posted on May, 1 2020 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to:
If one is born and raised in Earth one can't be an alien.
UFO encounters often ignite a certain pull towards mysticism. But surprisingly often it seems to happen to people who were on a
occult/new-age/soul-search path already. A bit of a chicken or egg problem.
And personally I think you can equate religion with history of contact and not even aliens are aliens.
The problem after all is that the majority who want to believe, want it to be nuts'n bolts flesh'n blood while there's not much that supports that.
And what is actually going on happens in the perception device, but annectdotal evidence of billions over the years doesn't really count because
nobody knows what's happening, because nobody met them/god/aliens/angels/demons in the flesh, because they just aren't.
Do those people know more, do they have superpowers? Of course not. That doesn't mean that they're not one step ahead of the not-contactees in ...
Well who know? Submitting their application? Figuring out the truth? Maybe t/g/a/a/d are looking really desperate for someone who doesn't fall into
one of the many many mental traps? Who doesn't want fame/power/glory but is willing and ready to kill the ego? Everyday....