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Boris Johnson reveals doctors prepared to announce his death as he battled coronavirus

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posted on May, 3 2020 @ 05:46 AM
Boris Johnson has given an interview to the Sun on Sunday in which he recounts his time in St Thomas's hospital and the decline that led to his move to intensive care and the preparations for the announcement of his death as his condition declined.

He added: “It was a tough old moment, I won’t deny it. They had a strategy to deal with a ‘death of Stalin’-type scenario.

"I was not in particularly brilliant shape and I was aware there were contingency plans in place.

“The doctors had all sorts of arrangements for what to do if things went badly wrong.

“They gave me a face mask so I got litres and litres of oxygen and for a long time I had that and the little nose jobbie.”

The stark reality of his plight quickly struck home when he was wired up to monitors and moved into intensive care.

He told how “the bloody indicators kept going in the wrong direction” and he realised there was no cure for Covid-19.

During his life-or-death struggle at St Thomas’ Hospital last month, Boris kept asking himself: “How am I going to get out of this?”

He recalled: “It was hard to believe that in just a few days my health had deteriorated to this extent. I remember feeling frustrated. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting better.

“But the bad moment came when it was 50-50 whether they were going to have to put a tube down my windpipe.

“That was when it got a bit . . . they were starting to think about how to handle it presentationally."

Sitting in his office at 10 Downing Street, Mr Johnson welled up as he relived the extraordinary two weeks in which he nearly lost his own life but recovered in time to see the birth of another – his new son Wilfred.

I'm not a natural Tory supporter nor a great fan of Bullingdon Boris but his stance on Brexit won my temporary support , on a Human level I was concerned for his welfare when he was admitted to hospital and his subsequent admission to the ICU , reading his words shows just how close we were to losing our PM and perhaps our only real chance to leave the European Union , I have a feeling that his brush with death and his salvation at the hands of the NHS will result in a stronger and more in tune PM than any we've known this generation.

Good luck Boris.

(post by Zcustosmorum removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: gortex

If the viral load, the amount of virus cells you were initially infected by, is the biggest variable affecting how severe of an infection you get, he must've come into contact with quite a bit at some point; inhaling a sneeze versus shaking a hand. Then again, I'm not 100% on that being an indicator but it seems logical.

Someone like Rand Paul for example:

Paul went into quarantine after learning his initial test results in March. He later said he had been tested the prior week but continued working at the Capitol because he had no symptoms of the illness and believed it was “highly unlikely” he was sick. Paul also said he did not have direct contact with anyone who tested positive for the virus or was sick.

Paul’s refusal to self-quarantine after being tested drew harsh criticism from some of his colleagues.

Paul said last month that he took the initial test because of his extensive travel prior to the start of social-distancing practices and because he’s at a higher risk for serious complications from the virus. The senator had part of a lung removed last year in a procedure he says stemmed from injuries he suffered when a neighbor tackled him outside his Kentucky home in 2017.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former health policy adviser to President Barack Obama, said recently that Paul “did just about everything wrong” by not self-quarantining in the days before his test results came back.
In defending his actions, Paul said at the time: “For those who want to criticize me for lack of quarantine, realize that if the rules on testing had been followed to a tee, I would never have been tested and would still be walking around the halls of the Capitol. The current guidelines would not have called for me to get tested nor quarantined. It was my extra precaution, out of concern for my damaged lung, that led me to get tested.”

Most people who contract COVID-19 have mild or moderate symptoms, which can include fever and cough but also milder cases of pneumonia, sometimes requiring hospitalization. The risk of death is greater for older adults and people with other health problems.

He's of an older age and had part of a lung removed last year. He tested positive for coronavirus and yet he didn't fall seriously ill. When you compare that to a case like Boris Johnson's, you see the drastic difference.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:27 AM
I don´t even believe that he suffered from Covid-19. I rather think they wanted to make the people believe that he is one of them. Look, i can get Covid like you can, we are the same. And when even the prime minister gets it, then the current corona panic is not even enough and the people will do everything the emperors say will save the poor people from Covid-19. Even if it doesn´t make sense at all.

Do we have any hard evidence that he really suffered from Covid-19 or do we just have to believe that story?

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

I don't think hearing about his hospital story is appropriate right now, besides that, it's still part of his PR campaign, which is kind of pathetic

I think it's appropriate because it echos the experience of many in the UK at the moment but then I'm not against him because of what I think he is , I'm willing to give him a chance even though I know who he was.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: gortex
Who was he?

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter
I have to wonder..... who is cutting his hair?

edit on 3-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I don´t even believe that he suffered from Covid-19.

Of course , it makes perfect sense to go to a public hospital to be treated by public medical staff and pretend to have Corona virus , the hard working doctors and nurses that didn't treat his infection are obviously paid shills pushing the false narrative.

You don't believe it because you don't want to believe it , it matters not in the real world.

edit on 3-5-2020 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Who was he?

edit on 3-5-2020 by gortex because: Don't feed the troll

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

I don't think hearing about his hospital story is appropriate right now, besides that, it's still part of his PR campaign, which is kind of pathetic

I think it's appropriate because it echos the experience of many in the UK at the moment but then I'm not against him because of what I think he is , I'm willing to give him a chance even though I know who he was.

What do you think he is?
And who was he?

Seems you were asleep when you wrote the post!!!

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Seems you were asleep when you wrote the post!!!

edit on 3-5-2020 by gortex because: don't feed the troll

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:52 AM


posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Here's a comprehensive overview.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Here's a comprehensive overview.

Thanks....I will take a look.

But that link is not on this thread...... which link did I miss in this thread?


You removed the post stating that I was asleep and missed the link!!
edit on 3-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: Don't trust Gortex!

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:57 AM


(post by Itisnowagain removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: DISRAELI
I am asking a genuine question...... What link on this thread says who Boris Johnson was?

Do you know?

edit on 3-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:14 AM


posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: gortex

I'm not a natural Tory supporter nor a great fan of Bullingdon Boris but his stance on Brexit won my temporary support ,

That's where I think it was an attempted hit on Boris Johnson. You get rid of him, you lose any chance of getting out of the european union. Only it didn't work and he recovered.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 07:18 AM

edit on 3-5-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

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