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Virus World

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posted on May, 3 2020 @ 05:19 PM
(warning: mild doom porn)

So, what after COVID-19?
What about the next outbreak? A worse outbreak?
We're all whining about today's social distancing issues, and how much we're looking forward to the stay at home orders being lifted in the coming weeks/months.
It's a temporary thing though, what about next time? The next virus could hit at any time. Lab created or naturally occurring, there's another one in the works, you and I both know it, just like quite a few of us saw COVID-19 coming because it was just a matter of time until a virus decided to alter human life as we know it.
With this marvelous wake up call (C19), the world is obviously going to be different after the whole thing clears up, but that's just it, it won't clear up. C19 is going to be another thing we all just have to deal with, probably especially in winter or so I've read, but think about this:

A world structured around Viruses and trying to beat them.

What I mean is this: C19 is a wake up call for the future, a mildly fatal disease that is essentially "training" for the next much worse disease that could show up.
Also, it's a jolt in the medical research field that could start a direction of one day hopefully eliminating human fatality due to viral infection some time down the line (wouldn't that be great, eh?). Maybe C19 is the bump in the rear humanity needed to start down the road for a brighter future with less flu deaths etc.

But until then, it's dark times (depending on your idea of dark. I don't like people and I enjoy social distancing so for me it's happy times).
Probably social distancing reqs for years, and when the next virus comes out (or if, if we're being positive and naive), it just gets worse. And worse. And worse.

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Vulnerable. Nature = Scary. So basically what the point of this ramble is, think about next time. Think about how the world is shaping to be a world in a continuous fight against a monster a billionth of the size of a human being: the virus.
How something so tiny can shape an entire society.

It's not over and it's not going to be. There will be a break, yeah, sure, but what about next virus, how much worse are the gov't restrictions going to be that time? How much worse will the actual virus be? If that hits in our lifetimes, get ready for some fun things
Stay tuned... Earth will let you know.

Stock up on your beer and get friendly with books my friends.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Crosswinds

If everybody keeps wearing masks and gloves and sanitizing the heck out of everything it wont even take a weird new plague to take huge numbers of us out- all it will take is pretty much any average virus or bacteria to do it.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Crosswinds

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Vulnerable. Nature = Scary

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Gullible . Governments = Scary

This seems more befitting.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

a reply to: KKLOCO

Y'all are both spot on.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Crosswinds

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Vulnerable. Nature = Scary

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Gullible . Governments = Scary

This seems more befitting.

I was about to say!
And yes, all the experts say...we'll probably never know....except, the reason we/they don't know is?
edit on 3-5-2020 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Crosswinds

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Vulnerable. Nature = Scary

Humanity remembered something in 2020. Humans = Gullible . Governments = Scary

This seems more befitting.

Exactly and after this faux pandemic episode, you gotta wonder what they got planned for the sequel faux alien invasion, faux terrorist attack.

been posted before and it gets more apropos everyday

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Woo! That video was awesome! Yeah I'm just gonna start using the same brush for every part of my body now. I feel empowered. (Ok, maybe not, but still, awesome video and everyone should see it)

Ok so 2:15 to echo a previous response to this thread, a topic that's probably worth a whole 'nother thread in the future, yes: we all wear masks and gloves and stuff and our immune systems get "out of practice" then yeah, one common cold and we're all gonna be toast, man. Toast. Burnt toast. Coughing burnt toast.
With a sneeze on top.
And maybe a dead.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Crosswinds
Human life was actually altered by humans reacting to a physiological operation, not the virus itself. With the documented inflating of statistics, the financial benefit to hospitals to document as many patients as possible as infected with corona, and the clear financial gain for two of the worlds richest humans in history it should be pretty obvious now that the elite have perfected mind control. Won't be long till folks, like yourself OP, will be monitoring the streets with drones to report anybody to authorities for daring to step out of their prison and interact with a society that they pay taxes for.

What is your price for abandoning your liberty and the principles of freedom?? Is the one time $1200 deposit enough?? Or do you need a regular payout for not working to comply with the revocation of your liberty?? I am curious, seems like many young kids who never have to work to begin with sure are a fan of the payout policies that would see teenagers getting a monthly payment that could get them a new used car every month. For doing nothing but breathing.

I am sure as long as your type keeps getting regular payouts, they are more than content living in a cell under the watchful eye of stoolies.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Huh not really sure what you're talking about, I don't even remember what my OP was about.

Welp thanks for the responses guys!

Have a nice night

posted on May, 6 2020 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Worldstar...did you intend ypur reply for a different thread? It doesn't fit with what you're replying to at all.

That said, do you think there is some benefit to "the elite" to people getting paid to not be productive? What would be the point to all of this?

So many people saying the goal is to take away freedom and keep people "locked in their homes." I just wonder - if that's the case, what for? There has to be some kind of explanation, right?

Best I can come up with for how we've responded to this, is that its a countermeasure in an economic war. Or maybe its just "follow what the other guy (national leader, governor, mayor, etc) is doing, as they don't want tobe the one to make the wrong decision.

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