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China's 100yr Plan Coming To Fruition Thanks To Covid-19

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 12:58 AM
The Chinese Dream as quoted by Xi Jinping when he took power, and mentioned in a summit meeting with India's PM Nardendra Modi regarding closer India/China relations is coming to pass, maybe earlier than first envisioned, but it seems as good a time as any for their dream of global hegemony given the state of the World's economies. The timeline for this event was originally to culminate in 2049 the anniversary of Mao but sadly, it seems that the World wasn't quick enough to realise that China have now jumped the gun and are powering forward with their goal.

When China was finally admitted to the World Trade Organisation in the early 2000's no-one could have envisaged the China that we see today. Whilst the Leaders in Bejing might have admired the West's accomplisments and whilst we ultimately believed that everyone wanted to be like us, Bejing had other plans that did not include the abandonment of Communism in anyway. What many in the West didn't realise was that China has always been operated on the basis of the Warring States for hundreds of years and even today Xi Jinping refers to the Warring States frequently. The Warring States was a period of intense military activity colonisation and annexation and the major military strategy of all the successful wars they created was Deception. There is an old proverb in China that sums up China's history "On the outside be benevolent, on the inside be ruthless". This is called Shi and a prime example of china using Shi was in their early negotations under Mao in 1969 with President Nixon of the USA when Mao offered China as an ally against Russia sparking an economic revolution paid for by the West but on China's terms. All the victorious wars China have participated in from the distant past to the present have been based on the strategy of deception which they consider vital to military strategy. This can be seen in China's 16+1 strategy for trade outside China, whereby China and Eu member states allow and encouraged free reciprocal trade with China, only China has reneged on many of the trade deals made and now exports in great quantities whilst importing very little. Cheating in deals is not seen as an issue it is seen as a win for Chinese businesses and the State. In a recent Forbes article it is said

We hear a lot about China cheating on trade deals and taking jobs from Americans.

This is their strategy their benevolent face and hidden ruthlessness and willingness to cheat.

How does this relate to Covid-19 and the coronavirus? What is important is China's methodology, complete belief that their system of Government is superior and adherence to the plan and Shi. We are all aware now that most likely China has lied continually regarding the outbreak, this isn't news they have blamed anyone and anything for the outbreak except themselves. Apologising or admitting they screwed up goes against everything they believe in and would make them look weak, and of course, one of their greatest beliefs is saving face.

As we are all acutely aware, hardly a country has escaped severe misfortune in economic terms. Countries are going into great debt and are looking for bail outs and long term prospects are not looking good for many countries. The one country that appears to have actually started the ball rolling towards economic disaster, with the escape of the virus, is also the one country now out window shopping for bargains to get a foothold in more Western Countries and thereby have more say in many many areas of economics & politics using their leverage of "benevolence"

Now they are setting themselves up to become the Global Saviours by "helping" other countries with loans and putting them into severe debt to China and purchasing bankrupt businesses in order to "save" the economies of various nations. Some countries are now acknowledging that China are on the hunt and are taking steps to ensure that they keep their businesses out of Chinese hands. One of the many reasons countries need to ensure that China do not obtain an exorbitant amount of Western businesses is of course National Security in particular, Chinese sleeper agents and surveillance and one of China's main business interests is as we know, Technology.

The EU in particular Germany as of the 3rd April, are attempting to put in place measure that will prevent Chinese take overs of vulnerable companies due to coronavirus including a fund to assist local companies in danger of going bankrupt. Spain & Italy have also raised concerns as have Greece whose main ports are now in chinese hands
Spain's PM Pedro Sanchez said on the 17th March without specifically saying China

We are going to block foreign companies from taking control of strategic Spanish companies by taking advantage of the share price collapse

German Minister for Economic Affairs & Energy said:-

the record of Chinese companies, especially state-owned ones, buying up dozens of high-profile assets in countries hit by the European debt crisis, especially Greece and Portugal, weighs on policymakers across the continent.

With rapidly falling share prices, and Chinese investors having the backing of the unknown wealth of The Chinese State, they are primed to achieve, at least in part, the majority of their 100yr plan and sweep into Europe and beyond taking advantage of the coronavirus crisis. leaving the rest of the World in serious indebtedness to China and therefore giving china the leverage t . China has also set its sights on Serbia to name but one. With their clever use of "medical aid" the Serbs are now softly indebted to China for their benevolence which I am sure will be used as leverage at some point soon particularly after the gushing thanks from Serbia's Prime Minister to his "brother Xi Jinping". China is scouring the EU for more technology businesses too including the UK's Imagination company which makes smartphone chips. An uproar in Government circles prevented state run China Reform's attempts at a take over. Private Chinese investors are also hunting for bargains with Fosun International leading the way by acquiring 55% of French Jewellery Company Djula for a mere £30m a snip for such a prestigious company majority.

Whilst I wouldn't go as far as to say the virus was released into the West on purpose, this current "happy accident" has only one winner and that is, it appears, to be China and China only.

The 100yr Marathon great insightful book by Michael Pillsbury who coincidentally is now an advisor to Trump
EU To Bolster Defences Against Chinese Takeovers
Nikkei Asian Review

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:17 AM
Hopefully people and governments are waking up and will say, "No More !" With some of the bargain basement prices for some companies the world over this is a prime time for China to pounce. The CCP is the closest thing to a modern Mafia there is IMO. Unfortunately the CCPs total control over the Chinese people can stop anyone from causing a real change. Xi Jinping who was a red book carrying Maoist may be in trouble within the party, but whoever might replace him carried the same book to.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:30 AM
I'd call it clever subterfuge, although I don't think the Chinese Govt did this on purpose. The only reason I say this is because of their population density and living conditions in the poorer areas. Not so much the poor but the sheer amount of people packed into an amount of space within their borders. They have 1.4 billion people (accounted for, estimated or however that's tallied) in one of the densest areas of the planet. Neighborhoding countries to the southeast don't have huge populations by number until you factor in how tiny they are geographically.

It's amazing to me, a little too amazing, how it didn't spread like wildfire through China and into Southeast Asia the way it did in European countries and especially the United States. We have 328 million documented here, that's 1/5th of their population in roughly the same space, a bit smaller but not by much.

Why did it burn our cities down but theirs seemed immune to fire? Is there economy shut down with stay at home and social distancing in the larger areas like Shanghai and Beijing? If tourism and travel brought it to Europe and then it blew up in America, the Chinese don't travel much in their country or to the neighboring countries? What exactly explains this? "Agressive, early containment measures"? They must've been impeccible and amazing. I guess I need to look up how China avoided coronavirus on google search because I'm obviously ignorant.

So while I say they'd be a fool to intentionally release it, I'm also skeptical. We can theorize that since they knew they were going to release, they could've had a super plan in place to stop it destroying their nation more so than the rest of the world but just how good of a plan could you possibly have considering the population density. Too many unknown volatile variables to be able to implement such a plan in my opinion. The possible negative outcome and the danger of it would far outweigh the pros and the ideal outcome.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

These are my thoughts too. The very fact that China is so densely populated should have meant a death rate in the hundreds of thousands..possibly. However, when that assumption is brought up people are quick to jump in and state how the chinese were just so much better at containing it....and yet.....they did NOT stop international flights. That has always ground my gears. I do believe going on past history they wouldn't have any qualms over killing some of their own to appear "part of it", as a cover, but I can't hand on heart say I believe it was on purpose. But...the fact remains that they are certainly intent on capitalising on the economic crisis to their benefit

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

You may not get many likes for telling the Truth. But you've got my support. The world has gone to Sh"t.
edit on 5-5-2020 by TGunner because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: TGunner

Thank you. I can't say I'm too bothered for the stars & likes thing just needed to get it out there. Its so obvious to me it must be to others. There can be only one as Highlander would say
and I'm afraid that we in the West have set ourselves up to be sacrificed on the altar of the CCP

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

I'd call it clever subterfuge, although I don't think the Chinese Govt did this on purpose. The only reason I say this is because of their population density and living conditions in the poorer areas. Not so much the poor but the sheer amount of people packed into an amount of space within their borders.

And yet they didn't have many victim's of the covid or at least they say. How did they stop is so fast. Almost as if they were prepared for it.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:21 AM
I do not believe China is telling the truth about their covid19 casualties.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
I do not believe China is telling the truth about their covid19 casualties.

I don’t believe China is telling the truth about anything. Remember the hospitals built in a week? That took planning in advance to prefabricate the sections and to have equipment available. The Covid -19 pandemic is an evil plot by the leadership of an evil government.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Nickn3

I do believe there was an element of planning to all this, the rapid building of the hospital...clearly intended to show the Chinese people (and the world) just how superior they are in terms of management and containment of the virus. Saving face
once again. It became clear to me...well more clear...just how much the chinese despised the West when, after Italy had sent them emergency equipment and when Italy was in dire straights...the Chinese sought to SELL it back to them! The fact that they had agents buying up PPE across the world very early on in the pandemic and the fact that the PPE they sent out to other countries was of such poor quality as to be useless, same with their "testing kits".That says a lot about their mentality.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

The EU in particular Germany as of the 3rd April, are attempting to put in place measure that will prevent Chinese take overs of vulnerable companies due to coronavirus including a fund to assist local companies in danger of going bankrupt. Spain & Italy have also raised concerns as have Greece whose main ports are now in chinese hands
Spain's PM Pedro Sanchez said on the 17th March without specifically saying China

You cannot buy what is not for sale.

Maybe nationalising critical infrastructure and companies isn't a bad idea, maybe their needs to be oversight on trade? But in all honesty I cannot blame China for playing monopoly when we invented the game.

Change the rules or change the game, the EU should know better than anyone that it isn't protectionism when livelihoods are up for sale. These techniques and advantage taking are nothing new.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

But in desperate times....when someone is handing over cash for your shares which will get you out of a hole in the short term....who's going to say no?
Desperation throws principles outta the window often
But if it does come out that China purposefully either released the virus or delayed information on it and lied through their teeth, I think that shows some seriously shady practice and not one that will be accepted by their other trading partners. They are already in trouble with the 16+1 agreement they don't need more

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: highvein
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

I'd call it clever subterfuge, although I don't think the Chinese Govt did this on purpose. The only reason I say this is because of their population density and living conditions in the poorer areas. Not so much the poor but the sheer amount of people packed into an amount of space within their borders.

And yet they didn't have many victim's of the covid or at least they say. How did they stop is so fast. Almost as if they were prepared for it.

Funny you say that... Dig into that one. I for sure remember seeing Chinese students saying that China had everything taken care of in advance.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

There's a million and one ways to stop a financial travesty without selling out. We can print money, we can stimulate economies and outright make new ones if needs be.

If China are buying us out the failure is on us.

Who knows with China, and right now it hardly matters if this virus was purposeful or not because the narrative will be spun to fit the nefarious ways of each nation/spider.

If this is the wake-up call to stop dealing with China then so be it, but its not like people haven't been warned and warned before, problem is it was never the richest of the rich losing out so they couldn't give a damn till now.

I mean, I don't hate Americans for buying out the empire after WWII, that was on us too.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:13 AM
China didn't even see India coming....and right now no one sees Africa coming either……. China is no longer an imminent potential World Leader….they chose to build by force … not natural impetus.Unless China makes a 360 degree turn they are not evolving anymore they are regressing.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: GraffikPleasure

I do recall a video of Chinese people screaming fake which of course quickly vanished

The big question is are we i.e. the rest of the planet going to sit back and permit China to rule through debt? I recall all the various threads over the years screaming racism against British Colonialism (I'm originally from Rhodesia) and yet we sit back and don't say a word to China and their colonial expansion throughout Africa and the world.

Are we going to allow/continue to allow China access to our security through nefarious trade deals to which they don't reciprocate? There have already been too many scandals such as Huawei and information gathering issues that go back years but we have done little about it except exchange a few bad words.

Are we too entrenched now in our need for Chinese products and services that we can't escape? Does Made in Britain or Made in the USA mean nothing now as we've turned into a throw away society?

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Friday, January 1, 2021

I think its disgusting how Wuhan CHINA celebrated the arrival of 2021 as usual:

While thanks to the China Virus, Covid-19, Times Square NYCity was virtually empty:

Yet Democrats and the Mainstream Media think China can do no wrong. In fact, CBS ran a special 2 nights ago praising China for allowing U.S. scientists and astronomers to use Chinese labs and telescopes, which are more modern than what is available here in the United States. It felt like China owned CBS News.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Yet Democrats and the Mainstream Media think China can do no wrong.


The Chinese government's oppressive and discriminatory treatment of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang is "genocide" and former US Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden "stands against it in the strongest terms", the Biden campaign has said.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

These are my thoughts too. The very fact that China is so densely populated should have meant a death rate in the hundreds of thousands..possibly. However, when that assumption is brought up people are quick to jump in and state how the chinese were just so much better at containing it....and yet.....they did NOT stop international flights. That has always ground my gears. I do believe going on past history they wouldn't have any qualms over killing some of their own to appear "part of it", as a cover, but I can't hand on heart say I believe it was on purpose. But...the fact remains that they are certainly intent on capitalising on the economic crisis to their benefit

Except that China isn't densely populated. It's a lot of nothing with a handful of big cities. Most of China is either empty or is small towns. I've flown over China many many times and it's miles and miles of nothing most of the way.

China is pretty much Nevada or New Mexico in that regard.

Plus, in Wuhan when somebody got sick they were taken to an isolation facility where they are surrounded by people in PPE. When somebody in America gets sick they send them home to their families so their families inevitably get sick as well.

China isn't seeing the same death or infection rates as America because China is using the Asian equivalent of a FEMA internment camp.

Plus, China has low rates of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, which are all co-morbidities common to the West. So when a Chinese person gets it they are less likely to die because their basic health is likely to be better.

There's no conspiracy here. When you know and understand China it all adds up.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: GraffikPleasure

I do recall a video of Chinese people screaming fake which of course quickly vanished

Given that Youtube, Twitter and Facebook are all doing pretty much the same thing now, isn't this more the case of China merely being a couple of months ahead of the censorship curve?

You can't rag on China for doing in March what America does in October without ragging on America as well.

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