posted on May, 6 2020 @ 02:34 PM
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Far more damaging to the retail sector and all of it's chain of job's and supply is actually the growing disparity between cost and wages, as the
runaway unregulated economic's that began in the Reagan/Thatcher Era have reached well beyond critical mass with the theft of our job's to Asian cheap
labour - I shall call it theft but it was a simple result of removing tariff's on imports from those nations - ostensibly under the pretense it was to
help those nations AND to our own corporation's when in fact it was merely corporations looting our economy's for there own profit margin and allowing
them to run amok.
The result of allowing Corporations to rule the world is economic's based on short term profit margin's, prime minister and presidents' whom do not
know there head from there arse ruling the show and the bleed of our wealth to a tiny minority of ultra elite wealthy and to supposedly cheap labor
hot spot's around the world but mostly to China.
The result of the Reagan/Thatcher years has been in real world term's falling wages for over thirty years now, houses that formerly were affordable
to most people in a job are now out of reach for most employed workers especially those that are the backbone of the tiny fraction of our industry's
that remain.
And it was not like economists of the time were not warning of this because they were only to then be called commies or radical socialists by the
lying, deceiving and utterly wretched right wing propaganda machine, we asked our governments to ensure that our job's would be secure, they then
allowed those job's to move out of our nation and only the elite received any protection from those we had voted in.
Wages fell for more than the past third of a century in real world term's never keeping up with inflation, some good's did become cheaper but at what
cost and these were only luxury's while real world good's we actually need for our people got slowly and then rapidly more and more expensive.
Supply and demand collapsed in the sense of the word that while there is still demand there is no longer the buying power in the hand's of the people
that do MOST of the buying in the retail sector.
Any future historian whom looks back, ignored the propaganda and see's the truth will wander how we were so dumb as to allow ourselves to be
bamboozled by crook's and bend politicians' into this damned economic dead end, only radical reform's, bringing our job's home, smaller trading
block's based around resources and shared economic's that are not open to the job exploitation market because that is an arterial bleed to our
economy's etc will ever fix this problem - and it will take time to mend no quick solutions, it took over 30 years to trash what took over 200 years
to build up, it will take at least 30 years to try to get back to a level footing while our government's and there corporate master's have given the
Chinese a spring board to leap ahead of us in that time - and they shall and all because of the rat that followed the cheese.