report on Russian Active Measures (March 22, 2018)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:01 PM
The Transcripts are released !!!!

Now for the "Where's Waldo" contest !! 😎

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 05:24 AM
While looking through the testimony, one thing stood out to me.

The redactions.

Why are there redations in black, blue and red?

I have never seen that before.

Have these been messed with?

Are these the ones that Grenell was going to release or have they been altered more?

Who did the blue and red redations?

Has anyone seen it done that way before?

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

[1] Sookie. Are you implying that Richard Grenell is shall we say either lying or embellishing the situation? Thus, Adam Schiff is above board good guy on the one specific issue. I don't know

[2] Or, is Richard Grenell saying to release [ALL] the rest of the documents as presented to Adam Schiff that did not collaborate the above witness testimony for impeachment.

It would seem that [2] is what Richard Grenell is saying.

Either way you put some time in. I will throw you some medals your way.

edit on 8-5-2020 by Waterglass because: added

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: froglette
Who did the blue and red redations?

Perhaps the blue redactions are embarrassing to Democrats and the red redactions are embarrassing to Republicans.

I suspect the color codes reflect which agencies made or requested the redactions, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the underlying motivations behind many redactions were indeed political.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

I don't know you got any of that from my post, which merely posted the fact that the transcripts have just been released, and list of the actual transcript concerned.

edit on 8-5-2020 by Sookiechacha because: can't find a source

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Waterglass

Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents

Interviews release:
Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcript of Rinat Akhmetshin (November 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (January 16, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (February 15, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew Brown (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Caputo (July 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Carlin (July 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Thomas Catan (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of James Clapper (July 17, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samuel Clovis (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Dan Coats (June 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rick Dearborn (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Diana Denman (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Marc Elias (December 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Boris Ephsteyn (September 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Evelyn Farkas (June 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Peter Fritsch (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Goldfarb (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rob Goldstone (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jeffrey Gordon (July 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rhona Graff (December 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Shawn Henry (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Hope Hicks (February 27, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Ike Kaveladze (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (December 19, 2017)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (December 23, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (January 10, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 5, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 10, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Jared Kushner (July 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (March 8, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Loretta Lynch (October 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Simona Mangiante (July 18, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew McCabe (December 19, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Mary McCord (November 1, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Alexander Nix (December 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Carter Page (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Brad Parscale (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (June 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (December 4, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samantha Power (October 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Erik Prince (November 30, 2017)
Letter from HPSCI to Department of Justice (April 30, 2019)
Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Susan Rice (September 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jonathan Saffron (October 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Anatoli Samochornov (November 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Keith Schiller (November 7, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Roger J. Stone, Jr. (September 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jake Sullivan (December 21, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Matthew Tait (October 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Donald Trump, Jr. (December 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Democratic Minority Views (March 26, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Republican Report on Russian Active Measures (March 22, 2018)

I wonder if the Schiff version differs from the versions DNI Grenell posted online?

ODNI Version:

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Waterglass

Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents

Interviews release:
Interview Transcripts
Interview Transcript of Rinat Akhmetshin (November 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (January 16, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Stephen Bannon (February 15, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew Brown (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Caputo (July 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Carlin (July 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Thomas Catan (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of James Clapper (July 17, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samuel Clovis (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Dan Coats (June 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rick Dearborn (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Diana Denman (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Marc Elias (December 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Boris Ephsteyn (September 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Evelyn Farkas (June 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Peter Fritsch (October 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Goldfarb (December 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rob Goldstone (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jeffrey Gordon (July 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Rhona Graff (December 22, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Shawn Henry (December 5, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Hope Hicks (February 27, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Ike Kaveladze (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (December 19, 2017)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (December 23, 2017)
Interview Transcript of David Kramer (January 10, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 5, 2018)
Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI (January 10, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Jared Kushner (July 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (January 17, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Corey Lewandowski (March 8, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Loretta Lynch (October 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Simona Mangiante (July 18, 2018)
Interview Transcript of Andrew McCabe (December 19, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Mary McCord (November 1, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Alexander Nix (December 14, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Carter Page (November 2, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Brad Parscale (October 24, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (June 27, 2017)
Interview Transcript of John Podesta (December 4, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Samantha Power (October 13, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Erik Prince (November 30, 2017)
Letter from HPSCI to Department of Justice (April 30, 2019)
Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Susan Rice (September 8, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jonathan Saffron (October 12, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Anatoli Samochornov (November 28, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Keith Schiller (November 7, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Roger J. Stone, Jr. (September 26, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Jake Sullivan (December 21, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Matthew Tait (October 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes (August 30, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Donald Trump, Jr. (December 6, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017)
Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Democratic Minority Views (March 26, 2018)
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Republican Report on Russian Active Measures (March 22, 2018)

I wonder if the Schiff version differs from the versions DNI Grenell posted online?

ODNI Version:

Your link gives no credence that that suggestion. I would suppose that if there are differences in the releases they would be within the redactions.

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