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99 percent of us won’t die. 100 percent need our next paycheck

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posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:51 PM
I don't know about the rest of you, but between unemployment, and the extra 600 a week from the government, im making roughly a paycheck every week. plus that 1200 stimulus on top of my tax return, im living fat in the hog right now without a care in the world.... in fact, ive gained 8 pounds in the last couple weeks because im eating better and more now, than when I was working. as far as im concerned things can stay like this for awhile longer. its like a nice extra long paid vacation right now. when is that 2000 dollar check coming btw?

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: GreenGunther
100% suffer because 0.1% is vulnerable.
Remind you of any other agendas?

I call it anti-liberty and anti-humanitarian.

The anti-liberty crowd who think abortion is essential are quick to deny others "my body my choice".

more suicide in TN due to isolation than COVID deaths
huge rise in child abuse
rise in spousal abuse
enormous rise in mental health issues due to isolation
media terrorized people into being afraid to go to the hospital with treatable problems, so they died at home and gave birth at home

edit on 5/3/20 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
Is your paycheck worth even 1 of those extra deaths?

Is just one prevented death justification for making life harder for another? For several others? For a family of others? For tens of thousands?

We both know the answer to this, and it's No.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:09 PM
There hasn't been any mandate interferring with the meat processors, and yet, how many have shut down because of the virus outbreaks??
I have to ask... just what makes you think that our economy would be chugging happily along if only the states didnt step in and shut things down? That the workforce would stay healthy and keep showing up for work? That the customers would be out wining and dining, going into packed movie theaters or sports stadiums?

And, I just love trumps answer to the meat packing problem.. it kind of reminds me of obamacare.
We cant afford insurance was answered with oh well, we will just require you all to get it. Now its we cant keep our meat processing plants up and running because hundreds of our employees are getting sick is just getting a executive order for them to stay open.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: McGinty

Yes my freedom to earn my paycheck is worth my life and the lives of everyone who agrees with me.

Like those who came before me I would gladly sacrifice my life to protect our freedoms.

They sold us the lockdowns to flatten the curve, now the curve is flat, the hospitals are not overwhelmed, we have a supply chain ramping up production of necessary items. I supported flattening the curve.

BTW I am an essential worker. I wasn’t given a choice. I was drafted into the war. No one gave me an option to quit and hide while unemployment pays the bills.

So if it’s ok for me to risk my life everyday because I am an “essential worker”, and my job is no more or less of a risk than 99% of the non essential workers, then I think everyone needs to be drafted into the war and we can run like Sweden.

We can accept that death is a natural process and take whatever precautions that seem necessary to help minimize the risk for those with the highest risk of dying prematurely.

More people will die from depression related diseases and suicide than the Wuhan Virus if we don’t get back to our humanity.

Are you willing to let one more hopeless person commit suicide because you are afraid that you might die? Or one more person OD on drugs or alcohol?

Whose death is acceptable? The one influenced by nature or the one determined by fear?

edit on 3-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

We would look a lot like Sweden. Most places would be running at half capacity or less. A few places like sporting events and amusement parks would be closed due to the viral load that one would be exposed to in large groups.

Busses and Subways would be used only by those who had to. Executives who could work from home would work from home.

The economy would still crash but far less than a complete shutdown. And so much easier for us to ease back in as people’s fears subsided and the need for human contact outweighed the fear of dying.

This is actually quite simple. I envy Sweden and the other countries who have operated in a similar fashion. Countries that placed freedom and common sense above fear. I would gladly move there if someone offered me a job and a one way ticket there.

The meat packing plants should be treated like hospitals. Whatever PPE can be work should be, and testing, a lot of testing. We can’t just shut down our food chain.

Should people die from a natural condition or starvation. Their is no third option. Life is full of tough decisions and this is one of those tough decisions.

edit on 3-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:10 PM
That’s fair and I am quite guilty of doing the exact same thing.


posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

The curve isnt flattened in my neck of the woods.. they are saying maybe in a few more weeks, but then a bunch of lunatics flocked into richmond because the few more weeks were too long so we might see a bigger spike instead of a flattening.
It doesnt sound like our hospitals have all that they need either.
But, hey, they can open up dc and the surrounding areas first. Dont think they have flattened yet either but hey... they should lead by example. They can be the guinea pig, if it doesnt end in disaster maybe the rest of virginia will follow.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

One meat packing plant announced they would be testing all of their employees. They started with management, and stopped. Probably because they didnt like what they were seeing. All three of my sons are considered essential workers. One is in a high risk group, he ain't gonna work.. and since we haven't been able to find any sanitizer wipes on the store shelves since before we even had our first confirmed case around here... well, sorry, people can fix their own danged plumbing problems for all I care and if they happen to have a closet full of sanitizer that they hoarded I hope their danged sewage system backs up so bad their pipes burst in their face. The other two are working, but they haven't been offered anything as far as ppe by their employer. All they've done was come up with a questionnaire for them to fill out. One of the questions was have you come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. He asked me how the heck was he supposed to know, his job has him talking to strangers all day as they drive through. And, even if he did know, what good would it do really when the virus so often results in mild symptoms or no symptoms and they are being so picky with who they test. We have nurses working in our hospital who have been treating covid patients being refused testing after one of them became seriously ill and tested positive.
They are not protecting the workers they have working now and, our workforce shouldnt be considered just another easily replacable disposable commodity.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

I’m sorry to hear that. Where I am at it seems like anyone who wants testing can get testing. My employer has ensured we have masks, gloves and plenty of sanitizer. We will even shut down if we run out of these things.

I have had several coworkers get tested and all came back negative. In the beginning they were denying tests and recommending two weeks off but now people are getting tested and returning to work in just a few days.

I hope the situation where you are at improves to something similar to what I am experiencing.
edit on 3-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: McGinty

Yes my freedom to earn my paycheck is worth my life and the lives of everyone who agrees with me.

Like those who came before me I would gladly sacrifice my life to protect our freedoms.

They sold us the lockdowns to flatten the curve, now the curve is flat, the hospitals are not overwhelmed, we have a supply chain ramping up production of necessary items. I supported flattening the curve.

BTW I am an essential worker. I wasn’t given a choice. I was drafted into the war. No one gave me an option to quit and hide while unemployment pays the bills.

So if it’s ok for me to risk my life everyday because I am an “essential worker”, and my job is no more or less of a risk than 99% of the non essential workers, then I think everyone needs to be drafted into the war and we can run like Sweden.

We can accept that death is a natural process and take whatever precautions that seem necessary to help minimize the risk for those with the highest risk of dying prematurely.

More people will die from depression related diseases and suicide than the Wuhan Virus if we don’t get back to our humanity.

Are you willing to let one more hopeless person commit suicide because you are afraid that you might die? Or one more person OD on drugs or alcohol?

Whose death is acceptable? The one influenced by nature or the one determined by fear?

"Drafted into this war." Really? on what planet? you poor war torn baby..... good lord. . imagine, you on the front line of this WAR!!!! ..... you have no idea what war is if you are calling this being drafted into a war buddy.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: gunshooter

I am simply repeating the term used by the president and Media. Not sure what you don’t understand. I didn’t create this “war” against an invisible enemy but I did feel like it made sense to use the terms that are being thrown at us by those in charge.

In no way does this pandemic resemble anything like a war but apparently our leaders don’t understand that.

Not sure why you felt the need to attack me?

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

The last company I worked for had a habit of wanting a doctors note proving you were sick if you called in, the company my sons work at is the same way..
You can tell the people to stay home if they are sick all day long, but if there is no health insurance to help pay the cost of that doctors visit to confirm you were feeling crappy (if you can get into a drs office in a timely manner), or paid sick leave.... you can probably assume people are showing up at work even if they are sick.
Which is one big difference between the us and Sweden... universal healthcare and paid sick leave. Heck, how many lost their insurance when they lost their job?

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: McGinty
Is your paycheck worth even 1 of those extra deaths?

Is just one prevented death justification for making life harder for another? For several others? For a family of others? For tens of thousands?

We both know the answer to this, and it's No.

Wrong, my answer is yes! And I imagine many others will say yes via the gift of empathy - a gift that obviously doesn’t way you down. Though there’ll may well be an unusually high number of sociopaths attracted to this thread.

If you were introduced to a person and family, their parents, children... you’d be ok telling that person and their family you want that individual to die so that you can leave lockdown sooner because you want your paycheck?

If your answer to that is ‘yes’, then I’m afraid you’re an irredeemably terrible person. You are selfish beyond belief. Don’t tell me this individual is more selfish because they want don’t want to die in order to make others lives easier. Those others, however many need to suck it up if life itself is at stake and the vast majority will happily do so if it means saving lives.

The delusion of sociopaths is that they think that everyone else is as bad as them, as selfish as them. It’s their way of justifying their abhorrent callus choices.

If your answer is indeed as you state ‘yes’, then and next time you watch a movie with a character that gets others killed because of their distorted sense of entitlement, I’m afraid that’s the character you should be relating to. I don’t wish to overly twist the knife - I only say this because, as above, most sociopaths have a distorted self image in which they think they’re hard done by and the hero of their story. This couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to folk whom are are willing to throw others out of the lifeboat just so they can stretch their legs.

You keep telling yourself it’s because it’ll make things easier for tens of thousands, but anyone prepared to end that life for the sake of ‘ease’ is doing it for themselves.

If you’ve had a change of heart and wish to change your answer to ‘no’, then that’s a relief and I apologise for ranting at you, but from your reformed moral position I’m sure you can see why I’m so horrified at your original answer.

But, I’m not betting that someone ok with condemning others to death so they can pay their bills all from the safety of their PC won’t be changing their MO any time soon.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73

So if it’s ok for me to risk my life everyday because I am an “essential worker”, and my job is no more or less of a risk than 99% of the non essential workers, then I think everyone needs to be drafted into the war and we can run like Sweden.

So by that logic In your ‘war’ you think that if it’s ok for you to be taking fore, then the old and weak should be right beside you taking fire too; why should they get off? What a hero!

How dare these crusty old MFs and these pathetic children with chronic conditions stand in the way of your right to do what the f*** you want, when you want. Kill all those selfish sheep - dump them in a hole and cover it quick so you can resume the way of life you know you’re god dammed entitled too. It’s your right as an American citizen to kill anything that impedes your constitutional freedoms. Go, hero!

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: gunshooter
I am simply repeating the term used by the president and Media.

If that’s where you get your truth from, then I’ve got just one thing to say to you... please don’t try and put disinfectant inside your body!

C’mon, next you’ll be saying that if the Prez told you to push a doctor or an old person under a bus just so you can get all your freedoms back, then you would? Oh, wait a minute, that Is what you’re saying.

If this were a war, then all the enemy has to do is drop some pamphlets promising that you wouldn’t have to sacrifice any of your freedoms for the sake of others lives ever again and you’d switch sides in a heartbeat.

Pity ATS hasn’t got a forum for Heroes, cos that where this thread belongs. Honest!

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 07:28 AM
If you haven't figured out by now.

The Wuflu has been about destroying a roaring economy than your health.

If people can not see that after everything that's went on the past three years.

That's sad.

And that one percent on capital hill and in governor mansions really don't give one eff bout you and yours.

All they care about is power and control, and will do anything to keep it, and maintain it.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: neo96

Are you saying the virus isn’t real?

If you accept that the virus itself is real (whatever the source) then how does your thesis change how we behave as individuals?

At the end of the day we still have to choose between doing and not doing selfish things that will get innocent people on the front lines, as well as the old and weak among us killed.

Maybe it is all a set up, but unless you want throw 100s of thousands, maybe millions under the bus to avoid what might be a trap, then you’re gonna have to suck it up.

edit on 4-5-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

They are also branding all area's the same, where I am, I don't know anybody who is sick or has been sick same with my co-workers and hospitals are empty, this isn't a one shoe fits all scenario. It's time for people to go back to work, you want to keep sporting events and movie theaters closed, ok. But at this point I feel even all restaurants could reopen.
edit on 4-5-2020 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Are you saying the virus isn’t real?

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